Week into PCT with bunk HCG


New Member
I had some chinese hcg left from over a year ago. The exp. date was 2015, so I started my clomid/nolv/HCG PCT last week. I didn't get the feeling in my balls from the HCG, so I pregnancy tested and it is no good anymore. I ordered more HCG from the reputable source I got the clom/nolv from. By the time I get the new HCG, I will be over 10 days into PCT. Should I just scrap the HCG all together or just extend the pct protocol by the 10 days?

I ran a 14 week 750test/400NPP. My original goal was to bridge with a maintenance dose of 150-200mg/week until the spring, but due to nagging injuries and the whole UGL quality concern issues, I want to come off. It's been about 2 months since my cycle ended. I started pct last monday. My PCT was supposed to be HCG 2000iu EOD for 2 weeks. Clomid 100/day 5 weeks and nolv 20/day for 6 weeks.
Yeah for some reason I had HCG and serms listed as day 1 on what I wrote down. I'm just going to start over once the HCG arrives.
It's important to saturate the entire application pad on a pregnancy test. I remember putting like 250 ius hcg (1/2 cc maybe?) onto the applicator and had no signs of being pregnant. Then I added 1 or 2 cc's of plain bac water to the existing hcg on the pad and it then tested positive.
You need to do a LOT of research. There's a lot of information about running HCG on cycle versus after.

Yes. I know I need to research more, but my understanding is that you can take it during the cycle or higher doses after, but before the starting the actual PCT. I thought I had read in another thread that you should not be taking the HCG with clomid/nolva because they counteract each other in some way. I will need to look again for that thread.

I thought Bucky was stating that he will be taking all three in conjunction.
Bucky, how old are you and is this your first cycle? Curious because it tells a lot about HPTA recovery. Whatever you do, stay on your PCT. It won't hurt to start HCG when you get it. Remember though, HCG is relatively new to the body building world and a lot of guys have recovered without it.
Moose. Cycled in the late 90's with test/deca. Had not used AAS in over a decade and went on TRT 2 years ago. I didn't like the protocol my doc had me on 400mg EOW, so I self administered, then blasted summer of 2013, pct with torem and hcg in fall '13. Bloods showed test in mid 300's IIRC. Got my wife pregnant last march, then did cycle of Test/NPP through the summer. Was planning on cruising but deciding to stop. I feel like shit mentally/physically right now though.
Moose. Cycled in the late 90's with test/deca. Had not used AAS in over a decade and went on TRT 2 years ago. I didn't like the protocol my doc had me on 400mg EOW, so I self administered, then blasted summer of 2013, pct with torem and hcg in fall '13. Bloods showed test in mid 300's IIRC. Got my wife pregnant last march, then did cycle of Test/NPP through the summer. Was planning on cruising but deciding to stop. I feel like shit mentally/physically right now though.
How old are you?