Using alcohol to help with Tren insomnia is it hurting my gains.


New Member
I'm currently running a Test E and Tren E cycle. Running 1 gram test and 400mg tren weekly. Having a hell of a time getting to sleep with 5 to 6 hrs of sleep a night if I'm lucky. I've found that if I take a couple of shots of alcohol an hour before bedtime it really helps my sleep cycle and gives me a much deeper sleep. My question, is the alcohol hindering the gains or is it not really a big deal. Thanks for the advice.
Alcohol halts protein synthesis. Your body directs its attention to metabolic the alcohol.

Regardless of what you're injecting into your body, you're "hurting your gains, bro" when you slam down beers
I'm currently running a Test E and Tren E cycle. Running 1 gram test and 400mg tren weekly. Having a hell of a time getting to sleep with 5 to 6 hrs of sleep a night if I'm lucky. I've found that if I take a couple of shots of alcohol an hour before bedtime it really helps my sleep cycle and gives me a much deeper sleep. My question, is the alcohol hindering the gains or is it not really a big deal. Thanks for the advice.

Only if it's keeping you out of the gym, you're drinking to excess or have a hangover. I prefer liquid NyQuil, have you tried that? Don't forget to add the alcohol to your Macros calculator ;)
Unless you are a chronic drinker or an alcoholic then the negative effects on protein synthesis are hugely over-exaggerated.

But there are other ways in which alcohol can effect body composition. Drinking = less inhibition = more likely to fuck up on your diet.
definitely very detrimental to your gains to be drinking liquor every day. On tren, you may never notice what you are leaving on the table though. Also, it may feel like you are getting better sleep because you fall asleep easier and sleep longer but you actually get less REM sleep when you consume alcohol. So overall it's a lose-lose. Lots of people on this forum pop benadryl for trensomnia it seems so try that, or zzzquil or something of the like. Benadryl puts me in a fucking coma. any of those is gonna be way better than alcohol.
Unless you are a chronic drinker or an alcoholic then the negative effects on protein synthesis are hugely over-exaggerated.

But there are other ways in which alcohol can effect body composition. Drinking = less inhibition = more likely to fuck up on your diet.

I would say 2-3 drinks worth of liquor EVERY day like OP is doing definitely qualifies as chronic drinking
I'm currently running a Test E and Tren E cycle. Running 1 gram test and 400mg tren weekly. Having a hell of a time getting to sleep with 5 to 6 hrs of sleep a night if I'm lucky. I've found that if I take a couple of shots of alcohol an hour before bedtime it really helps my sleep cycle and gives me a much deeper sleep. My question, is the alcohol hindering the gains or is it not really a big deal. Thanks for the advice.
Besides that
alcohol can harm your liver, especially if you use orals

Get your bp and hematocrit checked

If BP is high
then low dose Atenolol will help you sleep/relax
I prefer benadryl myself. Those shots before bed aren't making you dehydrated by the time you wake up? I remember when I still drank that even if I only had a drank a little bit within a hour or two of falling asleep I always woke up so damn thirsty
I'm currently running a Test E and Tren E cycle. Running 1 gram test and 400mg tren weekly. Having a hell of a time getting to sleep with 5 to 6 hrs of sleep a night if I'm lucky. I've found that if I take a couple of shots of alcohol an hour before bedtime it really helps my sleep cycle and gives me a much deeper sleep. My question, is the alcohol hindering the gains or is it not really a big deal. Thanks for the advice.

Alcohol interferes with REM sleep in a dose dependent manner and it also inhibits protein anabolism.

Try Google Scholar, as the evidence is convincing IMO!

Change your lifestyle to improve your sleeping patterns fella.

How is it someone can have a blood alcohol level of greater than 200mg/dl and admit to having only "two beers"?

Point is, those who drink on a "regular basis" almost always UNDERESTIMATE their ETOH consumption and the impact it has on their lives, (and those around them) IME
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Try melatonin. Besides being what your body naturally produces at night to make you tired, it is also a powerful antioxidant.
I would say 2-3 drinks worth of liquor EVERY day like OP is doing definitely qualifies as chronic drinking

Having been to some alcohol classes 2 REGULAR sized drinks a day is actually considered normal and a non issue. Its when you get to 4 and above on a day its considered harmful. Its actually considered healthier to drink 2 drinks everyday of the week than drink 4 just one day.

OP all the advice above is good. Just try some other methods as it can lead to dependency, even off tren. Might not even be physical, could turn in to you needing to drink to sleep psychologically.
I'm currently running a Test E and Tren E cycle. Running 1 gram test and 400mg tren weekly. Having a hell of a time getting to sleep with 5 to 6 hrs of sleep a night if I'm lucky. I've found that if I take a couple of shots of alcohol an hour before bedtime it really helps my sleep cycle and gives me a much deeper sleep. My question, is the alcohol hindering the gains or is it not really a big deal. Thanks for the advice.
You having trensomnia or anxiety or both? After a long run of Tren, I started having some anxiety at night, hard to stay asleep all night on the latter weeks.

Might wanna consider lowing the test dose.
Too much good advice here for me to really suggest anything different. I like using nightquil to sleep but like what was mentioned before a dependency physically can become a problem even later. My family has a huge history of substance abuse so I stay away from alcohol and anything else that could be abused. The only thing I'd be worried about if my liver. 2 or 4 drinks it's still has to get processed either way.

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I would say 2-3 drinks worth of liquor EVERY day like OP is doing definitely qualifies as chronic drinking

From what I've read, two drinks a day for a man is healthy so the chronic drinking thing is an overstatement. Now getting drunk every day or even a couple times a week is bad for your overall health.
I'm sorry but whomever said drinking any amounts of alcohol every day is "healthy" is just ignorant; specially when you're using AAS and working out. It goes against the grain of your lifestyle and what your body is trying to do. My granddad took a shot of whiskey sometimes before bed but because it lowered his blood pressure and because at the time there was nothing else that he could afford in regards to medicine. There's literally a hundred things you can take that would be healthier and more productive for bettering your sleeping habits. I use 5-10 mg Melatonin, a cup of warm chamomile and Valerian tea and sometimes an antihistamine such as benadryl or any of the pm medicines that are OTC. Alcohol has been proven to be one of the most toxic substances you can consume and it will definitely affect your protein synthesis during the night when you're suppose to be building and repairing your muscles.

"Alcohol, in any appreciable quantity, blunts the HGH-releasing effect of amino acids and also suppresses natural HGH release. An ounce or less of alcohol two or three hours before taking a HGH releaser will have little effect on HGH release, but using alcohol to get to sleep can dramatically suppress your natural HGH release during sleep."

references.: Human Growth Hormone - HGH - The Life Extension Manual
I'm sorry but whomever said drinking any amounts of alcohol every day is "healthy" is just ignorant; specially when you're using AAS and working out. It goes against the grain of your lifestyle and what your body is trying to do. My granddad took a shot of whiskey sometimes before bed but because it lowered his blood pressure and because at the time there was nothing else that he could afford in regards to medicine. There's literally a hundred things you can take that would be healthier and more productive for bettering your sleeping habits. I use 5-10 mg Melatonin, a cup of warm chamomile and Valerian tea and sometimes an antihistamine such as benadryl or any of the pm medicines that are OTC. Alcohol has been proven to be one of the most toxic substances you can consume and it will definitely affect your protein synthesis during the night when you're suppose to be building and repairing your muscles.

"Alcohol, in any appreciable quantity, blunts the HGH-releasing effect of amino acids and also suppresses natural HGH release. An ounce or less of alcohol two or three hours before taking a HGH releaser will have little effect on HGH release, but using alcohol to get to sleep can dramatically suppress your natural HGH release during sleep."

references.: Human Growth Hormone - HGH - The Life Extension Manual

Yeah, life extension experts and drs are ignorant, ok. Benadryl everyday is good for you though, really? Alcohol metabolizes pretty quickly so it MIGHT have a mild effect on growth hormone release.For most people it won't matter much.