Unbelievable... IGF-1 is low


New Member
I can't believe what I saw on my blood test results. Before I went on a 5 IUs HGH a day, my natural HGH level was 0.03 ng/mL or something like that.

Current HGH level (on 5 IUs a day) is 5.88ng/mL, and reference range is 0.00 - 3.00.

So I'm satisfied with the HGH level. However, the IGF-1 level is unbelievably low.

IGF-1 is 248.5ng/mL, and the reference range is 60.0 - 350.0

I expected IGF-1 to be slightly or significantly above the reference, not within the reference range.

So, I'm injecting a crazy dose (5 IUs a day), and IGF-1 is still within reference range. Does that mean that when my HGH level was natural (0.03 ng/mL), my IGF-1 was actually below the reference range? Because if it's only 248.5 ng/mL when the HGH level is 5.58 ng/mL, which is well above the reference range, then how much was it when HGH was 0.03, which is below reference range for HGH in adults?

I'm legit scared and terrified right now. Is it reasonable to assume my face (facial bone), body (size and height), and secondary male sex characteristics are underdeveloped, assuming my HGH has always been low, which caused low IGF-1 during the rapid growth phase of my body?

If significantly elevated HGH can't cause my IGF-1 to be above reference range, does that mean that the natural HGH level, which is usually low, kept IGF-1 below or at the bottom of the reference range my whole life?
That your igf1 is low naturally now doesn’t mean it was low when you were younger.
How old are you?
How long on the hgh?
What other drugs are you taking?
How is your liver health?
There so many factors involved in your igf1 response.
And you shouldn’t bother with your natural hgh level since it’s released during sleep.
Ah the weekly underdeveloped penis, bones, or height thread.

This time the guy isn't trying to fix those issues with drugs. He's questioning if his penis is tiny because his igf result isn't what he expected?

Just when I thought I had seen it all.

You need to do more research on the drugs you're using. Understand the consequences, side effects, risks, etc.

IGF results aren't a reliable indicator of anything unless you strictly control all variables outside of HGH use and test it multiple times. It's influenced by too many factors for this one result to have any meaningful significance.
IGF-1 numbers seem to be very inconsistent even with higher gh doses. On 6iu/day my IGF-1 was 266. On 10iu recently it was 842. I don’t know what happened to cause it to convert to IGF-1 in such high amounts or what changed this, but I don’t seem to be growing much more rapidly. My nails are growing a little faster than before but not much else has changed
You're jumping to a lot of conclusions based on 1 blood test. You're ideas about "make sex characteristics" are wildly off as well. GH blood test is fairly worthless to find your natty baseline. Do some reading on natural GH pulses.

5 IU GH is not a crazy dose.

IGF-1 is quite variable. You didn't say how long you have been on 5 IU. IGF can take a number of weeks to raise to new level. It is also affected by your genetics, liver, health, calorie, surplus/deficit, E2 level, other compounds you're taking, etc.

You need to do a lot more reading on these topics and understand them before trying to interpret your own lab results and jumping to wild conclusions. You seem very anxious and prone to sliding into negative ideas.
I've mentioned this before and I'll emphasize it again: blood IGF is an unreliable metric due to its susceptibility to numerous variables. What matters is intramuscular IGF, but measuring it is impractical as it requires a muscle autopsy.
Igf-1 will be low due to

-caloric deficit
-time / the longer you take exogenous rHGH the more the body adapts and produces antibodies (and the lower Igf-1 will be, to a certain point)
-low estrogen if I remember correctly but not sure so take it as what it's worth
My igf-1 last tested was a 137… liver is normal… but test levels being off trt for 10 years was a whopping 760 wowzers never had it that high without trt