Vaginal test application: oils /creams etc


New Member
Hi all

My old lady is on TRT and we are looking at home brew solutions when it comes to vaginal applications.

I don’t have the study handy but it seems ther vag application of test had a nice blood uptake. So it’s definitely much higher than 10%. 8mgs applied marginally bumped bloods a few hundred points vs 70-80 placebo

Anyway , wanted to get people’s ideas on what would be least irritating. Raws I have on hand are test base , prop, and esters. Figured base or prop would be best for this type of application , which would be daily anyway

Her gyno gave her a vag cream “for low sex drive “ (which was excuse given for TRT cuz they wouldn’t treat low single digit tests without libido symptoms ) The cream is 0.1% test and 1% viagra.

Anyway she took some of my home brew test base. 1/3 of CC of 25mg/ml formulation. (MCT oil, BA, BB). No issues. But then maybe 2-3 hours mater she complained of it being itchy , like if she were getting a yst infection.

Could this irritation be from BA Or BB? From the test itself , in which case should she try using an ester , either prop or enanthate ? I know enanthate is uselsss for transdermal but maybe vag would work ?

Only looking to apply 5-8 mgs per day. Maybe brew the test base at lower concentattin than I had ? Would PS80 water based be less irritating ?

Could it be ph based ?
“A “normal” vaginal pH level is btwn 3.8-4.2, which is moderately acidic. However, what constitutes a “normal” pH level can vary slightly based on your stage of life.

For example, during your reproductive years (ages 15–49), your vaginal pH should be below or equal to 4.5 but before menstruation and after menopause, a healthy pH tends to be higher than 4.5.”

She’s used coconut oil as lubricant before so I’m guessing MCT would be OK

Any advice on carriers /somution/ etc be much much appreciated

Thanks guys
I m not the expert on woman hormones but, are you crazy or somethin man, there are plenty of options, orals, transdermals or maybe anal but why you tryin vaginal stuff?

inject subcutaneous, get some methyltestoteron or testogel for your lady, go ask this web site roidprices1
Hi all

My old lady is on TRT and we are looking at home brew solutions when it comes to vaginal applications.

I don’t have the study handy but it seems ther vag application of test had a nice blood uptake. So it’s definitely much higher than 10%. 8mgs applied marginally bumped bloods a few hundred points vs 70-80 placebo

Anyway , wanted to get people’s ideas on what would be least irritating. Raws I have on hand are test base , prop, and esters. Figured base or prop would be best for this type of application , which would be daily anyway

Her gyno gave her a vag cream “for low sex drive “ (which was excuse given for TRT cuz they wouldn’t treat low single digit tests without libido symptoms ) The cream is 0.1% test and 1% viagra.

Anyway she took some of my home brew test base. 1/3 of CC of 25mg/ml formulation. (MCT oil, BA, BB). No issues. But then maybe 2-3 hours mater she complained of it being itchy , like if she were getting a yst infection.

Could this irritation be from BA Or BB? From the test itself , in which case should she try using an ester , either prop or enanthate ? I know enanthate is uselsss for transdermal but maybe vag would work ?

Only looking to apply 5-8 mgs per day. Maybe brew the test base at lower concentattin than I had ? Would PS80 water based be less irritating ?

Could it be ph based ?
“A “normal” vaginal pH level is btwn 3.8-4.2, which is moderately acidic. However, what constitutes a “normal” pH level can vary slightly based on your stage of life.

For example, during your reproductive years (ages 15–49), your vaginal pH should be below or equal to 4.5 but before menstruation and after menopause, a healthy pH tends to be higher than 4.5.”

She’s used coconut oil as lubricant before so I’m guessing MCT would be OK

Any advice on carriers /somution/ etc be much much appreciated

Thanks guys
Did you guys ever figure out the formula?
Did you guys ever figure out the formula?

She eventually went the pinning route so have been brewing a low concentration oil for her.

She liked the clit sensitivity at 1.5 mg pinned per day but extra body hair made her take it back to 1.2 per day.

Been thinking about making a clit cream with test base i have on hand. Read the sub on Reddit and seems that for clit gains pure DHT would be better.