Warning legend pharmaceuticals

Well check back in about a week i will be doing a melt test on the test enanthate i will video the whole thing from taking it out of the legend packaging to melting it in a test tube with a few thermometers from different manufacturers to make sure temps are correct.

Im also going to be doing the same with some raws from muscle depot - was ment to be doing them about a week ago but got side tracked with it. And also going to be testing some raws from red lion pharma.

I never said all the raws Legend sold where of decent purity i stated that his testosterone was fucking awesome for the price simple as that - im sorry your dbol was shit from them but the testosterone simply wasn't shit like that.

When i post you all can take it how ever you like but all the melt point tests will be recorded on video from taking all the raws out of the individual packaging to doing the tests.

Im no fucking shill or affiliated with any labs and i will prove that shit ;)
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I ordered their finished products and can say: test e underdosed at around 60%, tren e is very underdosed, anavar underdosed, proviron has almost nothing in it, masteron prop very underdosed if not fake, winstrol has something in it according to the wife, haven't gotten around to the drol, dbol, or hcg.

If you talk to a lot of guys via PM on ASF, they'll tell you similar stories but won't post the experiences because we all know how that goes.

Also, their production process isn't as stated because half my vials had bad crimps like a 5 yr old did it and I had to get 2 replacement tren e vials because one was highly crashed and they both were hardly crimped with the tops moving easily and almost coming off.

I wouldn't touch the raws after hearing that there was a ton of filler in them after recrystalization.
Well check back in about a week i will be doing a melt test on the test enanthate i will video the whole thing from taking it out of the legend packaging to melting it in a test tube with a few thermometers from different manufacturers to make sure temps are correct.

Im also going to be doing the same with some raws from muscle depot - was ment to be doing them about a week ago but got side tracked with it. And also going to be testing some raws from red lion pharma.

I never said all the raws Legend sold where of decent purity i stated that his testosterone was fucking awesome for the price simple as that - im sorry your dbol was shit from them but the testosterone simply wasn't shit like that.

When i post you all can take it how ever you like but all the melt point tests will be recorded on video from taking all the raws out of the individual packaging to doing the tests.

Im no fucking shill or affiliated with any labs and i will prove that shit ;)
Aren't you the same guy on asf that was bashing me on my test e blood test talking about how great of a deal legend was even if it was underdosed and that I shouldn't have expected to get what was on the label?
And just to point out isopropyl alcohol is absorbed through the skin the chemicals present in it are fine according to medical studies to be used on the skin and as we all know its absorbed through the skin.

So no i dont consider my question on rubbing alcohol to be ridiculous or dumb.

I consider it to be both. However, sometimes I have to remember that not everyone got all the way through grade school.
Aren't you the same guy on asf that was bashing me on my test e blood test talking about how great of a deal legend was even if it was underdosed and that I shouldn't have expected to get what was on the label?

Most likely yes although there where a few guys who happened to agree legend was a great deal you would have to throw the username past me so i could confirm.

If you was the same guy that was expecting 100% pure raws from china yeah then that was me i :) get real bro your buying steroids not fucking shopping in your local supermarket. No raws whatsoever are 100% pure especially not out of china your lucky to get 80%.
Haha I know right... Especially when their anavar was the one compound from them that was all hype hahaha wow

They may have hyped the product, i never hyped it. If you cant get your head round that some sources sell legit test but that doesn't mean that they sell legit anavar or primo then i question how long you have been sourcing online. Surely anyone thats been a steroid user for a while would have already known that?

Anavar is a expensive compound to PRODUCE testosterone IS NOT hence why its hardly worth fucking faking or cutting a hormone that retails for under 50 cents a gram wholesale from the manufacturer probably even less lol. They could sell you legit prop CHEAPER than they could sell you baking soda :)

You can get a kg of prop for what? $500? and i doubt thats the price they would charge if you was sourcing 50kg. So what really is the point in faking testosterone or selling cut product?
They may have hyped the product, i never hyped it. If you cant get your head round that some sources sell legit test but that doesn't mean that they sell legit anavar or primo then i question how long you have been sourcing online. Surely anyone thats been a steroid user for a while would have already known that?

Anavar is a expensive compound to PRODUCE testosterone IS NOT hence why its hardly worth fucking faking or cutting a hormone that retails for under 50 cents a gram wholesale from the manufacturer probably even less lol. They could sell you legit prop CHEAPER than they could sell you baking soda :)

You can get a kg of prop for what? $500? and i doubt thats the price they would charge if you was sourcing 50kg. So what really is the point in faking testosterone or selling cut product?

Yet we still get cut test. Dude, no one here is going to touch this lab. You have been wasting your schill ass time with a great review (which has no proof). Thanks but no thanks, now... contribute in a positive way to our forum or get lost as quick as you popped up.

its hardly worth fucking faking or cutting a hormone that retails for under 50 cents a gram wholesale from the manufacturer probably even less lol. They could sell you legit prop CHEAPER than they could sell you baking soda :)

You sure about that? It means you don't know the china people man You have seen fake watermelon? Fake eggs? Gutter oil as cooking oil? Chinese is innovative when it comes to cost cutting. They must be glad that you trust them so much.
Yet we still get cut test. Dude, no one here is going to touch this lab. You have been wasting your schill ass time with a great review (which has no proof). Thanks but no thanks, now... contribute in a positive way to our forum or get lost as quick as you popped up.


As i said ive personally ordered 50g or enanthate that i DIDN'T need just to prove that im not a fucking shill. When it arrives i will open it on video - conduct the melt point test on video and im sure you will personally enjoy my commentary telling anyone that thought i was a shill to go fuck themselves :)

I liked his prop why the hell should i not mention it???
You sure about that? It means you don't know the china people man You have seen fake watermelon? Fake eggs? Gutter oil as cooking oil? Chinese is innovative when it comes to cost cutting. They must be glad that you trust them so much.

Lol ive never seen that shit man but i can believe it lol :) still raws out of china testing over 80% are RARE :)
This lab is garbage. I can remember when he ran that bullshit promo and prop was like 10.00 a bottle. Didn't that shit fail labmax, after labmax. I just read all great reviews on eroids about legend. What a joke.
I need to read more in the underground. Is this Legend with the guy name Anton? I thought we came to a community conclusion that he was a piece of shit months ago.
This lab is garbage. I can remember when he ran that bullshit promo and prop was like 10.00 a bottle. Didn't that shit fail labmax, after labmax. I just read all great reviews on eroids about legend. What a joke.

I seem to remember his anavar passing lab max test :)

You came to the conclusion that he was a piece of shit months ago? you mean a few vets from here called him out as a selective scammer so the whole community followed along like puppets and marked them as shit? interesting. I usually draw my conclusions from a number of members from again a number of different forums i dont usually come to a conclusion on a lab off what a few guys say on one forum.

And you know people might actually be putting positive reviews on eroids because like me THEY LIKE THE GEAR! lol
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Just because you come here an day he is gtg means nothing to me. Nor does the words of anyone on eroids. I have only seen 1 negative post about a source over there. I'd be better off hitting the lottery. As for good ol Anton I was close to ordering and so glad I didn't cause I take my reviews from vets at MESO ONLY! And at the time he was here it was nothing but mixed reviews. Thanks but no thanks! Maybe he has stepped it up and turned things around, I'm glad. I hav 10 sources out of china if I wanted but refuse because it will always be a crap shoot coming from mr. Chin
Just because you come here an day he is gtg means nothing to me. Nor does the words of anyone on eroids. I have only seen 1 negative post about a source over there. I'd be better off hitting the lottery. As for good ol Anton I was close to ordering and so glad I didn't cause I take my reviews from vets at MESO ONLY! And at the time he was here it was nothing but mixed reviews. Thanks but no thanks! Maybe he has stepped it up and turned things around, I'm glad. I hav 10 sources out of china if I wanted but refuse because it will always be a crap shoot coming from mr. Chin

One thing you dont seem to be getting mate is that whether your source is located in china or not most likely them raws are coming FROM china and to the lab that brews them up. Unless your willing to pay for pharma grade gear then your UGL is most likely brewing with chinese raws and again its just as much of a crap shoot as if you would have ordered from mr. Chin only difference is your paying much more for the ready brewed up gear that is again most likely using chinese raws than if you would have bought your own chinese raws and brewed them up. Muscle depot - hey guess where his raws are made? i would be more than happy to put bets down its from china. Only difference again is your paying fucking 5 times more for raws that have came out of china. Not calling muscle depots raws i like them so far and im looking forward to testing them and running in my next cycle.

I take reviews from vets on meso and i also take information from vets on other boards including paid sponsor boards. Yeah they are fucked up sometimes but the fact is if you PM the vets on the paid sponsor board then they most likely will give you a honest opinion and theres no reason why you shouldn't take it as a valid review on a source. The only time your going to go wrong with a paid sponsor board is if you assume that all the sources are legit if you go by the - dont trust a source just because its a sponsor like the forum admin suggests himself then you should be fine. All the vets ive PMed on legends gear have all agreed his test is g2g and his prop is for sure good to go!

When guys say ah paid sponsor boards they are a scam they dont ban scammers well has know one noticed the reduction of 4 sponsors on ASF and a post in the main forum saying not to buy from them because they are scammers?

I dont expect anyone to take my reviews seriously as i dont have a shit load of posts but if you are unsure on ordering from legend all i can advise is that you go and order a $15 vial of test and with the shipping it be about $40? $50? something like that. Dont takr my word for it go test for yourself if you want to if you dont then dont i dont care im just passing on a positive experience :)
Bro I know where the raws come from.(90% anyway) and as of late I'd rather pay the extra for some pharma test cause this game is so unstable. Either way what your doing right now is shilling for legend. You want to leave a review, hey more power to you. But here you sit defending this source like you just received a mother load of free legend gear. Powersteroid has been dead here for some time an you will get nothing but shit for dick riding this dude. So continue if you must but it just makes you look more and more like a shill.