What should E2 levels be at during cycle


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Hi all, as the topic states, what should my E2 levels be during cycle? Some info:
- 650mg sus/wk
- 1mg adex EOD

Blood test results:
- Test: >52nm/L (ref range 8.64-29.00)
- E2 189.0 pmol/L (Ref range 41.4-159.0)

as you can seem E2 is obviously above the reference range. Should E2 be within the ref range DURING cycle? I plan to bump up the adex to ED, then check E2 and cholesterol again in a few weeks.

thanks for the valuable input in advance.
Yes I’m sorry. It’s been a looong time since I went on cycle. Seems like age plays a part in aromatization, seeing as 1mg adex eod doesn’t cut it anymore.

People regularly recommend 0.5mg eod, or worse still, having adex “on hand” in case of gyno.

I prefer regular bloodwork to determine dosages. Hence my question about increasing adex. I suppose I have to use more adex to push my e2 down to within the reference range?
How long have you been running it if you don't mind me asking?

Like @mochul mentioned you should be fine for the moment, but prolonged elevated levels, or should the levels continue to rise could lead to gyno symptoms.

I would have thought 1mg EOD should be able to handle it on 650 test. do you trust where you got this adex from? This is also why im curious how long you've been on it
With that much test being slightly over the top i don't see any reason to slam more AI, unless you deal side effects which would be weird. Some people say they feel the best when on middle of the range and if they go up or down they're kinda meh, me personally i felt the same from low normal until 2,5 times over the ref range. If i didn't do bloodwork i wouldn't know that i'm out of range. Everything was perfect, BP, mental health, libido..so, in my opinion if you feel ok then stay there. If not, add a little AI more.
Thank you for the replies. I’ve been on cycle since 24 Feb. front loaded. I always get gyno so this round I decided to add 20mg nova ed alongside my adex. No gyno so far but Side effect is libido is completely gone. Which is most prob due to high e2. Have started adex ed. Will see how the libido responds.
Thank you for the replies. I’ve been on cycle since 24 Feb. front loaded. I always get gyno so this round I decided to add 20mg nova ed alongside my adex. No gyno so far but Side effect is libido is completely gone. Which is most prob due to high e2. Have started adex ed. Will see how the libido responds.
You plan to take 1mg adex ED ?! For 650 Sust ? Not a good idea in my opinion, your E2 should be a lil high when your test is high. Libido could be other issues not just E2
You plan to take 1mg adex ED ?! For 650 Sust ? Not a good idea in my opinion, your E2 should be a lil high when your test is high. Libido could be other issues not just E2
this is exactly why i'm posting the qn here. Some say E2 shouldnt be high, while others like @phenominal34's post say that it should be high.
I know 1mg ED seems a lot for 650mg test/week but i'll do bloodwork again in a few weeks to see where my E2 is at, and see how my libido responds, if at all.
thank you all for the valuable feedback
You plan to take 1mg adex ED ?! For 650 Sust ? Not a good idea in my opinion, your E2 should be a lil high when your test is high. Libido could be other issues not just E2
What other issues could be affecting libido? I did full blood panel. All is normal. Only thing that’s high is e2
I keep mine in range below 40. I need 1mg arimidex for every 200mg of test. I do bloodwork and dial it in. I feel like shit if it goes high and have tried to take less multiple times with no luck. I'm almost 50.
1.25 mg arimidex 3x a week. So 1.25 mg arimidex with every 250mg test cyp shot on this cycle.


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Thank you for the replies. I’ve been on cycle since 24 Feb. front loaded. I always get gyno so this round I decided to add 20mg nova ed alongside my adex. No gyno so far but Side effect is libido is completely gone. Which is most prob due to high e2. Have started adex ed. Will see how the libido responds.

On paper, it does seem like high E2 is the issue. Everyone's optimal E2 level is different. I've also found that mine has changed with age. For the longest time, young me would run 1g of test, 600mgs Deca and 1mg adex per day for a blast. I always felt great. Then one day, my libido was trash. I had to actually go ABOVE 1mg adex per day. I don't run doses like that anymore, but I definitely experience the change in aromatization with age in my later years.