Hair Loss

Does your friend have male pattern baldness to begin with? These anecdotes need to come from people who were losing hair with steroids in the first place and now with test-deca and finasteride don't.

There is no scenario where you'll lose more hair with Finasteride/Dutasteride than without. Even if it's not completely effective, something's better than nothing, Stopping any amount of test->dht conversion will help slow loss, at the least. At best, it'll stop, and even reverse loss to an extent. Same for minoxidil, it can only help.

With one exception. Starting and stopping either of those means another shedding phase, which is counterproductive if done repeatedly. Just find a protocol that works for you with no sides, and stick to it.

Hair preservation is a marathon, on or off cycle, not a temporary bandaid while using certain compounds.
anyone exprience shortness of breath and higher heart rate on oral minox?

Higher heart rate is an occasional side but should resolve within a couple of weeks of a stable dose. It's a reaction to lower blood pressure, and the body will adjust. Shortness of breath isn't common, but perhaps it's anxiety from noticing a rapid heartbeat.
Anyone know of a good ketoconazole shampoo that isn't terrible? The one I liked pulled out the ketoconazole and added in a bunch of "natural" ingredients.
Anyone know of a good ketoconazole shampoo that isn't terrible? The one I liked pulled out the ketoconazole and added in a bunch of "natural" ingredients.

After the five minutes I just rinse it and follow up with my regular shampoo/conditioner. All the Keto shampoos I've used are very drying and don't smell great.
After the five minutes I just rinse it and follow up with my regular shampoo/conditioner. All the Keto shampoos I've used are very drying and don't smell great.

My main problem with them is the smell, not just my hair, but also while I’m actually showering. In that sense I’m a delicate princess.

The one I was using was Revita, but as I said, they stopped making it. Probably, I’ll just go without and see what happens.
My main problem with them is the smell, not just my hair, but also while I’m actually showering. In that sense I’m a delicate princess.

The one I was using was Revita, but as I said, they stopped making it. Probably, I’ll just go without and see what happens.

Keto falls into the same category as microneedling, laser caps, scalp massage, stem cell injections. That is, they are all effective in a small way, but represent the last 5% you can do while Fin/Dut and Minox cover the first 95%.

The only exception is if you have hyperseborrhea, like I unknowingly did. That is, hyperactive sebum glands. If you MUST wash your hair daily or it becomes an oily mess, Keto shampoo can make a sizable difference in preventing hair loss by very efficiently clearing the DHT rich sebum from your scalp and pores.
That is, they are all effective in a small way, but represent the last 5% you can do while Fin/Dut and Minox cover the first 95%.

That is my understanding as well, thus my willingness to let it go. My hair loss isn’t that bad. Hair line isn’t perfect but seems not to have moved much in the last decade.

Also using RU58841, but I’m not sure how much benefit it yields. I’ve not seen much regrowth.
That is my understanding as well, thus my willingness to let it go. My hair loss isn’t that bad. Hair line isn’t perfect but seems not to have moved much in the last decade.

Also using RU58841, but I’m not sure how much benefit it yields. I’ve not seen much regrowth.

If you look good bald, I envy you. Some guys do, I'll admit, but not most of us.

I was definately one of the "let it go" types after my finasteride nightmare, but in hindsight I regret losing so much ground and ended up overcoming my fear. lowering the dose, and returning to it. Far later than I should've though.
Anyone know of a good ketoconazole shampoo that isn't terrible? The one I liked pulled out the ketoconazole and added in a bunch of "natural" ingredients.
Revita Shampoo. I use both nizoral and revita. Doesn't dry out as much if I'm going out. It's 1% but smells great so I use it on days i don't use nizoral 2%
Going to try making my own RU-58841 5% solution for the first time here soon as a way to potentially save some bucks. I have consumed enough content on the subject that I am feeling pretty confident I can pull it off.

I'll make a short video on this as well if there is any interest. Already have the Ethanol, PG, glassware, scale, etc. on hand, and the RU powder is inbound from Chemyo.
Anyone know of a good ketoconazole shampoo that isn't terrible? The one I liked pulled out the ketoconazole and added in a bunch of "natural" ingredients.

I used fungoral, it smells ok.

Going to try making my own RU-58841 5% solution for the first time here soon as a way to potentially save some bucks. I have consumed enough content on the subject that I am feeling pretty confident I can pull it off.

I'll make a short video on this as well if there is any interest. Already have the Ethanol, PG, glassware, scale, etc. on hand, and the RU powder is inbound from Chemyo.

Nice, but why do all that stuff when you can simply add the powder to a topical minoxidil bottle like rogaine which already has the solvents and stuff? That's how i did it, 3gr RU powder in 60ml 5% minoxidil, you apply 1ml morning 1ml evening and you're g2g
I used fungoral, it smells ok.

Nice, but why do all that stuff when you can simply add the powder to a topical minoxidil bottle like rogaine which already has the solvents and stuff? That's how i did it, 3gr RU powder in 60ml 5% minoxidil, you apply 1ml morning 1ml evening and you're g2g
Thanks for the suggestion as this is not something I had considered