I did have everything tested earlier in the month as far as dates looking past due from now but im not familiar with task numbers
If its an issue with the dates to early in the month being tested or the dates looking off I was trying to encourage people to test it themselves if they would like too since I tested very early on .
I did have everything tested earlier in the month as far as dates looking past due from now but im not familiar with task numbers
Raws and finished tested on the same date? So you didn’t use raws testing before brewing?

And the task number for Test Cyp raws and Test Cyp finished product skips a number. Did you toss a sample result?
I do apologize my supplier gave me her word the raws where going go test 99 pure no matter what so I took her word for it so I brewed then collected the oil for jano for testing and then took out the proper raw amount for him to test and sent both samples to him at the same time my supplier guaranteed 99 pure or close or my money back if that is the incorrect way on how to test then lesson learned and I will do it the proper way next time . As far as the task number skipping I have no idea I will need to contact Jano I think that is on him but I will find out
The supplier i use always tells me 99 pure or close so I always caculate around that for the brew so brewing first I did do then sent sample and raw to Jano
I do apologize my supplier gave me her word the raws where going go test 99 pure no matter what so I took her word for it so I brewed then collected the oil for jano for testing and then took out the proper raw amount for him to test and sent both samples to him at the same time my supplier guaranteed 99 pure or close or my money back if that is the incorrect way on how to test then lesson learned and I will do it the proper way next time . As far as the task number skipping I have no idea I will need to contact Jano I think that is on him but I will find out
Well, typically you send the raw in for testing first and then adjust your recipe according to the results. So 98% pure you multiply the amount of raws by 102% so that the dose in the vial is spot on. I know right? Science and maths.
Well, typically you send the raw in for testing first and then adjust your recipe according to the results. So 98% pure you multiply the amount of raws by 102% so that the dose in the vial is spot on. I know right? Science and maths.
It will be done proper next time you have my word
That into was hard to read. Paragraphs are your friend.
It was not like Microsoft Word i couldn't figure out how to type on it everytime it was perfect it would automatically move when I uploaded it the entire thing shifted it made it look bad im well aware it looks like a 2 year old wrote it
A lot of capitalization in the wrong places same with proper punctuation very much off.. again my apologies.