What's a good testosterone to estrogen ratio?


New Member
hey guys. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I just got my bloodwork and my test levels are 647 ng/dl and e2 is 24pg/ml ( i think it puts me at 88pmol/L)
I just got 2 vials of 250mg of Test E and im currently waiting for some AI's and nolva to come in (this was purchased before I did bloodwork).
Based on lurking on the forums with guys in similar situations it seems AI's may not be needed in my situation.

How do I manage my e2 levels? I might be thinking I could even up my dose.
Please share any experiences or advice. This will be my first cycle on Test only.
you will not know until you start your cycle at what level your e2 will land.
There are allot of variables involved from test e metabolism to Shbg level and DHT conversion etc.
So start your cycle and a few weeks in test for E2 and see where you are at.
At 250T you should probably be ok without AI.... probably :)
First cycle - blood work should dictate you AI usage, due to blood work only costing 75$ I like doing my blood work at 3 week - 6 week and 9 week with a new substance. Everyones first cycle most guys will complain about sore nipples at about the 3 week mark. Then the crash there E2 and whine again. You need estrogen to grow so a little high isn't a bad thing.
hey guys. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I just got my bloodwork and my test levels are 647 ng/dl and e2 is 24pg/ml ( i think it puts me at 88pmol/L)
I just got 2 vials of 250mg of Test E and im currently waiting for some AI's and nolva to come in (this was purchased before I did bloodwork).
Based on lurking on the forums with guys in similar situations it seems AI's may not be needed in my situation.

How do I manage my e2 levels? I might be thinking I could even up my dose.
Please share any experiences or advice. This will be my first cycle on Test only.
Some guys like Skip Hill say a good starting point for T/E ratio is about 20/1