Hair Loss

in my opinion i wouldn´t trust RU if you really want to have results. if you want to slow or stop hair loss using AAS or not, start FIN.

RU is good to add to your stack just because, but i dont see that many good feedbacks with RU only.
in europe you have actifolic or RUDIRECT UK
usa anagenic , chemyo
in my opinion i wouldn´t trust RU if you really want to have results. if you want to slow or stop hair loss using AAS or not, start FIN.

RU is good to add to your stack just because, but i dont see that many good feedbacks with RU only.
in europe you have actifolic or RUDIRECT UK
usa anagenic , chemyo
Just read about mvsupplements in multiple german forums a couple minutes ago. Someone recently got it tested from janoshik in a french forum as well.
The problem with fin is that I won’t really help when I add dht derivatives in my blast or am I wrong ? Npp isn’t really an option either because it will be even worse on the hair with fin.
During cruise I will probably use it tho.
Just read about mvsupplements in multiple german forums a couple minutes ago. Someone recently got it tested from janoshik in a french forum as well.
The problem with fin is that I won’t really help when I add dht derivatives in my blast or am I wrong ? Npp isn’t really an option either because it will be even worse on the hair with fin.
During cruise I will probably use it tho.

DHT derivatives are not DHT, and do not exert a strong effect on hair like DHT does.

Of course your cycle still has a Test base, and that will convert, so Fin is still necessary as the basis for any hair preservation strategy.

If you're really worried about sides. .25mg / day will still provide significant protective benefits with a near zero chance of sides. More would be better, and most men have no issue at 1mg, but .25mg offers 80-90% of what 1mg would.

It'll help keep your prostate from becoming as issue as well, something most men face AAS or not.