Weak erections

I’ve done a load of bloodwork over the past few months and haven’t been able to get a handle on this situation. I’m currently running 1200mg test p hgh at 3 iu a day and .5mg of adex 3x weekly. Been on this cycle 4.5 months now. Estrogen is in the low 30’s and prolactin is 18.6.

My erections during sex are pretty weak and sometimes cialis at 30mg doesn’t even do the trick. It’s nearly impossible to finish when erections are present. After so long I often just give up trying.

I’m looking for some input. Have any of you experienced these issues? Could the slightly elevated prolactin be the culprit? Any suggestions?
i would drop the ai, and add 750mg of eq. Eq makes your dick rock solid. Same with proviron so you could add those in
Why not crush Prolactin? The lower the better for males isnt it?
People will say low prolactin is bad for sexual functioning, but there’s no study showing low prolactin causes worse sexual functioning.

There are studies showing a correlation between low PRL and sexual dysfunction, but that doesn’t mean shit because it’s just a correlation. If your PRL is low due to organic reasons, then your pituitary gland is almost certainly under active, meaning low sex hormones too.

Every study where men have pharmacologically induced hypoprolactinemia shows it to be pro-sexual.

Apparently prolactin can be protective against metabolic syndrome, but I haven’t read much into that, and I’m not sure if that’s also correlational.
Ahoj. Jsem muž, 52 let, 92 kg. Mám cukrovku 2. typu. a mám velmi krátkou erekci... píchám si sustanon 250 mg. 1500 mg měsíčně Po měsíci užívání SUSTANONu jsem si nechal udělat krevní testy, výsledky jsou na přiložené fotce. Mám problém s velmi krátkou erekcí. Erekce trvá několik minut. Po testech jsem začal užívat proviron 50mg + 10mg Cialis denně Prosím o pomoc. Děkuju


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