Does Nolvadex Reduce Water Retention?


I see many guys claiming that Nolvadex does nothing for reducing water retention from testosterone because it does not block the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen like AI's.

Nolvadex is a SERM that blocks the undesirable effects of estrogen in certain tissue. How is it that increased serum estrogen creates bloat if the estrogen is unable to bind at estrogen receptors from Nolvadex?

Dan Duchaine said Nolvadex is effective for male steroid users to prevent or control gynecomastia. It is effective in both men and women as a dieting aid. Fat loss is faster when using 20mg of Nolvadex a day. Nolvadex also gives the lean physique a denser look for both sexes.
While I'm not an expert and someone else with experience could chime in with better info. I would think it comes down to it being a selective e receptor modulator. It's not working at every receptor, it has a high affinity for breast tissue, and while it may attach at some of the other receptors it either doesn't attach as strongly to them or not at all.

But hey at least you wont have water retention in your tits.
It just prevents estrogen from binding to the receptor, but doesn't actually decrease estrogen like an AI would.

So theoretically if you're estrogen is already high and you're retaining a bunch of water as a result of high estrogen, it won't do much for reduced water retention.

I guess also theoretically, if you used nolvadex preemptively to keep estrogen from binding to the receptor before it gets high, you could negate aromitization and therefore atleast some water bloat?
I see many guys claiming that Nolvadex does nothing for reducing water retention from testosterone because it does not block the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen like AI's.

Nolvadex is a SERM that blocks the undesirable effects of estrogen in certain tissue. How is it that increased serum estrogen creates bloat if the estrogen is unable to bind at estrogen receptors from Nolvadex?

Dan Duchaine said Nolvadex is effective for male steroid users to prevent or control gynecomastia. It is effective in both men and women as a dieting aid. Fat loss is faster when using 20mg of Nolvadex a day. Nolvadex also gives the lean physique a denser look for both sexes.
From what I have read and actually using it and raloxifene too now I use solely raloxifene they will just stop you from getting gyno so other high estrogen affects will still be present like water retention, oily skin, acne, libido problems, etc