Unexpectedly low DHT


New Member
I'm on a permanent blast with 300-350 mg of testosterone a week and various oral steroids are used from time to time. I'm basically switching from one cycle to another while being on a permanent blast as a testosterone base. I don't take breaks and do PCTs, because I'm brave and fearless.

I have 5,000 ng/dL of total testosterone and 117 pg/mL of free testosterone.

DHT is only 870.00ng/l, and the reference range is 219.00 - 1140.00.

I thought it will be above the reference range, but I was wrong and I don't know what is happening.

I'm planning to start using HGH to keep my GH levels at the upper end of the reference range or slightly above it, but not significantly above it.

By the time I start using HGH, my DHT should be above the reference range. Any ideas how to do this without increasing the testosterone dose? I don't know what my e2 tolerance limit is and how high testosterone doses I can tolerate without getting side effects, but I'm not taking any chances with this.

I see 5,000 ng/dL is enough to get good growth in muscle mass, and I don't want to increase the dose just to see how far I can go. 300-350 mg doesn't cause any side effects, but side effects can start at 400 mg, for example. I don't want to risk.

What should I do? Should I buy a DHT gel or what? Do DHT derivatives actually increase the DHT level or just enhance androgen receptor sensitivity without actually increasing the DHT level?
I'm on a permanent blast with 300-350 mg of testosterone a week and various oral steroids are used from time to time. I'm basically switching from one cycle to another while being on a permanent blast as a testosterone base. I don't take breaks and do PCTs, because I'm brave and fearless.

I have 5,000 ng/dL of total testosterone and 117 pg/mL of free testosterone.

DHT is only 870.00ng/l, and the reference range is 219.00 - 1140.00.

I thought it will be above the reference range, but I was wrong and I don't know what is happening.

I'm planning to start using HGH to keep my GH levels at the upper end of the reference range or slightly above it, but not significantly above it.

By the time I start using HGH, my DHT should be above the reference range. Any ideas how to do this without increasing the testosterone dose? I don't know what my e2 tolerance limit is and how high testosterone doses I can tolerate without getting side effects, but I'm not taking any chances with this.

I see 5,000 ng/dL is enough to get good growth in muscle mass, and I don't want to increase the dose just to see how far I can go. 300-350 mg doesn't cause any side effects, but side effects can start at 400 mg, for example. I don't want to risk.

What should I do? Should I buy a DHT gel or what? Do DHT derivatives actually increase the DHT level or just enhance androgen receptor sensitivity without actually increasing the DHT level?
Why do you want more DHT?
I'm on a permanent blast with 300-350 mg of testosterone a week and various oral steroids are used from time to time. I'm basically switching from one cycle to another while being on a permanent blast as a testosterone base. I don't take breaks and do PCTs, because I'm brave and fearless.

I have 5,000 ng/dL of total testosterone and 117 pg/mL of free testosterone.

DHT is only 870.00ng/l, and the reference range is 219.00 - 1140.00.

I thought it will be above the reference range, but I was wrong and I don't know what is happening.

I'm planning to start using HGH to keep my GH levels at the upper end of the reference range or slightly above it, but not significantly above it.

By the time I start using HGH, my DHT should be above the reference range. Any ideas how to do this without increasing the testosterone dose? I don't know what my e2 tolerance limit is and how high testosterone doses I can tolerate without getting side effects, but I'm not taking any chances with this.

I see 5,000 ng/dL is enough to get good growth in muscle mass, and I don't want to increase the dose just to see how far I can go. 300-350 mg doesn't cause any side effects, but side effects can start at 400 mg, for example. I don't want to risk.

What should I do? Should I buy a DHT gel or what? Do DHT derivatives actually increase the DHT level or just enhance androgen receptor sensitivity without actually increasing the DHT level?

You're all over the place.

First, there is nothing "unexpected" about your low DHT, you are injecting, which is in no way conducive to T -> DHT conversion

Second, list your orals : some may be synthetic DHTs and take the place of real DHT.

Third, if you want more DHT : apply your testosterone transdermally. I have gotten testosterone levels similar to yours on my homemade transdermal with 10 times your DHT value.
You can use Testo P. Theoretically, because it is a short ester, it dissolves faster and may lead to more DHT. However, I'm not sure if this difference would be very significant.

Another option is to find a compounding pharmacy or a special method to synthesize DHT enanthate. Some Chinese chemical companies do this, but it is indeed more difficult to find.

