What is the best split for recomping?


New Member
Best split for recomp?How many times to do cardio?Carb cycling?
I want to do a 4-5 month recomp and want some input on how to structure training any advice is welcome
You haven't even attempted to provide enough information for anyone to make a guess. You need to establish a baseline then make adjustments based on your results.

No offense, but the fact that you believe there is an answer to this question really means you should hire a coach.
Any split will work as long as your working hard. If you've been out a while and are jumping back in you cant go wrong with upper lower to start with. Cardio 1-2x a day 30 min minimum.carbs minimum just enough to get a good pump.
You haven't even attempted to provide enough information for anyone to make a guess. You need to establish a baseline then make adjustments based on your results.

No offense, but the fact that you believe there is an answer to this question really means you should hire a coach.
Planet fitness will have a great coach for him
Get a coach.

Otherwise - it all comes down to diet (macros AND meal timing), a lotta drugs, and training.

Small calorie deficit - ~300 cals is good; often ~30Kcal/kg works well imo, though may want to start higher, especially if you're doing cardio. High carb, 2-2.5g protein/kg, 0.5g fat/kg.

Some might disagree, but imo the only time in which meal timing is actually something worth being super strict with is when recomping; fast where able, do cardio fasted, try to get nearly 50% of your daily calories in that post-workout window when you're extra-insulin sensitive.

Fasted cardio every day/as much as possible, for 45-60 minutes; Zone 2 Heart Rate. Don't care what the literature says about fasted cardio in nattys - this is the golden ticket to recomping and fat loss on Gear.

Do weights later. Wouldn't recommend training on an empty tank however - you need some fuel for intensity. Split can honestly be whatever, just make sure you're keeping volume moderate, and intensity high. Push/Pull/Legs, - try to hit each muscle with 2/3 sets to failure in each session; on a calorie deficit, you especially want to be doing junk reps.

Tren is gold-standard, followed by fasted GH (2IUs is sufficient). DHB and Primo are a distant third. Though really you can recomp on anything, even natural - you just need to be strict with the above; a lot of Gear helps too.

Anavar, Winstrol, and Mast help but orals are a mixed-bag, and Mast is more for performance than nutrient-partitioning imo.

L-Carnitine and Metformin are pri good supplements to take
The same split that allows muscle growth other ways. Cardio depends on the person, calories and activity level.
You haven't even attempted to provide enough information for anyone to make a guess. You need to establish a baseline then make adjustments based on your results.

No offense, but the fact that you believe there is an answer to this question really means you should hire a coach.
No offence taken.
I was asking what worked for you not what you think would work for me
Get a coach.

Otherwise - it all comes down to diet (macros AND meal timing), a lotta drugs, and training.

Small calorie deficit - ~300 cals is good; often ~30Kcal/kg works well imo, though may want to start higher, especially if you're doing cardio. High carb, 2-2.5g protein/kg, 0.5g fat/kg.

Some might disagree, but imo the only time in which meal timing is actually something worth being super strict with is when recomping; fast where able, do cardio fasted, try to get nearly 50% of your daily calories in that post-workout window when you're extra-insulin sensitive.

Fasted cardio every day/as much as possible, for 45-60 minutes; Zone 2 Heart Rate. Don't care what the literature says about fasted cardio in nattys - this is the golden ticket to recomping and fat loss on Gear.

Do weights later. Wouldn't recommend training on an empty tank however - you need some fuel for intensity. Split can honestly be whatever, just make sure you're keeping volume moderate, and intensity high. Push/Pull/Legs, - try to hit each muscle with 2/3 sets to failure in each session; on a calorie deficit, you especially want to be doing junk reps.

Tren is gold-standard, followed by fasted GH (2IUs is sufficient). DHB and Primo are a distant third. Though really you can recomp on anything, even natural - you just need to be strict with the above; a lot of Gear helps too.

Anavar, Winstrol, and Mast help but orals are a mixed-bag, and Mast is more for performance than nutrient-partitioning imo.

L-Carnitine and Metformin are pri good supplements to take
I have a good couch his name is MAX its me actually.

I want to know what worked best for others so i can compare to what worked best for me and do adjustments based on that.

Thanks for your detailed answer it was exactly what i was looking for and is about 85% of what my plan is.

I totally agree on the drugs except the HGH where i was thinking more in the 10ius range

Fasted cardio is only an option after the workout that is done in the morning because of my schedule and it won't be fasted just low on blood glucose.

If my schedule would permit it i would do it like you said.

My plan is HGH before bed with the last meal being low carb.

Wake up eat a small meal high protein, no carb, low fat(the 10ius HGH still working from the night before)

Workout 1:30 hours that means even lower blood glucose followed by cardio 30 min.

It's the only way i can fit everything in what do you think about this structure?
I have a good couch his name is MAX its me actually.

I want to know what worked best for others so i can compare to what worked best for me and do adjustments based on that.

Thanks for your detailed answer it was exactly what i was looking for and is about 85% of what my plan is.

I totally agree on the drugs except the HGH where i was thinking more in the 10ius range

Fasted cardio is only an option after the workout that is done in the morning because of my schedule and it won't be fasted just low on blood glucose.

If my schedule would permit it i would do it like you said.

My plan is HGH before bed with the last meal being low carb.

Wake up eat a small meal high protein, no carb, low fat(the 10ius HGH still working from the night before)

Workout 1:30 hours that means even lower blood glucose followed by cardio 30 min.

It's the only way i can fit everything in what do you think about this structure?
Seems solid. What I listed is probably the gold standard, but so long as you tick 2/3rds of those boxes you'll still be successful.

Many might disagree but I personally think 10IU outside of a growing phase is a bit wasteful unless you're an aspiring Pro/Competitor. I recall most literature says the Lipolysis benefits peak around 2IU per injection, and that you get diminishing returns with anything over 4IU per injection. May be wrong tho. It won't hurt ofc, but I think you'd get more bang for your buck by using less IUs and putting those saved dollars elsewhere (e.g. other PEDs or MORE PEDs, food, or hell even a weekly sports massage or something holistic that reduces your stress - idk).

Tangential, but one thing that I've been very eager in trying is a Glucose Monitor. I've heard a few coaches and Pros using them on Recomps and cuts to great effect. Helps you keep yourself in that goldilocks Blood Glucose zone for recomping. Might he worth investigating, especially if you're using so much GH? You could also then consider a short-acting Insulin as well for that post-workout bolus. Will have you growing like a weed even at maintenance/slight deficit.
Seems solid. What I listed is probably the gold standard, but so long as you tick 2/3rds of those boxes you'll still be successful.

Many might disagree but I personally think 10IU outside of a growing phase is a bit wasteful unless you're an aspiring Pro/Competitor. I recall most literature says the Lipolysis benefits peak around 2IU per injection, and that you get diminishing returns with anything over 4IU per injection. May be wrong tho. It won't hurt ofc, but I think you'd get more bang for your buck by using less IUs and putting those saved dollars elsewhere (e.g. other PEDs or MORE PEDs, food, or hell even a weekly sports massage or something holistic that reduces your stress - idk).
That 2iu think has been debunked.

There is an article on this forum called ''A GH and fat loss protocol'' it's a good read if you are interested but also lots of anecdotes to support this.

The more you use the better it gets as long as you don't suffer from side effects.

With the price for GH from china its not that expensive as it once was and i already have it so might as well use it.

Stress reduction would be nice indeed but no time for that right now even the time i invest in this vanity project of mine takes up to much time.
Maybe on the cruise when training and cardio will go down in time and frequency i will do that.

Tangential, but one thing that I've been very eager in trying is a Glucose Monitor. I've heard a few coaches and Pros using them on Recomps and cuts to great effect. Helps you keep yourself in that goldilocks Blood Glucose zone for recomping. Might he worth investigating, especially if you're using so much GH? You could also then consider a short-acting Insulin as well for that post-workout bolus. Will have you growing like a weed even at maintenance/slight deficit.
I do have a glucose monitor my fasting BG never goes to 100.

I have been sick and not trained as hard the past 3 weeks just now getting back to normal and my BG is 90-95 fasted with 8iu GH.
This will probably go down in the low 90's as my cardio will increase and calories go down even with 10iu.

Next week is the start of the cycle and i will log it if you are interested in the effects of the GH and BG it will all be there.