Readalot can't be ghoul. Readalot didn't have a full head of hair, also he didn't almost forcing everyone to hop on finasteride. He had many guys insulting him but i don't think he'd hide under a new alias, he knew he was cool with many members also.
In t-nation and other boards his nicks were almost similar, readalot, tareload etc
I wish I had a full head of hair.
I used finasteride before the "syndrome" had a name, and had all the symptoms. Scared the shit out of me. Thought they'd never go away.
After way too much unnecessary hair loss, I finally realized I just needed to lower the dose to .25mg.
I'm trying to spare the guys who still have a chance of preserving it, instead of believing in "post finasteride syndrome" bullshit.
You crash your DHT, you get nasty symptoms that don't go away the day after you stop taking the 5-AR inhibitor. Just like crashing E2 with aromasin causes nasty symptoms that don't go away for a while.
Dozens of trial lawyers looking for a payday, hundreds of researchers looking to make a name for themselves, and in 25 years they've found nothing. Not a single successful lawsuit or credible research have found anything.
All the "symptoms" said to be permanent are capable of being psychologically induced. Not one enduring physical symptom of PFS that can be objectively proven. What a coincidence.
A bunch of self appointed gurus on the topic spread the bullshit you'll never get a hard on again after taking fin, and anyone who takes too much ends up having psychosomatic symptoms that make exactly that happen way longer than the crashed DHT lasts.
Besides, I'm not "forcing" anyone. This is a forum to share ideas, experiences, and advocate your position. Who the hell would feel "forced" to do anything based on what they read?