WARNING: Naps Customer Database Compromised

The orders info is now auto deleted after 4-6 months from the approximate delivery date.

There is also a delete order button and you can delete your order at any time.

Plus there is delete your account option added:

As much as I hate naps right now and you all know I do, the first reship made it to Chicago after 6 weeks plus the most recent reship on the reship that went out January 25 is in Chicago too. The last one came from India. Naps came through but after all this I still won't order again and like I stated before I will send it back if that satisfies everyone. Now let the hate begin lol
As much as I hate naps right now and you all know I do, the first reship made it to Chicago after 6 weeks plus the most recent reship on the reship that went out January 25 is in Chicago too. The last one came from India. Naps came through but after all this I still won't order again and like I stated before I will send it back if that satisfies everyone. Now let the hate begin lol

Shit happens man.
At least you learned your lesson.
Pin your gear and grow!
So as you all know naps has reship my order and switch the GP primo out for Alphabolin which I received 2 weeks ago.

Today after 2 months my original order of GP primo arrived.

Here are the pictures. Only problem is my last GP primo I order the oil was a little thicker and more yellow [I think]. This GP primo is clear and watery. O_0 maybe it has always been this clear. Maybe I'm just tripping.

Anyone order GP primo before and can confirm if it was clear?

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Maybe GP Primo has always been clear and I'm just comparing it to Alphabolin and it's tripping me out.

Here is a comparison of the Alphabolin that Naps reship me.

GP primo (Left) Alphabolin (Right)

Whatcha think? Just fuck it and pin it? Haha

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Ok so after looking back at the pictures of GP primo I purchase in 2016. I can see it was actually clear looking. So it's the same.

Seems legit. Ready to pin haha

Thanks Naps for coming through. Now I have 10 extra vials of primo for another cycle.
You're right. I didn't know if the color makes a difference. Pin and find out.
From my experience and from what I've read from others color is never an indicator on whether gear is good to go or not. Unless it's like blue or purple..
It was up for a long time. Nothing can solve the problem. The damage is done when it was up for the first 5mins and millions of people around the world saw it.