Hair Loss

Revita Shampoo

Yeah, they reformulated:

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 11.40.22 AM.webp

I don't want any of those things. I just want a basic shampoo that includes ketoconazole.

If you look good bald, I envy you. Some guys do, I'll admit, but not most of us.

Oh, I don't. I've shaved my head in the past and look like a serial killer. Not exactly the type of image that I'm trying to project. Thing that that I'm willing to let go is the ketoconazole shampoo as, as you stated, it's the last 5%.

I used fungoral, it smells ok.

I'll try this, thanks.

Just to level set what "smells ok". What are your feelings about Axe body spray?
Just to level set what "smells ok". What are your feelings about Axe body spray?

Well, i could better say it doesn't smell like trash. Don't expect to smell like anything commercial, it's still a pharmaceutical product for dandruff.

Without overanalyzing it you can use the keto shampoo, let it sit for 3-5 minutes, wash, then apply any shampoo you prefer and wash again. Keto isn't meant for hair, if there was a way to apply it directly in the scalp that would be great. You have to gently massage your scalp with this, there's no need to make foam on your hair and definitely no reason to do the back and side of your head. After this you can still use a regular shampoo, just make sure it's something with neutral PH.
I used fungoral, it smells ok.

Nice, but why do all that stuff when you can simply add the powder to a topical minoxidil bottle like rogaine which already has the solvents and stuff? That's how i did it, 3gr RU powder in 60ml 5% minoxidil, you apply 1ml morning 1ml evening and you're g2g
where do u get the RU powder from? thx
where do u get the RU powder from? thx
Chemyo and Anageninc would be options I would suggest to explore. Anageninc has a 10 gram option as well which cuts down further on costs.

Me personally, and maybe this is just because I use gear, but I did not see any significant improvement in terms of regrowth until I added RU to the mix month 2. I think for now I am basically just treading water or maybe regrowing further on a very marginal basis, but I will take it compared to where I was previously.
Chemyo and Anageninc would be options I would suggest to explore. Anageninc has a 10 gram option as well which cuts down further on costs.

Me personally, and maybe this is just because I use gear, but I did not see any significant improvement in terms of regrowth until I added RU to the mix month 2. I think for now I am basically just treading water or maybe regrowing further on a very marginal basis, but I will take it compared to where I was previously.
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looks great bro
looks great bro
Thanks broseph. It’s been encouraging to actually see decent progress from my efforts.

My personal take on the hair loss thing is that for most normal people that experience hair loss the standard treatments of Fin, mon, etc. will probably work reasonably well for most people.

For those of us that use gear however, I think the addition of a topical anti-androgen like RU might be required due to the nature of our PED use.
Chemyo and Anageninc would be options I would suggest to explore. Anageninc has a 10 gram option as well which cuts down further on costs.

Me personally, and maybe this is just because I use gear, but I did not see any significant improvement in terms of regrowth until I added RU to the mix month 2. I think for now I am basically just treading water or maybe regrowing further on a very marginal basis, but I will take it compared to where I was previously.
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wow. How much time between these two pics?
My Chemyo RU arrives on Monday according to informed delivery so I’ll then whip up my first home brew batch and take some pics of my finished product. I am planning on making a 5% RU solution with ethanol and PG. Some have suggested I go for 8%, but since 5 has served me well thus far I really don’t see the point in changing. I am super stoked to be trying my hand at making it myself for the first time.

I also went ahead and ordered 100 grams worth from Q so I will have a nice little stockpile in the freezer.
It's super easy. I just toss everything into a beaker, throw it on the magnetic stirrer, give it a little heat and that's about it.

I am glad this is an easy one to go with as my first to serve as a confidence booster.

On the subject of heat, can you define what you mean by “a little”? I have a hot plate ready to go but opinions on heat and RU are all over the map so I had planned to start very small. Thoughts?
On the subject of heat, can you define what you mean by “a little”? I have a hot plate ready to go but opinions on heat and RU are all over the map so I had planned to start very small. Thoughts?

I just warm it a little to help it go into solution more quickly, probably not more than 120f. I can't seem to find any real information as to what level of heat might harm the compound, so I keep it low, which is fine because it dissolves quickly in any case.
My Chemyo RU arrives on Monday according to informed delivery so I’ll then whip up my first home brew batch and take some pics of my finished product. I am planning on making a 5% RU solution with ethanol and PG. Some have suggested I go for 8%, but since 5 has served me well thus far I really don’t see the point in changing. I am super stoked to be trying my hand at making it myself for the first time.

I also went ahead and ordered 100 grams worth from Q so I will have a nice little stockpile in the freezer.
you dont need anything else but RU and ethanol/pg.

my advise is mix to RU with ethanol first, and add PG after. if find harder to mix RU with ethanol/pg than only ethanol.

i suposse you already know ethanol/pg 70:30 ratio and everthing else.

Also you can mix with minoxidil, its harder to dissolve, going to need more time swirlling the solution,
you dont need anything else but RU and ethanol/pg.

my advise is mix to RU with ethanol first, and add PG after. if find harder to mix RU with ethanol/pg than only ethanol.

i suposse you already know ethanol/pg 70:30 ratio and everthing else.

Also you can mix with minoxidil, its harder to dissolve, going to need more time swirlling the solution,

Appreciate the tips bro. And yes, I already got my ratios for PG vs ETH. Since I figured I might want to home brew some other things in the future as I gain more confidence, I went ahead and picked up some basic lab equipment to keep in my dungeon. So beakers, graduated cylinders, hot plate with magnetic stir, scientific scale, etc.

I have enough RU powder heading my way now between Chemyo and Q to keep me in a full head of hair for the next several years anyway.