Looking for guidance - 49M


New Member
Hi folks - 49M exploring cycling for the first time.
- CW is 249, down from 314 in 8 months thanks to Tirzepatide.
- TRT for the last 4 months, stable at 700 ng/DL. Libido is amazing.
- gym 5-6 week, mostly resistance training. Working with a coach on form and conditioning, and the improvement has been notable!
- 44 to a 36 pant size
-2300 calories diet, 250g protein, no sugary stuff
- Recent bloodwork is solid across all markers, no outliers

While my muscles are getting firmer, don't see enough move away from the flab, and I'm looking for "safe" suggestions...

BTW - I appreciate "it is what it is" notes, but I would be grateful for actual suggestions on what I could start reading into. Thanks in advance.
We have a section of the forum here specifically for older cats 40+, which would probably be a good jumping off point for you to do some reading and research.
Hi folks - 49M exploring cycling for the first time.
- CW is 249, down from 314 in 8 months thanks to Tirzepatide.
- TRT for the last 4 months, stable at 700 ng/DL. Libido is amazing.
- gym 5-6 week, mostly resistance training. Working with a coach on form and conditioning, and the improvement has been notable!
- 44 to a 36 pant size
-2300 calories diet, 250g protein, no sugary stuff
- Recent bloodwork is solid across all markers, no outliers

While my muscles are getting firmer, don't see enough move away from the flab, and I'm looking for "safe" suggestions...

BTW - I appreciate "it is what it is" notes, but I would be grateful for actual suggestions on what I could start reading into. Thanks in advance.
Welcome! Congrats on what you've achieved so far! It sounds like you just got into exercising & dieting, right? If so:
1. Keep going, stick with it. This is a long game.
2. If you're losing weight and muscles are getting firmer, I think you are on the right track, especially if you have a coach. Again, give it time.
3. Since you're excercising well, and dieting with Tirz, keep refining the diet. The food plays as big a part as anything else. Sounds like calories are in the right spot, but re-evaluate your CICO every couple of months.
4. I read one of your other posts... have you tried any Fish Oils (Omega3,6)? That's a big boost to metabolism, joints, cardiovascular health, etc.
5. As far as other hormones, I'll leave that for other more informed members, if they so choose.


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