U gonna die in 3 months from testosterone only?

If I read all of you guys’ replies when I was high i wouldve freaked out and died from a panic attack

You should be taking this as a life lesson, you're barely an adult and taking steroids at the age of 19 is absurd.

If you truly want to get bigger/stronger/look better etc then you should be dedicating lots of time to the gym, focusing on a diet and just putting in the time as you'll see results.

You clearly don't have a foundation at the age of 19 and are likely brand new to the gym scene, steroids will fuck you up at that age as your endocrine system isn't finished developing yet.

Get off the anabolics, get in the gym, get off the drugs and look for some workout/diet plans if this seriously is a goal of yours.

If you stick with this for 5-6 years and see lots of progress being made then reconsider anabolics when you're older such as 28-30 etc

If you do continue this cycle please look into a pct plan as when you stop your balls won't produce any testosterone and you'll be fully shutdown.
Meaning your dick might not work, you'll have no energy and lethargic all the time it will be miserable for months
If I read all of you guys’ replies when I was high i wouldve freaked out and died from a panic attack
I don't understand the high. But you have to be realistic. Leave that optimistic shit behind and pessimistic stuff in the trash can. Life ain't black and white, but it ain't rainbows and sunshine either. It's about creating and sustaining. Hard work and discipline over time is what will yield you the results. What you put in, is what you get. Balance everything out and make it sustainable and possible long term, that is the only way to get it right. Experience is invaluable. Remember all the shit and good things and in between you go through in life is a lesson learned and it makes you stronger if you continue to push yourself and not give up. Be a man, nobody owes you nothing, but you. So pick yourself up and go get it.
So we can conclude I am not gonna die so I’m gonna continue with cycle
Dude just stop your cycle. It's not bringing you anything but anxiety and high BP. I think you have a drug addiction problem and a self image problem in combination with youthful stupidity. This might not end well. your fears are rational and your subconsious is trying to tell you something. Rec drugs and steroids will get you killed much quicker than you think. Just get out of here and get your shit together. That's what a real man would do.
Dude just stop your cycle. It's not bringing you anything but anxiety and high BP. I think you have a drug addiction problem and a self image problem in combination with youthful stupidity. This might not end well. your fears are rational and your subconsious is trying to tell you something. Rec drugs and steroids will get you killed much quicker than you think. Just get out of here and get your shit together. That's what a real man would do.
My bp is normal and I feel fine
I just injected 300mg
My hematocrit is also normal and
LDL and HDL are in range
I am not going to smoke while on cycle because that is so stupid
I’ll never post like this again and it was only one post, im continuing my blast phase
Do whatever man we're not interested. You came to this forum seeking advice. You got it and then disregarded it. What do you expect? That we're all of a sudden interested in reading about how you continued your blast and lived happily ever after (and died three months later)? No