Apologize for some of the spelling errors in the intro I looked it over and there are a few hopefully everyone can understand it minus the misspelling of some words.
Damn you work 12hr shifts and then you plan to brew and ship? Meso is not small community either. Best of luck as your life is going to be consumed if not overwhelmed.
Holy fuck I need some Adderral to get through that Intro. Anyway just asking because it came off kind of weird in one part of your intro you say that you have lurked here for 9 years but never had an account to stay anonymous, then the next line you say that you have asked questions via PM, I thought you needed an account to PM someone on here? If you had a previous account I think it’s better to be honest and if you don’t give it out that’s up to you but when you say you don’t then say you PM’d members that comes off as shady as fuck.
Holy fuck I need some Adderral to get through that Intro. Anyway just asking because it came off kind of weird in one part of your intro you say that you have lurked here for 9 years but never had an account to stay anonymous, then the next line you say that you have asked questions via PM, I thought you needed an account to PM someone on here? If you had a previous account I think it’s better to be honest and if you don’t give it out that’s up to you but when you say you don’t then say you PM’d members that comes off as shady as fuck.
You do need an account to message members I think back then i would create a fake account to ask a question then just move on I never kept an account active I guess I meant to say not trying to act or be shady last night was a long night and alot of typing and working on the intro that came out kinda long and shitty but I wanted a good first impression..
Damn you work 12hr shifts and then you plan to brew and ship? Meso is not small community either. Best of luck as your life is going to be consumed if not overwhelmed.
Well it hasn't happened yet but I think I can handle it hopefully
I made it about a quarter way through your Oscar acceptance speech and my eyes started bleeding. Definitely a different strategy making the intro an unreadable mess. Good job.
Apologize the punucution did not come out correctly it shifted as I saved it and did the upload..
intro was a fail I do apologize when I saved it the entire thing shifted so it came out very incorrect it looked better when I had it done right and everything was proper with punctuation..