What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

Make a few for doc as well

Thats right , always take a ch**se bite for Doc ....maybe he"ll embrace ch**se someday :rolleyes:

PM me his address. I can overnight a half dozen or so to him. He'll have them in time for his bed time snack tomorrow night.

I've wanted to ask him and I keep forgetting to, if there are other dairy foods he is opposed to or just ch**se because cottage ch**se...technically not ch**se. Or maybe it is technically ch**se but not catagorically ch**se in the sense of melty or slicey, or sandwichey, etc... What would be the technical criteria for something being called ch**se. Because yogurt is cultured dairy but we don't think of that as ch**se and cream ch**se is labeled as ch**se but is it really? Hmmmmmm.
@Docd187123 , Could you please give a list of what you consider ch**se by definition of what you won't eat as being ch**se and what dairy you will eat that we may think of or is labeled as ch**se but by your standards of repulsion is not ch**se.

OK foodies. Thought this was interesting.
Ch**se is anything made from the curdling of milk or from the whey, which is the by-product of the curdling process.
Ch**se types are categorized by moisture content.
The most simple ch**ses with the highest moisture content are those that are made from the curdling and draining of the milk and no further processing. These are cottage ch**se, cream ch**se, and a few others. And from the whey of that simple process would be ricotta.
After that, ch**se are categorized as soft, semi-soft, medium, semi-hard, and hard.
It has to do with pressure and length of aging.
They are then sub-categorized by fat content, curing or ripening method, and dairy source (type of milk used).
The International Dairy Federation recognizes around 500 varieties of ch**se.
So @Docd187123 , there are at least 500 things in this world that you hate.

P.S. Yogurt is obviously not technically ch**se even though it is cultured dairy because it is not curdled.

I fucking hate you all. I don't even know why I'm on this forum bc it's obvious I'm hated here, especially in the food thread.

OGH: you must be out your goddamed mind. Me ever liking ch**se? There's a greater chance of Kim Jong Un being the second coming of Jesus than me liking that crap lol.

Rubie: I hate you simply for initiating this convo. You're no longer on my Christmas card list so don't expect any noodz from me.

Melly: I hate you the most bc I had to edit the word ch**se out so many goddamed times I got writers cramp. And for the record, I hate anything curdled, with the name ch**se in it and the like. Yogurt I can do in limited quantities but only certain brands.
I fucking hate you all. I don't even know why I'm on this forum bc it's obvious I'm hated here, especially in the food thread.

OGH: you must be out your goddamed mind. Me ever liking ch**se? There's a greater chance of Kim Jong Un being the second coming of Jesus than me liking that crap lol.

Rubie: I hate you simply for initiating this convo. You're no longer on my Christmas card list so don't expect any noodz from me.

Melly: I hate you the most bc I had to edit the word ch**se out so many goddamed times I got writers cramp. And for the record, I hate anything curdled, with the name ch**se in it and the like. Yogurt I can do in limited quantities but only certain brands.

What about cheesecake?
Cottage cheese?
Saying cheese before a picture?
Having some chedder in your wallet?
I fucking hate you all. I don't even know why I'm on this forum bc it's obvious I'm hated here, especially in the food thread.

OGH: you must be out your goddamed mind. Me ever liking ch**se? There's a greater chance of Kim Jong Un being the second coming of Jesus than me liking that crap lol.

Rubie: I hate you simply for initiating this convo. You're no longer on my Christmas card list so don't expect any noodz from me.

Melly: I hate you the most bc I had to edit the word ch**se out so many goddamed times I got writers cramp. And for the record, I hate anything curdled, with the name ch**se in it and the like. Yogurt I can do in limited quantities but only certain brands.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I'm laughing my God damn head off over here. I think i pee'd a little.
Reading your post and thinking back to other posts you've made, I just realized that you won't even type the word ch**se (see what I did for you). How did I not put that together before this. You actually went through mine and everyone's whole fucking post and changed the spelling of ch**se? That's fucking beautiful!!!

To give you the respect on this board that you so absolutely deserve. I will from this point forward, due to your curdled lactose sensativity, always spell the word ch**se as such. Please accept this gesture as an apology for my insensative behavior. I will however still post food pictures with ch**se in them and reference ch**se when appropriate. Please do not misinterperate this as antagonistic or insensative as all dairy is at the top of my list of favorite calorie sources. I kid you not. when I get to the market checkout, one third of my cart is from the dairy aisle. I love cow juice and anything made from it.
I don't understand why over 2/3 of an egg is unaccounted for in the nutrition facts for 1 large egg. Unless most of it is vitamins? It weighs 50 grams. 6 grams protein, 5 grams fat, .6g sugar, and like a quarter gram total of sodium, potassium, etc. Vitamins can't make up the other ~38 grams, right? What is it made of?
If that is food from the bbq'ing you invited me to then the next time you see me will be hanging from a rafter with a suicide note addressed to you and my boss.

Na, of course not. I smoked ribs the day before, fall off the bone lemme tell ya... That was what I invited you for.

You could have come had some of this too though... So just in case you do kill yourself, just know you could have had ribs AND the surf and turf meal. Just wanted to be clear. :D
Na, of course not. I smoked ribs the day before, fall off the bone lemme tell ya... That was what I invited you for.

You could have come had some of this too though... So just in case you do kill yourself, just know you could have had ribs AND the surf and turf meal. Just wanted to be clear. :D

When they bury me, can you make sure a rack of ribs is thrown into my grave please?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I'm laughing my God damn head off over here. I think i pee'd a little.
Reading your post and thinking back to other posts you've made, I just realized that you won't even type the word ch**se (see what I did for you). How did I not put that together before this. You actually went through mine and everyone's whole fucking post and changed the spelling of ch**se? That's fucking beautiful!!!

To give you the respect on this board that you so absolutely deserve. I will from this point forward, due to your curdled lactose sensativity, always spell the word ch**se as such. Please accept this gesture as an apology for my insensative behavior. I will however still post food pictures with ch**se in them and reference ch**se when appropriate. Please do not misinterperate this as antagonistic or insensative as all dairy is at the top of my list of favorite calorie sources. I kid you not. when I get to the market checkout, one third of my cart is from the dairy aisle. I love cow juice and anything made from it.

Hahahaha. No man, I cannot even bring myself to write out the word :p
I fucking hate you all. I don't even know why I'm on this forum bc it's obvious I'm hated here, especially in the food thread.

OGH: you must be out your goddamed mind. Me ever liking ch**se? There's a greater chance of Kim Jong Un being the second coming of Jesus than me liking that crap lol.

Rubie: I hate you simply for initiating this convo. You're no longer on my Christmas card list so don't expect any noodz from me.

Melly: I hate you the most bc I had to edit the word ch**se out so many goddamed times I got writers cramp. And for the record, I hate anything curdled, with the name ch**se in it and the like. Yogurt I can do in limited quantities but only certain brands.

I fucking hate you all. I don't even know why I'm on this forum bc it's obvious I'm hated here, especially in the food thread.

OGH: you must be out your goddamed mind. Me ever liking ch**se? There's a greater chance of Kim Jong Un being the second coming of Jesus than me liking that crap lol.

Rubie: I hate you simply for initiating this convo. You're no longer on my Christmas card list so don't expect any noodz from me.

Melly: I hate you the most bc I had to edit the word ch**se out so many goddamed times I got writers cramp. And for the record, I hate anything curdled, with the name ch**se in it and the like. Yogurt I can do in limited quantities but only certain brands.

So you got a food allergy/dislike , that doesnt mean we dont love you...o_O :oops:
So you got a food allergy

I was actually going to mention this... @Docd187123 do you eat or drink any dairy products?

My brother used to HATE the smell of peanuts and peanut butter. I used to chase him around with PB&J sandwiches when we were young... He never had traditional symptoms of an allergy, just got very sick on his stomach if he smelled or ate it. He had a PB brownie once that made him vomit within a few minutes.

My mom was curious about it, so she took him to an allergist and we found out he was deathly allergic to peanuts. They said it could be bad enough to kill him if he was exposed to it.
So you got a food allergy/dislike , that doesnt mean we dont love you...o_O :oops:

I know what it feels like to be not wanted *wipes tear*

I was actually going to mention this... @Docd187123 do you eat or drink any dairy products?

My brother used to HATE the smell of peanuts and peanut butter. I used to chase him around with PB&J sandwiches when we were young... He never had traditional symptoms of an allergy, just got very sick on his stomach if he smelled or ate it. He had a PB brownie once that made him vomit within a few minutes.

My mom was curious about it, so she took him to an allergist and we found out he was deathly allergic to peanuts. They said it could be bad enough to kill him if he was exposed to it.

I love me some ice cream, sour cream on burritos and shit, chocolate milk (or plain milk but it's got to be mixed in something like a protein shake or smoothie), certain yogurts, etc. I can't eat too much without it fucking me up....except ice cream. I'll eat a pint or two of Haggen Dazs Vanilla Swiss almond in a sitting a bear the consequences (my girl hates me when I do).


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