What's the deal with Saizen


New Member
Ok, so I have been in the bodybuilding game for a while now and have a lot of experience most of the main pharma brands... Serostim, Humatrope, Genotropin, Saizen. They all work amazing but distribute the water differently. However, I've found that Saizen gives a certain look that I cannot replicate with any other pharma brand or combination. It's like a more 3d look with perfect water distribution, lean as fuck but blown up at the same time. My 2nd pic would be Genotropin, which I'd say is just as lean as Saizen, but a more flatter look instead of blown up. Need to use insulin to stay full with Geno where Saizen it's much less of an issue.

Now my question, is what makes Saizen that much better than the rest? Is it just extremely high purity (has anyone ever got them tested) or is there something else at play here.... another ingredient or the type of filler... What do you guys think?
Ok, so I have been in the bodybuilding game for a while now and have a lot of experience most of the main pharma brands... Serostim, Humatrope, Genotropin, Saizen. They all work amazing but distribute the water differently. However, I've found that Saizen gives a certain look that I cannot replicate with any other pharma brand or combination. It's like a more 3d look with perfect water distribution, lean as fuck but blown up at the same time. My 2nd pic would be Genotropin, which I'd say is just as lean as Saizen, but a more flatter look instead of blown up. Need to use insulin to stay full with Geno where Saizen it's much less of an issue.

Now my question, is what makes Saizen that much better than the rest? Is it just extremely high purity (has anyone ever got them tested) or is there something else at play here.... another ingredient or the type of filler... What do you guys think?
i think this is maily individual.
I just used my last 60iu cartridge of saizen and i much prefer genuine jintropin or humatrope regarding fullness / lack of bloat.
i think this is maily individual.
I just used my last 60iu cartridge of saizen and i much prefer genuine jintropin or humatrope regarding fullness / lack of bloat.
Woah, with all due respect, no freaking way. Your Saizen must of been fake. Huma holds tons of water compared to Saizen and not in a good way. I would easily take 6iu/day Saizen over 10iu/day of Humatrope or even Serostim for that matter. The look is just so much more pronounced with Saizen but in a good way, the water retention is perfect, blown up from within, more 3 dimensional... especially with insulin, crazy fucking look. Insulin with Humatrope or Serostim is not a pretty sight unless incredibly lean to start and even then, the water retention is not good. Saizen is the only hgh I can run right up until the day of the show and not worry about a damn thing.
Woah, with all due respect, no freaking way. Your Saizen must of been fake. Huma holds tons of water compared to Saizen and not in a good way. I would easily take 6iu/day Saizen over 10iu/day of Humatrope or even Serostim for that matter. The look is just so much more pronounced with Saizen but in a good way, the water retention is perfect, blown up from within, more 3 dimensional... especially with insulin, crazy fucking look. Insulin with Humatrope or Serostim is not a pretty sight unless incredibly lean to start and even then, the water retention is not good. Saizen is the only hgh I can run right up until the day of the show and not worry about a damn thing.
i dont take any insulin.
the saizen was from a turkish pharmacy and was verified with ITS.
so i guess it was legit.
But of course, for liquid hgh storage etc is important and i dont know how it was stored prior to arriving at my door
Woah, with all due respect, no freaking way. Your Saizen must of been fake. Huma holds tons of water compared to Saizen and not in a good way. I would easily take 6iu/day Saizen over 10iu/day of Humatrope or even Serostim for that matter. The look is just so much more pronounced with Saizen but in a good way, the water retention is perfect, blown up from within, more 3 dimensional... especially with insulin, crazy fucking look. Insulin with Humatrope or Serostim is not a pretty sight unless incredibly lean to start and even then, the water retention is not good. Saizen is the only hgh I can run right up until the day of the show and not worry about a damn thing.
They all seem to have different effects on different people. I’ve used them all, and Saizen would be about 3rd on my list of favorites with Humatrope being 1st, and Nutropin AQ 2nd, and yes the Saizen was 100% legit. Humatrope did for me what Saizen does for you. There really is no explanation other than maybe the different fillers that are used. Genotropin made me flat as hell though I know that, always use Serostim now because it’s easy to get.
There really is no explanation other than maybe the different fillers that are used.
Lets stop with this boomer broscience. Here's your favourite Humatrope vs the Genotropin that flattened you out. If you still think a few mg of Mannitol 'may be' a valid explanation, you can absolutely get those as injectables separately for optimal results.
For what anecdotes are worth, Manu ranks Jintropin high and Saizen low, both of which are among the very few HGH that use sucrose instead of mannitol. Standing still at 'no explanation' is frustrating of course, but blindly running into the wrong direction will only lead you further astray.
I have ran a lot of pharm grade hgh my order is nutropin,nords,genos,saizen,huma and seros! Omni is only one i havent tried yet! I hold water on last two the most!
I was just reading inactive ingredients for Saizen and it looks like it has Paloxamar 188 in it. I read up on Paloxamar 188 and I can definitely see that substance acting differently on different folks. I was reading up since I have Saizen and will be starting it after a few months off Humatrope.
I probably spelled it wrong. Here is a screen shot of where I read the ingredients.


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