Weird thing: crashed the fuuuugh out of my E2, now need less AI despite same blast dose


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Hey y'all!

Good morning. Happy motherfucking Saturday ya bastards!@ I have been sleeping like a king lately (which means for me, a solid 7.5 hours of sleep and I wake feeling like a million bucks) after battling fucking wicked insomnia for the last several months. I finally figured out a medication structure that works well for me and I've been sleeping so, so good. about 3 weeks ago now, I accidentally crashed the living fuck out of my E2. I was out of commission for like 2 days. Extreme lethargy, actually took off work to sleep most of the day, dick didn't work, was depressed as fuck, but thankfully I was able to get myself feeling "OK" again relatively quickly thanks to a couple extra doses of HCG and about 20mg of MENT (I don't have dbol so that wasn't an option. Thankfully that worked like a charm. Now I am back to my cycle: 500 Test/350 NPP. I kicked off the cycle with 8 weeks of anavar, 40mg/day, but that is over now. Historically on previous cycles 500 mg of test I need the standard .5mg of adex twice per week--once with each shot.

So anyway, since I crashed my E2 a couple weeks ago I have needed like hardly any AI, despite taking the same amount of Test. I have no high E2 symptoms at all. I have taken 0.125mg of adex twice in the last week. The only high E2 symptom I get really is sensitive nipples. Also, one of the first low E2 symptoms that would pop up for me was sensitive nipples. Now, I had full gland removal surgery 2 years ago, so I should be basically immune to gyno. I think part of the sensitive nipples is just E2 actually agonizing the skin of my nipples, or it could be nervous system related, since the surgery obviously did nerve damage with all the nasty stuff they cut out. It is fully healed now, but that is my hypothesis.

Since crushing my E2, I no longer have sensitive nips at all, nor do I have any other symptoms of high E2, despite taking 500 mg test and barely any AI at all (also taking 1,200 IU of HCG weekly. My blood pressure is that of a baby (124/71 pulse 63 spO2 99 after just finishing a large cup of french press coffee...probably 150-200 mgs of caffeine). No water retention, nothing.

So, my question is this: is there anyone else who's heard of someone crushing their E2 and then needing less AI? It has only been a 3 weeks since the incident (it was a fuckup with dosing...I took the wrong pill and have taken action to ensure it never happens again) maybe my need for AI will go back up/back to normal with time? Anyone have any ideas? It is just a very weird scenario so I wanted to pick yalls brains...
I used to have very high active aromatase enzyme as a natty.. just 250mg of sus bloated the hell out of me...

I crashed e2 and I had skyrocketed e2 too...

Right now, after some years fuckin around and 2 proper cycles done, I found my aromatase activity changed a lot and aromatizes way less
Hey y'all!

Good morning. Happy motherfucking Saturday ya bastards!@ I have been sleeping like a king lately (which means for me, a solid 7.5 hours of sleep and I wake feeling like a million bucks) after battling fucking wicked insomnia for the last several months. I finally figured out a medication structure that works well for me and I've been sleeping so, so good. about 3 weeks ago now, I accidentally crashed the living fuck out of my E2. I was out of commission for like 2 days. Extreme lethargy, actually took off work to sleep most of the day, dick didn't work, was depressed as fuck, but thankfully I was able to get myself feeling "OK" again relatively quickly thanks to a couple extra doses of HCG and about 20mg of MENT (I don't have dbol so that wasn't an option. Thankfully that worked like a charm. Now I am back to my cycle: 500 Test/350 NPP. I kicked off the cycle with 8 weeks of anavar, 40mg/day, but that is over now. Historically on previous cycles 500 mg of test I need the standard .5mg of adex twice per week--once with each shot.

So anyway, since I crashed my E2 a couple weeks ago I have needed like hardly any AI, despite taking the same amount of Test. I have no high E2 symptoms at all. I have taken 0.125mg of adex twice in the last week. The only high E2 symptom I get really is sensitive nipples. Also, one of the first low E2 symptoms that would pop up for me was sensitive nipples. Now, I had full gland removal surgery 2 years ago, so I should be basically immune to gyno. I think part of the sensitive nipples is just E2 actually agonizing the skin of my nipples, or it could be nervous system related, since the surgery obviously did nerve damage with all the nasty stuff they cut out. It is fully healed now, but that is my hypothesis.

Since crushing my E2, I no longer have sensitive nips at all, nor do I have any other symptoms of high E2, despite taking 500 mg test and barely any AI at all (also taking 1,200 IU of HCG weekly. My blood pressure is that of a baby (124/71 pulse 63 spO2 99 after just finishing a large cup of french press coffee...probably 150-200 mgs of caffeine). No water retention, nothing.

So, my question is this: is there anyone else who's heard of someone crushing their E2 and then needing less AI? It has only been a 3 weeks since the incident (it was a fuckup with dosing...I took the wrong pill and have taken action to ensure it never happens again) maybe my need for AI will go back up/back to normal with time? Anyone have any ideas? It is just a very weird scenario so I wanted to pick yalls brains...

All I know is..
Shit does change.
Sometimes for the worse lol

A year and a half ago...
I could run...

500mg Test
300 NPP
With zero fucking AI
(Gains were out of control amazing on that blast)

Now I need AI anything over 150mg. (Unless I add a little primo... then I'm good to 250mg)
Was a fucking pain to learn how to dial in my AI all over again.
Ended up going crazy and crashing e2, just to get it under control

Bounced back and high e2 symptoms returned in my next blast with 375 Test/ 300 Deca and some Mast.

Seems like this is just me now lol
All I know is..
Shit does change.
Sometimes for the worse lol

A year and a half ago...
I could run...

500mg Test
300 NPP
With zero fucking AI
(Gains were out of control amazing on that blast)

Now I need AI anything over 150mg. (Unless I add a little primo... then I'm good to 250mg)
Was a fucking pain to learn how to dial in my AI all over again.
Ended up going crazy and crashing e2, just to get it under control

Bounced back and high e2 symptoms returned in my next blast with 375 Test/ 300 Deca and some Mast.

Seems like this is just me now lol
I quitted cold turkey some times ago and badly messed up e2... after my relationship was going shit very heavy and I ended up in bed crying all day long without lights in the dark of my bedroom just with Armin Van Buuren A state of trance episodes and benzos... worst time ever of my life... fuckin estrogens
Idk, even a few months later I still need less AI than before. That's with MENT added to the mix too. It's very weird. I used to need the classic 1 mg per week on 500 mg. Now I am taking .25 mg every other day (I inject my test EOD too and my MENT daily), so 0.875 mg per week and I just started having some low E2 symptoms yesterday evening, so I am skipping today's dose.

No idea what the deal is. It sure would be nice if the scientific community would put out more research around AAS, given that like 10% of the fucking population uses them at some point...
I used to have very high active aromatase enzyme as a natty.. just 250mg of sus bloated the hell out of me...

I crashed e2 and I had skyrocketed e2 too...

Right now, after some years fuckin around and 2 proper cycles done, I found my aromatase activity changed a lot and aromatizes way less
What the fuck, this is my exact experience as well... i thought i was tripping. I used to need 12.5mg aromasin 2x a week on 500mg test alone, now i don't even need an AI. This happened after my 2nd cycle where i was running test/eq 1:1 and had crashed e2 for nearly 20 weeks. My aromatize enzyme changed drastically after that cycle. Now i can't run EQ at any dose and have to be careful dosing Primo...

Something else i noticed after having crashed e2 for ages is that even 2 years after now, my short-term memory has gotten to shit. I read an article about aromatize inhibitors fucking up memory, i will try to find it and link it.
What the fuck, this is my exact experience as well... i thought i was tripping. I used to need 12.5mg aromasin 2x a week on 500mg test alone, now i don't even need an AI. This happened after my 2nd cycle where i was running test/eq 1:1 and had crashed e2 for nearly 20 weeks. My aromatize enzyme changed drastically after that cycle. Now i can't run EQ at any dose and have to be careful dosing Primo...

Something else i noticed after having crashed e2 for ages is that even 2 years after now, my short-term memory has gotten to shit. I read an article about aromatize inhibitors fucking up memory, i will try to find it and link it.
Mine too, ahah.. I don’t remember a fuck but i think that I should blame more of all Depression, now I m doing what I want in life and spending lot of time into bb and I m not more depressed
What the fuck, this is my exact experience as well... i thought i was tripping. I used to need 12.5mg aromasin 2x a week on 500mg test alone, now i don't even need an AI. This happened after my 2nd cycle where i was running test/eq 1:1 and had crashed e2 for nearly 20 weeks. My aromatize enzyme changed drastically after that cycle. Now i can't run EQ at any dose and have to be careful dosing Primo...

Something else i noticed after having crashed e2 for ages is that even 2 years after now, my short-term memory has gotten to shit. I read an article about aromatize inhibitors fucking up memory, i will try to find it and link it.
Please do! I found a bunch pretty quickly:

Research Articles, Behavioral/Cognitive Adverse Effects of Aromatase Inhibition on the Brain and Behavior in a Nonhuman Primate

Cognitive Effects of Aromatase and Possible Role in Memory Disorders/ - "It is thus essential that we understand why such women who receive AI are more likely to experience memory deficits, increased pain responses, and other CNS and musculoskeletal affects. This will allow for the development of strategies to alleviate such negative side effects, thus allowing women to recover fully from both a physical and mental health standpoint. Exercise, both during the time of receiving such drugs and after, appears to hold the key in maintaining normal cognitive function..."

Do aromatase inhibitors have adverse effects on cognitive function? - " The functional areas of verbal and visual memory, working memory, processing speed, and executive function were assessed. There was no significant difference between the anastrozole and placebo groups on any cognitive tasks at any of the time points. "

Cognitive Dysfunction in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients on Aromatase Inhibitors - "In particular, it was observed that anastrozole users had poorer visual and verbal learning and memory performance than women receiving tamoxifen. " and "They purport that anastrozole causes cognitive decline (processing speed and verbal memory) in females taking this medication. "

Memory impairments with adjuvant anastrozole versus tamoxifen in women with early-stage breast cancer - "We found that women with breast cancer who received anastrozole therapy experienced poorer verbal and visual learning and memory than women with breast cancer who received tamoxifen." However, the study also says "We cannot exclude age as a variable contributing to the poorer cognitive performance in the women receiving anastrozole. "

So anyway. I have no idea. It seems like there may be some detrimental effect to SERMs and AIs when it comes to short term verbal and spatial memory. However, some of the studies are a little conflicting and they are essentially ALL in older women with breast cancer.

Additionally, the one study says exercise mitigates the detrimental effect to memory of these drugs. So perhaps for people like us, the lifting and cardio we do (y'all better be doing your cardio!) would mitigate any memory issues from an AI/SERM...
Amazing find MFAAS. It made me dig up the post that i found.

A new study suggests that estrogen is essential to keep neurons communicating and memories being made.

This shows at estrogen has a clear role in synaptic plasticity, how neurons communicate with each other, and in the formation of new memories. It was known that aromatase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen, was made in the brain’s hippocampus and cerebral cortex in a variety of species that includes humans—and that all species tested have memory deficits when aromatase is blocked.

Knockout mice can't remember as well as normal mice. And clinical patients who take an aromatase inhibitor for estrogen-dependent breast cancer have reported memory problems.

The findings implicate neuron-derived estrogen as a novel neuromodulator, a critical messenger that neurons rely upon to communicate with others, which is essential to key functions such as memory and cognition.

Amazing find MFAAS. It made me dig up the post that i found.

A new study suggests that estrogen is essential to keep neurons communicating and memories being made.

This shows at estrogen has a clear role in synaptic plasticity, how neurons communicate with each other, and in the formation of new memories. It was known that aromatase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen, was made in the brain’s hippocampus and cerebral cortex in a variety of species that includes humans—and that all species tested have memory deficits when aromatase is blocked.

Knockout mice can't remember as well as normal mice. And clinical patients who take an aromatase inhibitor for estrogen-dependent breast cancer have reported memory problems.

The findings implicate neuron-derived estrogen as a novel neuromodulator, a critical messenger that neurons rely upon to communicate with others, which is essential to key functions such as memory and cognition.

Yeah, one thing to note in those studies is that since the women are battling breast cancer, the use of SERMs and AIs is likely tanking their estrogen. This is in contrast to what we do which is run AIs or SERMs to try to keep our estrogen within the normal range rather than let it rise to suprahysiological levels.

This is a major, major difference, and thus AI usage when on cycle might not have any effect on memory or neuroplasticity at all, since our E2 is still in range/at a healthy level. However, if we tank our E2 then yeah there are obvious deleterious effects.
I crashed my estrogen HARD also. I was poppin' aromasin like it was candy on 200mg Test without bloodwork because for some FUCKING STUPID reason I figured ANY sides I got just meant too much estrogen because my previous trial with TRT I was chronically high in E2. Don't be as stupid as me.

After like 5 months of 3-4 12.5mg aromasin/wk I finally got more bloodwork.

I was so uninformed I thought my test results were wrong because how could I experience sides with that low estrogen! It was like 4. I don't remember.

Anyway long story short I eventually got a smack down of knowledge and altered my course.

I got myself normal by stopping the AI and continuing 200mg Test for a year. I even popped a few dbols thinking that would help. It didn't seem to at least for the way I felt. It took that long to feel normal. My e2 levels were fine in 1 month. But my joints hurt and I felt zombie like for a long time.

Now if I run a cycle and take an AI even ONE 12.5 aromasin makes me feel LIKE TOTAL SHIT every classic low E symptom. Even though my actual blood tests show e2 still in range.

Now I never use AIs and just run cycles that don't need them or run moderate doses.

I feel better than ever. But tbh I feel like my memory never recovered after my stupidity with the AI.

And I absolutely feel like I don't respond to them like I did when I first used them 10 years ago. Like even half of one is aweful.

I'm scared to try EQ.

I'm about to try a MENT cycle. I plan on using only 10mg/day. I'm not going to touch an AI. If I have problems I MIGHT try 50-75mg /week Primo as that seems to be just perfect for me for stopping any night sweats I get when I'm running stronger/higher dose compounds. If it doesn't help I'll lower the MENT or just drop it. Masteron works for this too for me but I need 200mg for it to work for that and Primo even at 50mg helps my mood more than Mast. But I like both.
I crashed my estrogen HARD also. I was poppin' aromasin like it was candy on 200mg Test without bloodwork because for some FUCKING STUPID reason I figured ANY sides I got just meant too much estrogen because my previous trial with TRT I was chronically high in E2. Don't be as stupid as me.

After like 5 months of 3-4 12.5mg aromasin/wk I finally got more bloodwork.

I was so uninformed I thought my test results were wrong because how could I experience sides with that low estrogen! It was like 4. I don't remember.

Anyway long story short I eventually got a smack down of knowledge and altered my course.

I got myself normal by stopping the AI and continuing 200mg Test for a year. I even popped a few dbols thinking that would help. It didn't seem to at least for the way I felt. It took that long to feel normal. My e2 levels were fine in 1 month. But my joints hurt and I felt zombie like for a long time.

Now if I run a cycle and take an AI even ONE 12.5 aromasin makes me feel LIKE TOTAL SHIT every classic low E symptom. Even though my actual blood tests show e2 still in range.

Now I never use AIs and just run cycles that don't need them or run moderate doses.

I feel better than ever. But tbh I feel like my memory never recovered after my stupidity with the AI.

And I absolutely feel like I don't respond to them like I did when I first used them 10 years ago. Like even half of one is aweful.

I'm scared to try EQ.

I'm about to try a MENT cycle. I plan on using only 10mg/day. I'm not going to touch an AI. If I have problems I MIGHT try 50-75mg /week Primo as that seems to be just perfect for me for stopping any night sweats I get when I'm running stronger/higher dose compounds. If it doesn't help I'll lower the MENT or just drop it. Masteron works for this too for me but I need 200mg for it to work for that and Primo even at 50mg helps my mood more than Mast. But I like both.
lmao wow this is quite the ordeal you put yourself through! Thanks for sharing. Thankfully I use adex and not aromasin. I am honestly kinda scared to try aromasin, just due to the horror stories I've heard (like yours).

As far as your memory issues, if it really truly bothers you, it may be worth trying any of the following:
- Intranasal Semax or N-Acetyl-Semax (a peptide that increases BDNF in the brain)
- Microdosing mushroom
- Stop smoking weed and drinking alcohol, if you partake in those things currently)
- BPC-157 subcutaneous (don't listen to people who say BPC only acts locally, that is some BS. I have injected BPC into my leg and had latissimus dorsi issues resolve themselves quickly thereafter)
- Lastly, literal brain exercises. Practice doing mental math. Go to a website and practice your algebra or learn a new language or skill. Force your brain to grow. Adults may not have the same neuroplasticity as children, but we still have some and we can improve our cognition and thought processes.

I wouldn't try EQ anyway just because the blood thickening doesn't seem worth it. There's plenty of other things to run instead.
Idk, even a few months later I still need less AI than before. That's with MENT added to the mix too. It's very weird. I used to need the classic 1 mg per week on 500 mg. Now I am taking .25 mg every other day (I inject my test EOD too and my MENT daily), so 0.875 mg per week and I just started having some low E2 symptoms yesterday evening, so I am skipping today's dose.

No idea what the deal is. It sure would be nice if the scientific community would put out more research around AAS, given that like 10% of the fucking population uses them at some point...
How is your aromatization now? How has it changed over the months?
I find myself in a similar situation cruising on 300test/300 primo and keep getting low e!
This is a first for me so i am curious if it changed with time?
How is your aromatization now? How has it changed over the months?
I find myself in a similar situation cruising on 300test/300 primo and keep getting low e!
This is a first for me so i am curious if it changed with time?
It's fine, my E2 ultrasensitive was 30, top range was 29, on 160 MG test C per week. Took 0.625 MG adex the be day before my blood test. (Half of a .125 MG pill.)

Now I seem to need barely any AI on 30 MG Mast p and 10 MG MENT per day asking with 160 MG Test C per week. Was just excitement with it though as I'd like to try a ment cycle again in the future.
When I first start to cycling blasting etc.
I would aromatise like crazy on 500mg testo. I didnt use any AI on that cycle.
After that cycle I would barely aromatise I would run 1g Testo and I would feeling fine no gyno no moody no high e2 symptoms. Even on testo and deca combined no issues +dbols.

I laid off anabolics for almost 2 years.
Coming back I did crash my estrogen big time. 1mg adex ED and 500 masteron for 400mg testo...
Then I bump testo to 1.5g I was needed 3mg per week adex
Then I crashed my estrogen I needed less so I was doing 0.5mg X 3.

Nowadays I need barely 0.75mg adex on 2g testo
But I also need around 0.5-0.75mg adex on 500mg testosterone.
Go figure
When I first start to cycling blasting etc.
I would aromatise like crazy on 500mg testo. I didnt use any AI on that cycle.
After that cycle I would barely aromatise I would run 1g Testo and I would feeling fine no gyno no moody no high e2 symptoms. Even on testo and deca combined no issues +dbols.

I laid off anabolics for almost 2 years.
Coming back I did crash my estrogen big time. 1mg adex ED and 500 masteron for 400mg testo...
Then I bump testo to 1.5g I was needed 3mg per week adex
Then I crashed my estrogen I needed less so I was doing 0.5mg X 3.

Nowadays I need barely 0.75mg adex on 2g testo
But I also need around 0.5-0.75mg adex on 500mg testosterone.
Go figure
That makes sens if what Broderick Chavez said is true, that the aromatase enzymes max out at around 600 mg test and the body cant make more of this enzymes regardless of testosterone dose!
On what does do you cruise? And do you get estrogenic sides when going from blast to cruise?
That makes sens if what Broderick Chavez said is true, that the aromatase enzymes max out at around 600 mg test and the body cant make more of this enzymes regardless of testosterone dose!
On what does do you cruise? And do you get estrogenic sides when going from blast to cruise?
Interesting theory really now that I'm thinking how much AI I needed on blasts and cruises maybe hold some truth.

I cruise on
500mg test only
500mg testo 250 deca. No need for more AI with the deca in.

I experience estrogen side effects when I go from blast to cruise yeah.
I always get estrogenic reaction when I increase or decrease test
Interesting theory really now that I'm thinking how much AI I needed on blasts and cruises maybe hold some truth.

I cruise on
500mg test only
500mg testo 250 deca. No need for more AI with the deca in.

I experience estrogen side effects when I go from blast to cruise yeah.
I always get estrogenic reaction when I increase or decrease test
I think this is whats going on for me. I went from no test to 500 mg and i think my body has to adjust a bit.

i got gyno quick, but .5 mg adex 2 x a week for 1 week. It went away and has stayed away since.
Please do! I found a bunch pretty quickly:

Research Articles, Behavioral/Cognitive Adverse Effects of Aromatase Inhibition on the Brain and Behavior in a Nonhuman Primate

Cognitive Effects of Aromatase and Possible Role in Memory Disorders/ - "It is thus essential that we understand why such women who receive AI are more likely to experience memory deficits, increased pain responses, and other CNS and musculoskeletal affects. This will allow for the development of strategies to alleviate such negative side effects, thus allowing women to recover fully from both a physical and mental health standpoint. Exercise, both during the time of receiving such drugs and after, appears to hold the key in maintaining normal cognitive function..."

Do aromatase inhibitors have adverse effects on cognitive function? - " The functional areas of verbal and visual memory, working memory, processing speed, and executive function were assessed. There was no significant difference between the anastrozole and placebo groups on any cognitive tasks at any of the time points. "

Cognitive Dysfunction in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients on Aromatase Inhibitors - "In particular, it was observed that anastrozole users had poorer visual and verbal learning and memory performance than women receiving tamoxifen. " and "They purport that anastrozole causes cognitive decline (processing speed and verbal memory) in females taking this medication. "

Memory impairments with adjuvant anastrozole versus tamoxifen in women with early-stage breast cancer - "We found that women with breast cancer who received anastrozole therapy experienced poorer verbal and visual learning and memory than women with breast cancer who received tamoxifen." However, the study also says "We cannot exclude age as a variable contributing to the poorer cognitive performance in the women receiving anastrozole. "

So anyway. I have no idea. It seems like there may be some detrimental effect to SERMs and AIs when it comes to short term verbal and spatial memory. However, some of the studies are a little conflicting and they are essentially ALL in older women with breast cancer.

Additionally, the one study says exercise mitigates the detrimental effect to memory of these drugs. So perhaps for people like us, the lifting and cardio we do (y'all better be doing your cardio!) would mitigate any memory issues from an AI/SERM...

Please do! I found a bunch pretty quickly:

Research Articles, Behavioral/Cognitive Adverse Effects of Aromatase Inhibition on the Brain and Behavior in a Nonhuman Primate

Cognitive Effects of Aromatase and Possible Role in Memory Disorders/ - "It is thus essential that we understand why such women who receive AI are more likely to experience memory deficits, increased pain responses, and other CNS and musculoskeletal affects. This will allow for the development of strategies to alleviate such negative side effects, thus allowing women to recover fully from both a physical and mental health standpoint. Exercise, both during the time of receiving such drugs and after, appears to hold the key in maintaining normal cognitive function..."

Do aromatase inhibitors have adverse effects on cognitive function? - " The functional areas of verbal and visual memory, working memory, processing speed, and executive function were assessed. There was no significant difference between the anastrozole and placebo groups on any cognitive tasks at any of the time points. "

Cognitive Dysfunction in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients on Aromatase Inhibitors - "In particular, it was observed that anastrozole users had poorer visual and verbal learning and memory performance than women receiving tamoxifen. " and "They purport that anastrozole causes cognitive decline (processing speed and verbal memory) in females taking this medication. "

Memory impairments with adjuvant anastrozole versus tamoxifen in women with early-stage breast cancer - "We found that women with breast cancer who received anastrozole therapy experienced poorer verbal and visual learning and memory than women with breast cancer who received tamoxifen." However, the study also says "We cannot exclude age as a variable contributing to the poorer cognitive performance in the women receiving anastrozole. "

So anyway. I have no idea. It seems like there may be some detrimental effect to SERMs and AIs when it comes to short term verbal and spatial memory. However, some of the studies are a little conflicting and they are essentially ALL in older women with breast cancer.

Additionally, the one study says exercise mitigates the detrimental effect to memory of these drugs. So perhaps for people like us, the lifting and cardio we do (y'all better be doing your cardio!) would mitigate any memory issues from an AI/SERM...
With clomid there was a struggle to remember words when handling errands about town, you go for the word and it's not their.
I crashed my estrogen HARD also. I was poppin' aromasin like it was candy on 200mg Test without bloodwork because for some FUCKING STUPID reason I figured ANY sides I got just meant too much estrogen because my previous trial with TRT I was chronically high in E2. Don't be as stupid as me.

After like 5 months of 3-4 12.5mg aromasin/wk I finally got more bloodwork.

I was so uninformed I thought my test results were wrong because how could I experience sides with that low estrogen! It was like 4. I don't remember.

Anyway long story short I eventually got a smack down of knowledge and altered my course.

I got myself normal by stopping the AI and continuing 200mg Test for a year. I even popped a few dbols thinking that would help. It didn't seem to at least for the way I felt. It took that long to feel normal. My e2 levels were fine in 1 month. But my joints hurt and I felt zombie like for a long time.

Now if I run a cycle and take an AI even ONE 12.5 aromasin makes me feel LIKE TOTAL SHIT every classic low E symptom. Even though my actual blood tests show e2 still in range.

Now I never use AIs and just run cycles that don't need them or run moderate doses.

I feel better than ever. But tbh I feel like my memory never recovered after my stupidity with the AI.

And I absolutely feel like I don't respond to them like I did when I first used them 10 years ago. Like even half of one is aweful.

I'm scared to try EQ.

I'm about to try a MENT cycle. I plan on using only 10mg/day. I'm not going to touch an AI. If I have problems I MIGHT try 50-75mg /week Primo as that seems to be just perfect for me for stopping any night sweats I get when I'm running stronger/higher dose compounds. If it doesn't help I'll lower the MENT or just drop it. Masteron works for this too for me but I need 200mg for it to work for that and Primo even at 50mg helps my mood more than Mast. But I like both.
I know its a bit old post but i have the same problem as you, may i ask what was your injection frequency?
Now i too if i take an ai even if 12.5mg i have low e2 symptoms even when my e2 level is good