What did you inject today?

missed my shot yesterday.. but about today:

13iu novo pre / 20iu novo post
125 Test E
140 EQ
140 Mast E

Ayte pre bed:
100mcg T4
40mg Telmisartan
20mg mk677 pre bed
20mg Cialis
10iu novo morning / 20iu novo post
125 Test E
180 EQ
180 Mast E

Ayte pre bed:
100mcg T4
80mg Telmisartan
20mg mk677 pre bed
20mg Cialis
I noticed you doubled the Telmisartan ... Is it because you also increased EQ and Mast? Or just based on your BP readings? Also, if you don't mind educating me, is that dosage (80mg) high or mid range?
I noticed you doubled the Telmisartan ... Is it because you also increased EQ and Mast? Or just based on your BP readings? Also, if you don't mind educating me, is that dosage (80mg) high or mid range?
bp is in 140´s, mostly cause carbs,mk677.. i double it cuz my basic bp is 120.. also its good for lipids,insulin sensitivity and much more