”Using HCG during hormone supplementation can help the HPTA recover faster after hormones are discontinued.”


New Member
Found this:
Many progressive testosterone physicians prescribe HCG for men to take during testosterone replacement therapy to help maintain testicular volume and fertility. Using HCG during hormone supplementation can help the HPTA recover faster after hormones are discontinued.

Found no source to back up the claim. I’ve read that HCG, just like roids, suppress the HPTA. But does it keep, through some other mechanism, the HPTA ”awake”, or is the claim above inaccurate? Should HCG be included in cycle for HPTA support and ease recovery?
It’s easier to put your car in drive when it’s idling vs when it’s turned off. HCG keeps your testes producing some amount of testosterone while you’re using other exogenous hormones. Even if you had no studies to rely on, you’d still intuitively believe that using HCG was better than not using it when asked to guess at which protocol made recovery easier.