water retention from electrolyte imbalance


New Member
5 years ago i used too much tren enanthate and it bloated my face/neck. after recovering to some 85% of my HPTA to this day, i still have that water retention there. i know it is there because it looks like i am on gear and i havent touched anything since july 2006. im almost positive this is related to an electrolyte imbalance from my research. i dont have any money right now for any blood tests but what i would like to know is, what do i need to increase to get rid of this? is it my potassium? i dont get much of that in my diet so if i supplemented, would i need potassium chloride, potassium tablets? there seems to be many forms of it over the counter, then again there are some available only by prescription. what form would that be and would that be what i need?

i know it is dangerous if i take too much on my own but im guessing only a little would help out alot. it seems like my body retains SODIUM more, somewhat like being on gear would do, since that is what it does, especially something like dbol. it increases sodium retention. and since i am always bloated, im almost sure that i have an excess amount of sodium in my blood. again, i dont have any money at all for tests, im a broke bloated college student. thanks for any input.
BTW. i must add that i have such a difficult time getting lean. ive been dieting now for 4 weeks so strict, doing cardio upon waking 6 days a week on empty, and have not gotten much leaner if at all. i did test my test levels last year in december and it came out at 542ng. my free was 19.5 from a range of 5-21. i want to get more tests done but very broke right now. i have a feeling that the tren damaged my thyroid and adrenals and maybe i have higher estro but nothing real high, because i always have morning wood and generally feel ok. the decrease in sensitivity of orgasms has been around since the 3rd week of tren enanthate. meaning it damaged my prostate/HPTA somewhat but not all the way.

i want to get ripped and definitely dont want to have to resort to taking test,t3,arimidex and clen since i dont want to deal with shutdown issues. if anything, i might take everything but the test. that way the arimidex would lower my E2 a bit and increase my test a bit too without shutting me down.
If you are a broke college student that eats crap college food and drinks all the time, that might be where your bloated, not getting lean problems are coming from. And a little info for you, sodium and potassium intake should be close to the same. In my opinion you should try to keep Na at bay as much as possible and just take in k+, since its always hard to get enough of that anyways. Good sources are bananna's, potatoes, dairy, Milk (Not ice cream) low fat yogurt. You get the point.
heres a little info for YOU------>i mentioned i was on a strict diet bro. do you know what that means? a clue? i dont stay at a dorm or drink. im beyond hardcore with my diet bro. not to be an ass but you couldnt follow my diet for half a day. PLAIN chicken breast with 1/2 cup PLAIN oats and PLAIN rommaine lettuce rinsed is a typical meal. i dont even add any seasonings. i know what i am doing and have a feeling its hormonal. im about 14% and want to reach sub 10%. as for keeping Na as low as possible, too low of sodium can bloat you if you didnt know.
Good that you don't stay in a dorm or drink, that problem is out of the way. Here is a news flash your diet may be way to strict and wreaking havoc on your hormones. You are probably taking in way to little calories/nutrients and your body can't function. Best advice is not going to come from anyone in here, best advice is going to come from a doctor who runs your blood work. Good luck with that. Keep us updated.
You seem to have a problem; hope can help but need more info.
I dont know much about the effects of tren. Could you elaborate further regarding bloating of your face and neck? Does it often cause this in others?
I`m pretty sure it didnt cause an electrolyte imbalance. Perhaps you have read that sodium is related to water retention and that sodium and potassium are related somehow. This is true but I wont go into the details now. Suffice it to say that electrolyte disorders is a fascinating and complex area of study and that you dont appear to have any based upon your input.
Please elaborate on your bloating, diet and daily activities and I will try to give you the benefit of my studies.
Keep in mind that you could go to any ER and get a free workup. It`s depth and utility, quality of care, if you wish, will be determined by what you tell them and how much sense it makes. This is where I might be able to help. But I`m not going to waste my time unless you are sincere, forthright, willing to learn, and really want change.

5 years ago i used too much tren enanthate and it bloated my face/neck. after recovering to some 85% of my HPTA to this day, i still have that water retention there. i know it is there because it looks like i am on gear and i havent touched anything since july 2006. im almost positive this is related to an electrolyte imbalance from my research. i dont have any money right now for any blood tests but what i would like to know is, what do i need to increase to get rid of this? is it my potassium? i dont get much of that in my diet so if i supplemented, would i need potassium chloride, potassium tablets? there seems to be many forms of it over the counter, then again there are some available only by prescription. what form would that be and would that be what i need?

i know it is dangerous if i take too much on my own but im guessing only a little would help out alot. it seems like my body retains SODIUM more, somewhat like being on gear would do, since that is what it does, especially something like dbol. it increases sodium retention. and since i am always bloated, im almost sure that i have an excess amount of sodium in my blood. again, i dont have any money at all for tests, im a broke bloated college student. thanks for any input.
i dont understand what you are implying. 5 years ago, after being off for pretty much a year, i was 22. just turned 22. i decided i wanted to shred down. i took 1000mg test E first week with 375mg tren E from EA labs. in the 2nd week i dropped the test to 500mg per week and ran it like that each week. i kept the tren at 375mg but my biggest mistake was that i bumped it to 500mg starting week 3, and in that week, i noticed that my orgasms suffered. the sensitivty decreased and remained decreased ever since then. at this very same time, while dieting extremely hardcore, (not even protein shakes went down my hatch. i ate plain chicken breast with oats, egg whites in the morning, couple yolks, i was using udo's oil, i ate brocolli and plenty of greens and fats. i ate 6 meals a day and did 1 hour cardio 6 days a week), i noticed something phenomenal. i was getting BLOATED in my face and neck. like as if i all of a sudden took 50mg dbol. i was using liquidex at this time. i have not touched real arimidex tabs since 2003. for what its worth, my liquidex could have been fake but i doubt it. at week 7 i stopped everything and didnt do a proper PCT. i was so upset. i used liquidex and it did nothing. i took 1mg a day and it did nothing. thats how i know it was not estrogen, but something else. for the longest time i thought progesterone or prolactin. i took nolvadex a month later and ran 80mg a day. i didnt feel anything. this was also generic stuff. i did not use clomid either. after a couple months of feeling like an absolute bitch with high levels of estrogen, i took some test E with femara and felt somewhat better ,but that bloating was still there.

i then did a cycle from june to sept of test/dbol/liquidex and took a propert PCT and recovered fine. i touched nothing til a year later when i did 500mg test E for 5 weeks. i stopped because i realized i dont want to take gear anymore. at least for a while. i took some blood tests 2 months after for EVERYTHING. of course, it wasnt in depth like the tests on here, but my total T, free T, LH and FSH, including t3 and TSH was taken and prolacting as well as estrogen since i felt it was probably prolactin. everything came back fine. well 3 years later i am here with the same problem. if u saw me, you wouldnt notice it but i do and i want to get rid of the problem. last december i took my test levels. 542ng with a free of 19.5 (range 5-21). it could be my thyroid, too. i dont know. i havent touched ANYTHING since july 2006. but really i havent done a cycle since sept 2005. im recovered as can be, im 27, and its only going to get worse from here on out since i am getting older.

my diet every day is

2 whole eggs
6 egg whites
2/3 cup oats

2) 1.5 scoops isopure protein powder
fish oil and 1 TBSP natural peanut buter (salted)

3) 4oz uncooked weight chicken breast
2/3 cup oats


4) 2 scoops isopure
1 oz brown sugar - 28g sugar
1/2 cup oats

5) same as meal 3

6) same as meal 2

on non training days, in meal 4, i just repeat meal 2

i do my cardio upon waking on non training days but may be switching that out since im a natural and i feel that it is halting progress, even fatloss. because im starving when i get up yet i go do an extremely catabolic event, especially while being a natural.

EDIT: to answer your question on tren causing bloating. no. and actually ive used tren acetate before but never for more than 4 weeks. i used 75mg a day up to 100mg a day before but very short periods of time, like 2 weeks. and i was always fine even while on as long as i ran test with it. im guessing that this TREN E, since it was new, was so potent, i dont think i even took 375-500mg. it seemed more like double that amount. and i pretty much screwed myself using some UG lab. luckily, im not that screwed, i can still orgasm properly with great sensitivity, but nothing like pre-tren. and also, what's sad is that my orgasm intensity PEAKED 2 months before, i couldnt believe how intense they were. then it was lost forever.

BTW i cheat once a week. today i cheated and had a triple cheeseburger with salty fries. i started doing this last week because someone mentioned that the body will get used to anything, even a strict diet and needs to be reset. that is the only reason i cheat, otherwise i wouldnt even think about it.
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to add, i read that steroids in general will enlarge your prostate. given the circumstances of my experience with tren and the decreased sensitivty in climaxing, i tend to believe that my prostate has enlarged somewhat. it is more difficult to urinate. in fact, sometimes (every day but not every single time) i have to actually press my prostate to release urine.

"Worsening BPH may indeed cause severe bladder and secondary renal damage."

I understand that renal damage = kidney damage. that could explain my electrolyte imbalance. it is all connected. the decreased sensitivity = enlarged prostate and possibly bladder and renal damage which is causing this electrolyte imbalance.

Also, i wanted to know. Would i have a problem taking about 120mg test cyp per week with my current prostate/bladder condition? i am worried about damaging it further but i read somewhere that it is usually when the dose is above 150mg per week that it aromatizes into enough DHT to aggravate it. i want to get to 8% from about 14%. interested in just the test and a small dose of real arimidex tabs, 25mcg t3, and clen 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. thanks.
I wasnt implying anything.
As to your diet you are definitely getting enough protein. Maybe too much. The excess has to be cleared by the kidneys. You may be damaging them in the long term. Calcium is often excreted in excess along with the protein so you could be losing bone mass as a consequenceof excessive protein intake. The lack of carbs is of debateable importance but your lack of fruits and vegs is clearly detrimental to your overall health in the long run.
As I said, dont know much about the effects of tren dbol and the like. Its my understanding that long term use damages the liver, but maybe the kidneys, prostate or anything else for all I know.
Your theory that the problem with your neck face bloating being of renal origin is unlikely. Baring infection and local inflammation, swelling of parts of the body are caused by build up of the liquid surrounding the cells; extracellular fluid and lympth. But gravity rules and so edema begins in the feet and moves up as it worsens- it doesnt start in the neck. Cushing`s disease can cause a moon face, a kinda swollen face and neck effect as can taking glucocorticords( Medrol, hydrocortisone, etc).
You said "if u saw me, you wouldnt notice it but i do and i want to get rid of the problem". This statement is telling me that you have an idealized self image of your body and that a small descrepancy is getting blown all out of proportion in your head. Your strict diet and training regimen support this theory. What caused the bloating in the first place: I have no idea. If you could somehow begin to accept yourself as less than perfect and still be ok you would be better off.

i dont understand what you are implying. 5 years ago, after being off for pretty much a year, i was 22. just turned 22. i decided i wanted to shred down. i took 1000mg test E first week with 375mg tren E from EA labs. in the 2nd week i dropped the test to 500mg per week and ran it like that each week. i kept the tren at 375mg but my biggest mistake was that i bumped it to 500mg starting week 3, and in that week, i noticed that my orgasms suffered. the sensitivty decreased and remained decreased ever since then. at this very same time, while dieting extremely hardcore, (not even protein shakes went down my hatch. i ate plain chicken breast with oats, egg whites in the morning, couple yolks, i was using udo's oil, i ate brocolli and plenty of greens and fats. i ate 6 meals a day and did 1 hour cardio 6 days a week), i noticed something phenomenal. i was getting BLOATED in my face and neck. like as if i all of a sudden took 50mg dbol. i was using liquidex at this time. i have not touched real arimidex tabs since 2003. for what its worth, my liquidex could have been fake but i doubt it. at week 7 i stopped everything and didnt do a proper PCT. i was so upset. i used liquidex and it did nothing. i took 1mg a day and it did nothing. thats how i know it was not estrogen, but something else. for the longest time i thought progesterone or prolactin. i took nolvadex a month later and ran 80mg a day. i didnt feel anything. this was also generic stuff. i did not use clomid either. after a couple months of feeling like an absolute bitch with high levels of estrogen, i took some test E with femara and felt somewhat better ,but that bloating was still there.

i then did a cycle from june to sept of test/dbol/liquidex and took a propert PCT and recovered fine. i touched nothing til a year later when i did 500mg test E for 5 weeks. i stopped because i realized i dont want to take gear anymore. at least for a while. i took some blood tests 2 months after for EVERYTHING. of course, it wasnt in depth like the tests on here, but my total T, free T, LH and FSH, including t3 and TSH was taken and prolacting as well as estrogen since i felt it was probably prolactin. everything came back fine. well 3 years later i am here with the same problem. if u saw me, you wouldnt notice it but i do and i want to get rid of the problem. last december i took my test levels. 542ng with a free of 19.5 (range 5-21). it could be my thyroid, too. i dont know. i havent touched ANYTHING since july 2006. but really i havent done a cycle since sept 2005. im recovered as can be, im 27, and its only going to get worse from here on out since i am getting older.

my diet every day is

2 whole eggs
6 egg whites
2/3 cup oats

2) 1.5 scoops isopure protein powder
fish oil and 1 TBSP natural peanut buter (salted)

3) 4oz uncooked weight chicken breast
2/3 cup oats


4) 2 scoops isopure
1 oz brown sugar - 28g sugar
1/2 cup oats

5) same as meal 3

6) same as meal 2

on non training days, in meal 4, i just repeat meal 2

i do my cardio upon waking on non training days but may be switching that out since im a natural and i feel that it is halting progress, even fatloss. because im starving when i get up yet i go do an extremely catabolic event, especially while being a natural.

EDIT: to answer your question on tren causing bloating. no. and actually ive used tren acetate before but never for more than 4 weeks. i used 75mg a day up to 100mg a day before but very short periods of time, like 2 weeks. and i was always fine even while on as long as i ran test with it. im guessing that this TREN E, since it was new, was so potent, i dont think i even took 375-500mg. it seemed more like double that amount. and i pretty much screwed myself using some UG lab. luckily, im not that screwed, i can still orgasm properly with great sensitivity, but nothing like pre-tren. and also, what's sad is that my orgasm intensity PEAKED 2 months before, i couldnt believe how intense they were. then it was lost forever.

BTW i cheat once a week. today i cheated and had a triple cheeseburger with salty fries. i started doing this last week because someone mentioned that the body will get used to anything, even a strict diet and needs to be reset. that is the only reason i cheat, otherwise i wouldnt even think about it.
This is more of a medical matter and I might be of some use to you here. If you are experiencing problems urinating, cant start peeing and slow stream, You might well have an enlarged prostrate. How frequently do you urinate during the day and at night? How much liquids do you drink ?

to add, i read that steroids in general will enlarge your prostate. given the circumstances of my experience with tren and the decreased sensitivty in climaxing, i tend to believe that my prostate has enlarged somewhat. it is more difficult to urinate. in fact, sometimes (every day but not every single time) i have to actually press my prostate to release urine.

"Worsening BPH may indeed cause severe bladder and secondary renal damage."

I understand that renal damage = kidney damage. that could explain my electrolyte imbalance. it is all connected. the decreased sensitivity = enlarged prostate and possibly bladder and renal damage which is causing this electrolyte imbalance.

Also, i wanted to know. Would i have a problem taking about 120mg test cyp per week with my current prostate/bladder condition? i am worried about damaging it further but i read somewhere that it is usually when the dose is above 150mg per week that it aromatizes into enough DHT to aggravate it. i want to get to 8% from about 14%. interested in just the test and a small dose of real arimidex tabs, 25mcg t3, and clen 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. thanks.
This is more of a medical matter and I might be of some use to you here. If you are experiencing problems urinating, cant start peeing and slow stream, You might well have an enlarged prostrate. How frequently do you urinate during the day and at night? How much liquids do you drink ?

unless i drink alot of water beore bed, i usually dont wake up to urinate. it is usually after sex or masturbating. if i have to urinate, it will barely come out. and sometimes during the day. if i really have to urinate badly, it will just all come out without a problem. though the very last bits might not so i give it a press. i premturely aged myself at 22. sad.
Your symptoms dont fit those of BPH. Its common to expereience diffucilty urinating after orgasm or a lengthy period of sexual excitement- just experienced it myself.
You`re fine- chill out and enjoy life. You didnt prematurely age anything. If you doubt it just go to the ER and tell them what youve told me. They will ask you a lot of questions and order a serum chemistry lab and it will come back normal.

unless i drink alot of water beore bed, i usually dont wake up to urinate. it is usually after sex or masturbating. if i have to urinate, it will barely come out. and sometimes during the day. if i really have to urinate badly, it will just all come out without a problem. though the very last bits might not so i give it a press. i premturely aged myself at 22. sad.