WADA funded research project - could you help?

I agree - it is very harmful! Hence why we hope to create education programmes which discuss the potential harm of doping, what may lead you to dope and how you could potentially overcome this. The world of drugs is a very scary place and can do such harm to your body that you might not know of until 20 years down the line. My primary area of research is neurodevelopmental disorders, mental health and well-being. My masters dissertation was on the long term consequences of the drug called mephedrone - again a relatively new drug that only became popular in 2010 but could have significant negative consequences long term! My undergrad focused on Schizophrenia and Psychosis. It's well established that drug-induced psychosis can occur. So whilst doping is not within my expertise, drugs and their effect on mental health is!

This is the outcome of the other WADA funded project that my supervisor was involved with: Boardley, I., Smith, AL., Mills, JP., Grix, J., Wynne, C. and Wilkins, L., (2018). Development of Moral Disengagement and Self-Regulatory Efficacy Assessments Relevant to Doping in Sport and Exercise. Again, this specific project is funded by WADA as they are the main funder for this kind of research.
Hey if you’re still around can we speak about that paper? Meshed tone was among one of the many designer drugs I abused many years back and I’m noticing some rapid decline in my short term memory recently.
anabolic use belongs in sports. IMO.

abuse is a whole other story. They shouldn’t be frowned upon they should be studied and understood to their fullest capacity and use THE SAFEST WAY POSSIBLE.

I hate the anti doping shit. I hate the scare tactics. It’s honestly just taking advantage of uneducated people which I think is the lowest of the low regardless of what it is.
anabolic use belongs in sports. IMO.

abuse is a whole other story. They shouldn’t be frowned upon they should be studied and understood to their fullest capacity and use THE SAFEST WAY POSSIBLE.

I completely agree. A low athletes to push their limits under the supervision and permission of medical experts. Let's see just how impressive and capable a human being can be if their not tied down to purely their genetic capabilities. Obviously many many athletes already use but they're forced to use compounds with faster clearance types and often not the most beneficial for their goals. Fuck it. Let's see what happens when you give an entire defensive line tren. That would get me to watch sports haha.

I love when people try to argue saying Eddie hall, hafthor, Brian shaw don't use steroids. Oh really, they're the strongest men in the world, stronger than guys who have use gear for several years? Riiight. Gear use needs to more talked about, no one wants to admit the rock or Chris Hemsworth use. But come on..