What Pisses me off Page

Don't you guys love when coming out of an establishment being all nice holding the door for the next asshole and they still have a considerable distance to get there and you stay there because Fuck it I'm a nice guy and then they go through and don't say shit. I always wait for my thanks or say you're welcome motherfucker loud as I can.
I noticed a pattern lol it seems that the most likely to say thanks are really old people and the least likely are attractive women haha
Today I seen some shit that makes curling in the squat rack look kosher. Its Monday, International chest day and this older cat is using the flat bench to curl. He had 45's on the barbell and stradled the bench. I guess he doesnt know curls are an isolation movement and not a full body lift. Shit like that makes me pissed off.
I can't stand most people on Reddit. I used to like it especially with the source talk sub they had but people there are fucking straight weird man. Like multiple times some idiot gets into an argument with me and The I hurt his feelings, so he goes digging in to find my Instagram and whatever information I have and then they post it and make fun of the argument. Most of these people are stupid teenage guys who spend way to much time online but it really gets annoying. Fuck reddit and the nerds that have like a bazillion of the stupid points!
I can't stand most people on Reddit. I used to like it especially with the source talk sub they had but people there are fucking straight weird man. Like multiple times some idiot gets into an argument with me and The I hurt his feelings, so he goes digging in to find my Instagram and whatever information I have and then they post it and make fun of the argument. Most of these people are stupid teenage guys who spend way to much time online but it really gets annoying. Fuck reddit and the nerds that have like a bazillion of the stupid points!

Reddit is like google my friend.... a used up whore EVERYONE fucks at least once.
Reddit is like google my friend.... a used up whore EVERYONE fucks at least once.
yeah I don't really post there too much because everyone is an ultra tough guy and the reality is that most of the people on there (lifting subs) are stupid fucking teenagers. These are people who have zero life experience but become experts enough to call you a fucking idiot over the Internet. Like I beleive I've been called a fucking idiot enough times by a kid who's never lived outside moms house enough times for my liking.
You know ironically I hate the weather here. Shit is always chilly in the morning then by 11:00 it's 90 degrees
Man, new york has its own demons, I come from a Mediterranean country and moved a few years ago, used to say the same, oh I hope I get a winter bla bla now I'm crying like a little bitch.... Is anybody experiencing stupid heartburn on tren?