Very high test during pct


New Member
I have been off my cycle for about 6 weeks now. I started clomid and Nolva from ar-r after stopping the test. I only did 4 weeks clomid at 100mg/60/45/30 and Nolva 20/20/10/10. I got blood work done to see where my levels were at since I stopped pct 2 weeks ago and my test which is normally 450 was 1150 and my estrogen was around 60. I am also still noticing trails when I first wake up. Could I still be affected by the clomid or do you think the test was messed up?
The experts will chime in but I believe the 'SERM effect' (false bloodwork results - namely elevated testosterone count) lasts up to a month after PCT. Give it another few weeks and get bloods again just to be sure.
Thanks for posting. That makes perfect sense if it's true. Everything I read said the effects of the drug lasted 48 hours, so two weeks later sounded like a stretch. Does anyone know why the effects on test can last a month? Also, should the visual disturbances go away after a month? I feel like I'm tripping on acid when I wake up.