What drinks should avoid in PCT ?


New Member

I am in Power PCT
-every 5days 1shot pregnyl 5000hcg ui for 20days so 4shots 20.000ui in total
-clomid 100mg daily (50mg twice per day 12h apart) for 30day
-nolvadex 40mg daily (20mg twice per day 12h apart) for 45day

what drinks i am not able to drink during this pct please ?
btw i do not mean only alcohol i mean drinks like Tea/Cofee/lemon juce/etc
and i am drininking so much Tea and cofee all the time is that can affect bad or Invalidate effect of Serms like nolvadex/clomid ?
First off I'm new here too this advice that I'm about to give u might nit be completely accurate be as far as I can tell that pct u got going there seems to be a bit overkill what kind of cycle did u run? And usually during and after running a cycle water is the best thing to drink at least a gallon a day

I am in Power PCT
-every 5days 1shot pregnyl 5000hcg ui for 20days so 4shots 20.000ui in total
-clomid 100mg daily (50mg twice per day 12h apart) for 30day
-nolvadex 40mg daily (20mg twice per day 12h apart) for 45day

what drinks i am not able to drink during this pct please ?
btw i do not mean only alcohol i mean drinks like Tea/Cofee/lemon juce/etc
and i am drininking so much Tea and cofee all the time is that can affect bad or Invalidate effect of Serms like nolvadex/clomid ?
I know your not supposed to drink anything with royal maca root while using nolvadex
First off I'm new here too this advice that I'm about to give u might nit be completely accurate be as far as I can tell that pct u got going there seems to be a bit overkill what kind of cycle did u run? And usually during and after running a cycle water is the best thing to drink at least a gallon a day

This is Dr. Scallys power pct protocol to restart the hpta, usually intended if a normal pct fails. I have seen people run it with success on this forum.

Why are you using hcg in pct? Did you already try to recover and couldn't?

Im not sure exactly how it works, Ill have to look into it again. I also believe he changed the protocol awhile back if I remember right.

I am in Power PCT
-every 5days 1shot pregnyl 5000hcg ui for 20days so 4shots 20.000ui in total
-clomid 100mg daily (50mg twice per day 12h apart) for 30day
-nolvadex 40mg daily (20mg twice per day 12h apart) for 45day

what drinks i am not able to drink during this pct please ?
btw i do not mean only alcohol i mean drinks like Tea/Cofee/lemon juce/etc
and i am drininking so much Tea and cofee all the time is that can affect bad or Invalidate effect of Serms like nolvadex/clomid ?

Unless you have gout or anything that requires a specific pH level you should be fine. If you get anxiety or anything of the sort then obviously cut back on the caffeine.
I'm kind of confused by your question. You can drink whatever you like.. Obviously lots of water being the most ideal. But the other things you listed are fine.
I would say as long as you're not going to "Happy Hour" every-night and getting sloshed, you can pretty much Drink what you like in Moderation, 100% Juices, Coffee.
The more Water the Better........................... JP