VenomPharma (Canada/USA Domestic) Sale prices and Free vial of Test Prop

Kinda hard he was a bro who took one for the team and made the first order. He hasn't even pinned the stuff, yet adamantly defends this dude. Bro's this is what we mean by reading between the lines. Doesn't take a rocket scientist like brewkit to figure it out.

First of all defending the GUY not the SOURCE two different things. He makes a lot more sense then you that’s why and he has a brain, not easy to have the same opinion with a guy with a brain. Second, can you learn how to spell before commenting like what the fuck. Third, I said I was planning on doing tests 5/6 weeks after my diet starts which hasn’t even started and how I wasn’t even gonna post until then, but you wouldn’t know any of this cause you haven’t looked down the thread and just open your mouth for the fuck of it
Fuck are you stupid
Hard to even reply to someone with such a little brain

You are probably the most annoying human I’ve ever ran across. “I know absolutely everything about anything cause I use to run tren 20 years ago and I use to be 210 pounds soaking wet” get the fuck out of here you old mut. No proof of a damn thing, all you do is run your mouth.
First of all defending the GUY not the SOURCE two different things. He makes a lot more sense then you that’s why and he has a brain, not easy to have the same opinion with a guy with a brain. Second, can you learn how to spell before commenting like what the fuck. Third, I said I was planning on doing tests 5/6 weeks after my diet starts which hasn’t even started and how I wasn’t even gonna post until then, but you wouldn’t know any of this cause you haven’t looked down the thread and just open your mouth for the fuck of it

Fair enough, i changed the auto correct settings. I have read every post in this thread, and in the other one you hang out in. Time will tell, get a thicker skin and post some facts.
I'm going to give this guy a shot. I'll place a small order and give it to someone at the gym that's always asking me how did I get so big. Hopefully this dude is legit, the more options domestically the better. Some of these labs prices are just ridiculous!
You are probably the most annoying human I’ve ever ran across. “I know absolutely everything about anything cause I use to run tren 20 years ago and I use to be 210 pounds soaking wet” get the fuck out of here you old mut. No proof of a damn thing, all you do is run your mouth.

Haven’t been 210 since I was in high school bitch
And yes I was making tren out of pellets while you dad was diddling you and your mom was working the corner for rock
Haven’t been 210 since I was in high school bitch
And yes I was making tren out of pellets while you dad was diddling you and your mom was working the corner for rock

That’s like the third time you made that dad diddling and mom on the corner joke. Man you gotta come up with some more jokes dude your games getting pretty weak. You have no proof you’re over 210 and if you are you’re legit a fat fuck gaurantee.
Haven’t been 210 since I was in high school bitch
And yes I was making tren out of pellets while you dad was diddling you and your mom was working the corner for rock

Lets be honest dude, only thing you were making were pizza pockets in your grandmas microwave you fat ass
That’s like the third time you made that dad diddling and mom on the corner joke. Man you gotta come up with some more jokes dude your games getting pretty weak. You have no proof you’re over 210 and if you are you’re legit a fat fuck gaurantee.

You need to learn to count stupid
Let’s hear another joke, let me go first.

Knock knock
Who’s there
3ml who
Who gives a fuck

Wow that’s brilliant!
Listen, the funny part about all this is how you keep chirping on here. Everyone knows you are a fucked up moron. Every keystroke you make solidifies how stupid you actually are. The only one not realizing it is you...why because you are stupid!

Now go sit in the corner stupid
Lmao he’s insulting every single thing about me but my appearance lmao it’s fair game here buddy, it’s because he can’t anyways btw
No, it's called taking the high road. And if you hadn't mouthed off from the beginning, none of this would have happened. Same thing in the PGA thread. You come across as a self absorbed prick. I would work on that, if I were you.
I still maintain the best part of this thread so far was the pictures of weed and the growing advice.

Any chance we could just keep to posts relating to that?

At least until @Joedaddy5150 gets his test results back? Until then there really isn’t anything to talk about here.
I haven't smoked weed in years, but those pictures made me salivate
That’s pretty weak
Try harder
You can do better I have faith in your small millennial brain
Wow that’s brilliant!
Listen, the funny part about all this is how you keep chirping on here. Everyone knows you are a fucked up moron. Every keystroke you make solidifies how stupid you actually are. The only one not realizing it is you...why because you are stupid!

Now go sit in the corner stupid

You sit on this forums and pretend you know absolutely everything, yet you have nothing absolutely nothing to back it up and on top of it you’re a complete moron. “I use to make tren 20 years ago when I was 20 years old” who give a fuck, I can gaurantee you haven’t even been to a fucking gym and yet here you are. Talking shit about someone who actually competes and looks like I know what I’m talking about. I bet you look like you came out of a swim meet with mike Phelps all soaking wet with a dirty stash on top of it, yah nasty old fuck.