We made it - 6 years blast and cruise


Well-known Member
Hey guys.

I am taking steroids for 6 years straight now, no time off since 2016. I started my HCG and HMG protocol at the end of June 2022. Yesterday we got good news - 5 months on with my protocol I finally got my girlfriend pregnant.

I did not come off at all.

The protocol was as follows:

350IU HCG ed
20-30IU HMG ed

Daily injections. No Serm as I did not want to come off and I believe adding it to exogenous hormones is a waste.

Big thank you to this forum and some sources here. Im not sure if it's okay to mention them, but feel free to ask which sources I used.

I did not expect this to happen so quickly. Im kinda shocked but also happy and excited.

Thank you guys.

What were your blast & cruise doses?
Over the years I did all kind of doses, all kind of steroids and peptides. I went as high as 1 gram of total AAS, including nandrolon, masteron, anavar, dbol and so on.
Cruise doses were as low as 105mg testosterone enanthate per week, split into daily shots.

In 6 years I never came off. I am a big believer in daily HMG and HCG injections. Actually I am a big believer in daily injections in general, I do my oil shots daily, too, for over 2 years now and never looked back.
Hey guys.

I am taking steroids for 6 years straight now, no time off since 2016. I started my HCG and HMG protocol at the end of June 2022. Yesterday we got good news - 5 months on with my protocol I finally got my girlfriend pregnant.

I did not come off at all.

The protocol was as follows:

350IU HCG ed
20-30IU HMG ed

Daily injections. No Serm as I did not want to come off and I believe adding it to exogenous hormones is a waste.

Big thank you to this forum and some sources here. Im not sure if it's okay to mention them, but feel free to ask which sources I used.

I did not expect this to happen so quickly. Im kinda shocked but also happy and excited.

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Well play mates!

During this last 5 month of HCG/HMG, you was on blast & cruise or only cruise?
During this last 5 month of HCG/HMG, you was on blast & cruise or only cruise?
I wouldn't call it a cruise, nor a blast. I took test + primo, started with 130mg test-e + 50mg primo-e in june and went up to 400mg test + 200mg primo for a couple weeks and then back down. And started it all over again, like a replay button. I like going up and down and play with doses instead of staying on xx amount for months on end. But 600mg total is the highest I went for a couple weeks.

In regards to what might interfere with fertility I believe it's less the overall amount of gear (dose wise) and more the compound itself that can interfere with fertility. 19-nor steroids I wouldn't touch. And it is important to mention that I took an entire year of 105mg trt (15mg daily) of only testosterone prior to this fertility protocol because we planned to do this of course and I didn’t want any of my blasts to sabotage this project.

Overall it wasn't that clever to take test+primo at the same time while trying to become fertile, but I guess the 12 months on pure trt dose of 15mg daily prior to this was very helpful to get the job done.
I wouldn't call it a cruise, nor a blast. I took test + primo, started with 130mg test-e + 50mg primo-e in june and went up to 400mg test + 200mg primo for a couple weeks and then back down. And started it all over again, like a replay button. I like going up and down and play with doses instead of staying on xx amount for months on end. But 600mg total is the highest I went for a couple weeks.

In regards to what might interfere with fertility I believe it's less the overall amount of gear (dose wise) and more the compound itself that can interfere with fertility. 19-nor steroids I wouldn't touch. And it is important to mention that I took an entire year of 105mg trt (15mg daily) of only testosterone prior to this fertility protocol because we planned to do this of course and I didn’t want any of my blasts to sabotage this project.

Overall it wasn't that clever to take test+primo at the same time while trying to become fertile, but I guess the 12 months on pure trt dose of 15mg daily prior to this was very helpful to get the job done.
Congratulations, that gives hope.

I think we are a lot here at blast & cruise and being afraid of not being able to have children one day.

Thanks for your return.
Many of babies produced while guys have been on blast and cruise for years. So many stories about making babies while on tren.
Not everyone gets shut down on steroids. It not a contraception
Many of babies produced while guys have been on blast and cruise for years. So many stories about making babies while on tren.
Not everyone gets shut down on steroids. It not a contraception
There will always be some exceptions, yet most guys will face a hormonal shut down and after some time infertility. That's how it is.
Hey guys.

I am taking steroids for 6 years straight now, no time off since 2016. I started my HCG and HMG protocol at the end of June 2022. Yesterday we got good news - 5 months on with my protocol I finally got my girlfriend pregnant.

I did not come off at all.

The protocol was as follows:

350IU HCG ed
20-30IU HMG ed

Daily injections. No Serm as I did not want to come off and I believe adding it to exogenous hormones is a waste.

Big thank you to this forum and some sources here. Im not sure if it's okay to mention them, but feel free to ask which sources I used.

I did not expect this to happen so quickly. Im kinda shocked but also happy and excited.

View attachment 175761View attachment 175762
I wouldn't call it a cruise, nor a blast. I took test + primo, started with 130mg test-e + 50mg primo-e in june and went up to 400mg test + 200mg primo for a couple weeks and then back down. And started it all over again, like a replay button. I like going up and down and play with doses instead of staying on xx amount for months on end. But 600mg total is the highest I went for a couple weeks.

In regards to what might interfere with fertility I believe it's less the overall amount of gear (dose wise) and more the compound itself that can interfere with fertility. 19-nor steroids I wouldn't touch. And it is important to mention that I took an entire year of 105mg trt (15mg daily) of only testosterone prior to this fertility protocol because we planned to do this of course and I didn’t want any of my blasts to sabotage this project.

Overall it wasn't that clever to take test+primo at the same time while trying to become fertile, but I guess the 12 months on pure trt dose of 15mg daily prior to this was very helpful to get the job done.
why daily trt shot?
Congratulations, that gives hope.

I think we are a lot here at blast & cruise and being afraid of not being able to have children one day.

Thanks for your return.
It should not give you hope. It is one guy, that is, a sample size of one.

A test with a sample size of one has no validity. This means it should not give you any hope at all - it means nothing in your situation, and may mean nothing at all in any situation.

If we had 1000 guys use his protocol, and 1000 guys just continue to cruise without the hcg and hmg, and made sure all 2000 of them had a fertile female willing to let them pound away each day with no condom, then we could figure out whether his protocol actually makes any difference.

As it is, his female may have gotten pregnant without the hcg and hmg. There is no way to know.

Your fear about reduced fertility when blasting and cruising is valid - that has actually been tested with large sample sizes.