For me, the best pre-workout 30 minutes before training is 10ui of humalog insulin, I immediately take 50g of dextrose or 50g if my finances allow me, a cycle of dextrin together with 20g of eeaas (essential amino acids) together with 10g of glycerol and 5g of citrulline malate and 10g of cialis and 50mg of ephedrine level. During the training I drink the intra workout with simple carbohydrates such as dextrose or dextrin cycle 50g and Eaas essential amino acids and 5g of creapure creatine. The addition of insulin makes the difference in my experience rather than not using it, it is like being pumped all day and recovery is instantaneous.
Anadrol, injectable if possible- HANDS DOWN!

From time to time I take 12.5-25mg an hour before rock climbing. I have tried test suspension, TNE, Halo, Winstrol, Dbol, Anavar.

Anadrol is the only one that seems that a specific effect on adrenaline recall. I can’t put my finger on it, all I know is I’ve tried multiple times, and Anadrol is the only one I keep now.

It will literally put me in the mood!
Pre-training AM: ephedrine injection , test a or p pin, 2 excedrin 2.5mgs of Bpc and 2 servings oatmeal with 3/4 tablespoons of maple syrup or honey, 1apple and 1 scoop protein powder and I’m good to go for a few hours. During training if running low on fuel I’ll eat dates.