I believe most of you are missing the point.
There is no need to speculate on what may or may not happen based on some published papers using growth hormone.
Unless you're using that exact version of growth hormone, it doesn't apply. For example, some of the data mentions excipients having an effect on aggregates and filter fouling.
Harm reduction is taking those ideas and validating them through testing. Without testing you can speculate all day on what happens to UGL GH or various Peptides.
Some of the data here may be valid, but without testing it's not usable because it's not a direct comparison to anything used by this community.
At no point have I suggested it's harmful whatever else people feel like they want me to be saying. The point is you have no data supporting what happens to UGL GH or Peptides via filtering...or any other data to be honest.
Don't call unsupported speculation harm reduction because it isn't.
Nope no idea at all what happens to peptides when filtering....