Using LR-3 IGF-1, PGF2a, HGH, Insulin


New Member
Hey boys.I am curious as to a bridge that won't affect your HPA or Plasma levels while on your " off " period.I wanted to know more about LR-3 IGF-1, PGF2a, HGH, and Insulin.I've actually been doing some research but it seems pretty damn confusing.I've read that PGF2a ill make Insulin nearly 10 X as potent but will really help give you serious pumps and mass.I've read that Insulin will really help give you wicked mass that's incredible.I've read HGH's anti-aging benefits and mental well-being benefits and that it helps you lose fat and add muscle.I've read that LR-3 IGF-1 helps cut you up, add mass, add crazy vascularity, and give insane pumps.I've also read that the average dosage is 40-50 MCG a day.And you need to take it one or two times a day.I'm just curious as to what kind of numbers you guys have put on using Insulin.I'm worried mainly about can Insulin be used safely?Any long term side effects, the main thing I am worried about is Diabetes.Can you develop Diabetes from the intake of Insulin?I just want to use it safely, but I want to use it damn effectively to pack on serious mass.What are some of your average gains on Insulin.And also what type of Carb/Calorie loading or whatever do you use while Insulin?This is some potent shit if you don't know what you're doing and I don't feel like being Hypoglycemic or getting Diabetes and killing myself, so please explain thoroughly how to use it effectively.We don't have a lot of information on this and I'm sure many other board members would like to know also.Thanks a lot.
personaly i dont think you should take any of these without a great deal more research.
i personaly love insulin and the first time i took taht was during wrestling season in hs. it wont give you wicked gains in muslce its more likea suplement. dont believe the outdated hype.
igf1, dont see a need for it with you now. if you got tons of extra cash go for it but its not worth it at your stage.
pgf2a. i dont know enough about this to give advise and with what i do know i dont plan on using it anytime soon.
hgh, needs to be taken for long periods of time to notice any results. not quite what your lookin for.
when you start mixing any of these with each otehr is where the confusion comes in. any one by itself can be used quite safely and is not all that complicated. but when you start mixing them and want to amximize results you have to have very specific goals and realy work out how you react individualy to them. there is no single answer.
as for bridging. dont worry about it yet. your still a great deal from even your natural genetic limit. if you keep your diet and training straight and do a good pct them you shouldnt have to worry about losing to much post cycle. jsut keep tehm calories high. if you were gonna do anything id pick insulin or igf1. igf1 also may help your hpta recover faster too. and insulin will def keep your body geered more towards anabolism rather than catabolism. but i wouldnt play around with taking both. the effects on blood glucose could be very very bad.
Thanks bro.Can you explain to me how you can use Insulin effectively without it being harmful?How were your gains on Insulin and what was it like just using it and being on it?Thanks a lot for your time and comments.
remember that post workout shake i wrote about in teh otehr thread? thats pretty much it. start out slow. imediately post workout right before taking those shakes in take your slin. start out at 3-4 iu's. general rule is 10 grams of carbs per iu. and they ahve to be fast acting, dextrose and malto work best. you can lower your carbs as you get more comfortable but in your situation i wouldnt. gradualy work your slin dose up to around 10 iu's post workout. unless your taking hgh i see no reason to take it any other time than psot workout. anything apst 16 or so iu's didnt do anything extrra for me nd the highest ill ever go from here out is 14. but ive taken over 20 before. if you take humalog post workjout only there isnt a chance in hell it will cause you to become diabetic. thers a lil more too it than that but thast the simplified answer. i need sleep.
Thanks a shitload we'll talk more about this tomorrow.How many CC or IU is in each Insulin thing, and is it over the counter?Why's there a difference between Humalin R and Humalog?Thanks.
Humalog is much faster acting, and for this reason is much better than R.
Your LBM gains from slin will really be proportional to muscle mass you already have. A little guy will gain much less than someone with much more mass. 5-10lbs is very realistic for a 4 week cycle.
humalin r and n are otc. humalog is script only ( but easy to get :D
i prefer humalog. as for how you feel on it? if your doing it right and have worked up to a normal dose you wont notice much from it except some sleepyness and hunger. first time i took log i took 4 \ius after a couple year of not suing slin and i fell asleep right after. scared the fuck out of me i woke up kinda trembling but not too bad. make sure not to go to sleep whil;e the insulin is active in your system. i didnt mean to fall asleep i fell asleep at my chair in one of my lectures (i was working out on campus for a while) i got up, noticably shaking and left to get a soda and chocolate bar. completely fine after. if you ever notice any sign of hpoglycemia, take in some carbs imediately. a can of soda will work fne for this purpose. as for results its hard to say ive taken it both on and off cycle and for the purpose of gaining weight and keeping lean, as well as replenishing glycogen after depleting to make weight for tournaments. its a very versatile drug. right now i ahvent taken anything no slin, aas anything like taht since april. if i were to start with p/w slin shtos again id expect to gain about 8 pounds in a month or so. insulin works great on cycle too. if i recall correctly but im not possitive it reduces shbg. wich means more free test! the two are very synergistic.
Sounds good I'm going to try AAS mainly Test for right now to see if I can gain some solid weight on those.Thanks.
einstein1905 said:
Humalog is much faster acting, and for this reason is much better than R.
Your LBM gains from slin will really be proportional to muscle mass you already have. A little guy will gain much less than someone with much more mass. 5-10lbs is very realistic for a 4 week cycle.

Einstein, what is your take on the use of insulin?
What is the risk of becoming a diabetic from the use of it?

Would you use slin as a bridge or during a cycle....or would you use it year round, meaning both during a cycle and while off?

I have only heard very negative things about slin, such as it can easily cause diabetes, and you have to have someone watch you for several hours after you take it (slin) incase you become hypoglycemic.
What are the chances of death?

BTW, does anyone know what the price of Humalog might be Domestically (USA) and internationally and what sources carry it?

Thanks Einstein and any others for your feedback.
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Those are the exact questions I was going to ask Diablo.Thanks a ton man, you're becoming the next MJM! :D
Diablo570 said:
Einstein, what is your take on the use of insulin?
What is the risk of becoming a diabetic from the use of it?

Would you use slin as a bridge or during a cycle....or would you use it year round, meaning both during a cycle and while off?

I have only heard very negative things about slin, such as it can easily cause diabetes, and you have to have someone watch you for several hours after you take it (slin) incase you become hypoglycemic.
What are the chances of death?

BTW, does anyone know what the price of Humalog might be Domestically (USA) and internationally and what sources carry it?

Thanks Einstein and any others for your feedback.
Isulin isn't insulin, if that makes sense. Humalog, is insulin lispro, and for that reason, it's been shown to not only NOT cause insulin resistance, but it's also been shown to be able to still mediate insulinic activity in those already somewhat insulin resistant. there really is no alternative to Humalog IMO. it's not the 80's anymore, so leave the Humalin R to the diabetics (and they don't really even use it anymore either).

There also is really no reason to be in danger with Humalog. IMO, if you're doing it right, you're monitoring your blood glucose levels. Once you get a feel for how many carbs affect your BG by however many ng/dL over what period of time, you really have no excuse for deviation, and therefore no reason to have any unexpected symptoms. Going IM with Humalog gives an immediate and predictable onset, whereas subQ gives a bit more variable onset.

I don't like the "keep a chocolate bar and soda handy" mentality.....that's like the morning after pill to me.....just don't get pregnant in the first place.....we all know what causes it. If you've monitored your BG and established your individual carb requirement, there will be no surprises.

You shouldn't feel lethargic, as that means you've undercarbed, and this doesn't happen if you've monitored BG to establish carb requirements. The only real "feeling" you should experience is increased pumps and likely a reduced recovery period

Humalog is $40/1000IUs at the site mentioned above and usually about the same domestically...maybe $'s cheap
MJM - so you cant gain off test, anadrol, tren, and EQ stack so you think these anabolic substances are the answer.

Again wrong, you are no where near ready to try these. You havent even spot injected in your delts yet, not that this is a huge milestone but it just goes to show you how inexperienced you are.

Guys I know you have done your best in trying to help him. But there is no way this kid can do this stuff safely. Hes a rich little spoiled brat, he wants us to do the research for him.
sev, not that i'm going to back MJM on most anything, but I kindly asked him not to jack someone elses post and ask this openly, only AFTER he searched on here first. I wanted to see how these substances work, b/c i'd like to run a combo of hgh, and possibly slin or igf between cycles. I have become such a bum, and the only thing that keeps me going is my workouts... it's my hobby, and my release, so was just questioning alternatives for off-cycle, so yell at my sev if anything
blackout it seems were misunderstanding each other here. I seen the post with you asking him to make his own post about this subject.

Its actually a great topic, Id like to know more about growing during AAS off periods. we all would. MJM as the thread owner is bad news, brings alot of anger to any post. because he pissed off so many people.

The info being added to this topid has all been great and very informative.
But MJM is 20 and cant get a anadrol, test EQ stack to work. doesnt even know how to spot inject. and yet hes askiing questions about stuff that he could never understand. hes just looking for some one to say it works, and its safe.

I am just now trying more advanced ways to cycle Ie: slin, IGf-1 and I have 8 cycles under my belt along with tons of training and knowledge. he is also 155 lbs at this point the only recomendation or advice he should be given is to eat, and train. AAS is not for him yet, so especially slin, hgh, pgfa should be avoided.
MJM said:
Those are the exact questions I was going to ask Diablo.Thanks a ton man, you're becoming the next MJM! :D

Well, the questions I asked are fairly basic. They are questions ANYONE would ask if they wanted to know the basics of insulin and the honest truth from an experienced user.
With that said, I surely am NOT the next MJM. I honestly don't think there ever could be "the next" MJM.

Thanks, but I will stay Diablo and others can change into ME.


And to Einstein, thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate and respect your info/opinion.
Einstein...or other EXPERIENCED users of HUMALOG:
Is it possible to NOT gain fat while on Humalog?

It seems that whenever I read about people who use it, they become quite fat, or should I say, they gain lots of fat.

Is this simply from the poor use of insulin (Humalog) or is fat gain one of the costs to using it?

I like to stay fairly inshape year round, but I do lose quite a bit during my off cycles. I do not care to bridge with AAS, but HGH and Humalog sound very tempting. (HGH for sure, but Im waiting for $$$).
I would not use Humalog if it meant I would gain lots of fat in the process. (lots of fat= losing my 6 pack completely).

