What should E2 levels be at during cycle

Pin ED, it is great, will have much less e2 sides. Also the big front load could very well be the reason that is high at this point. What is in the sust and the ratio of what your pinning? I have seen sust with all different ranges of each compound, this could be wjy too.
On paper, it does seem like high E2 is the issue. Everyone's optimal E2 level is different. I've also found that mine has changed with age. For the longest time, young me would run 1g of test, 600mgs Deca and 1mg adex per day for a blast. I always felt great. Then one day, my libido was trash. I had to actually go ABOVE 1mg adex per day. I don't run doses like that anymore, but I definitely experience the change in aromatization with age in my later years.
thank you so much for sharing. I believe this is whats happening to me too....aging! :(