U gonna die in 3 months from testosterone only?

You're definitely a teenager and being absolutely ridiculous. No you will not die from 500mg test

In case this isn't a troll thread and this guy is just an autistic or high on freebase Im going to attempt to offer steroid advice which I don't often do. However Im quite sure the following 2 points are valid.

Places NOT to inject.

Do not inject directly into your heart

Injecting directly into the heart can cause immediate cardiac arrest, arrhythmias, or other life-threatening complications.

so don't do that.


Injecting into the lungs (e.g., accidentally injecting into a vein that leads to the lungs) can cause pulmonary embolism or respiratory failure.

good luck.
If you are generally healthy it is very unlikely you will die from being on 500mg of test for 3 months.

We can't guarantee jack shit, and who knows maybe you have some major underlying health issue that will get exposed by the test, but 500mg test is about as safe as it gets for blasting. If that isn't something you can handle, this isn't the lifestyle for you.
In case this isn't a troll thread and this guy is just an autistic or high on freebase Im going to attempt to offer steroid advice which I don't often do. However Im quite sure the following 2 points are valid.

Places NOT to inject.

Do not inject directly into your heart

Injecting directly into the heart can cause immediate cardiac arrest, arrhythmias, or other life-threatening complications.

so don't do that.


Injecting into the lungs (e.g., accidentally injecting into a vein that leads to the lungs) can cause pulmonary embolism or respiratory failure.

good luck.
i would say most safe way for him is to inject into calves.
You can get hit by a car outta nowhere tomorrow and be gone tomorrow.

So what you really asking?

There are certaing things that are unknown and cannot be answered. We don't have such power.

Using Testosterone will PROBABLY shorten your lifespan, will it? Maybe.

Although with all the essential stuff easily available and the knowledge that we have today, it's arguably safe to say that using Test only CORRECTLY and not abusing it, you can live long enough to enjoy life as a villain with superpowers. Or at least a lion among masses of average people perhaps.

Hell, we have it so good that on and off you can stay on 300-500mg/week of Testosterone decades depending on your age. Though, not everyone and blood work with a proper health monitoring is necessary to be safe.

It's important to create something that is sustainable long term. You have to get to know your body well first.

Some people can blast multiple steroids for years and recover just fine. Some can't. Some are in between.

Some can only take 250mg/week and get all the benefits without risking much. Some need more.

For example I can stay on Testosterone 375mg/week for 6-8 months and then I cruise off on 150-160mg for 3 or so months before I recharge and feel good again. Blood work says it's a green light and no other bad crap happening in my life at the moment, I can go at it again and repeat all over.