What should I do for PCT? Clomid/nolva required??


New Member
Hey guys,

So I'm going to be starting a ProHormone cycle here in a week after I finish doing the detox I started last week, and I had a question about PCT I was hoping you guys could answer for me.

So I'm going to be running a product called Phenom by IntelPharma. I had two friends that ran it and had good results. There isn't much info about it online, as I get it from a good friend who owns a supplement shop where I live, but the ingredient profile is exactly that of DMZ 3.o by IronMagLabs, except without the Alpha 1 added. I am a very cautious person with supplements, but have been training for a few years, and I'm kinda jealous of my buddies gains so I wanna try a PH haha.

I have everything in place as far as what I'm going to do for diet while on cycle, as well as all my on cycle support supplements for my liver, prostate, BP, cholesterol and joints. I'm doing the detox before just to make this as easy on my body as it can be. But my real question is what do I need to do for a PCT? I know for a fact that this compound isn't aromatizing, so I don't need any type of anti-estrogen on cycle or after, but the shut down is pretty hard from what I've heard (no blood work to support this unfortunately), so I want to do a proper PCT. Can I just get an over the counter PCT product? (Reccomendations?) and then use a test booster after that ? Or do I NEED clomid or nolvadex for PCT? I'd really rather not order clomid offline and have the chance of getting some fake stuff for a higher cost than the OTCs. So any info is helpful!

P.S.- Another guy at this supplement store said I could use Ligandrol for a PCT, but I told him I think he's confusing SARMs with SERMs.. Which one of us is correct?

Hey guys,

So I'm going to be starting a ProHormone cycle here in a week after I finish doing the detox I started last week, and I had a question about PCT I was hoping you guys could answer for me.

So I'm going to be running a product called Phenom by IntelPharma. I had two friends that ran it and had good results. There isn't much info about it online, as I get it from a good friend who owns a supplement shop where I live, but the ingredient profile is exactly that of DMZ 3.o by IronMagLabs, except without the Alpha 1 added. I am a very cautious person with supplements, but have been training for a few years, and I'm kinda jealous of my buddies gains so I wanna try a PH haha.

I have everything in place as far as what I'm going to do for diet while on cycle, as well as all my on cycle support supplements for my liver, prostate, BP, cholesterol and joints. I'm doing the detox before just to make this as easy on my body as it can be. But my real question is what do I need to do for a PCT? I know for a fact that this compound isn't aromatizing, so I don't need any type of anti-estrogen on cycle or after, but the shut down is pretty hard from what I've heard (no blood work to support this unfortunately), so I want to do a proper PCT. Can I just get an over the counter PCT product? (Reccomendations?) and then use a test booster after that ? Or do I NEED clomid or nolvadex for PCT? I'd really rather not order clomid offline and have the chance of getting some fake stuff for a higher cost than the OTCs. So any info is helpful!

P.S.- Another guy at this supplement store said I could use Ligandrol for a PCT, but I told him I think he's confusing SARMs with SERMs.. Which one of us is correct?


4 weeks of nolva @ 20mgs a day and you will be fine. Supplement store guys dont know shit, they have nothing good for pct.

alldaychemist or reliablerxpharmacy