What’s the longest you’ve taken Dianabol?

Dbol had such a powerful effect the last time I used it, a fantastic compound at 20mg per day.

I was thinking of trying 10mg per day added to my 90mg TRT and seeing if I could do that for 10 or even 12 weeks, with blood tests done along the way. More than liver values, the one thing I’d be concerned about is hair loss. Is there anything that can be done to significantly limit that?. Have you found dbol to hammer your prostate also?
Me personally, 10mg of dbol is plenty.

I take it pre-workout, so 3-4 times a week.

The two sides that I get from that are that my nipples get spicy from the E2 buildup. 0.5mg of armidex a week mitigates that.

The other is that last bloodwork my bad lipids had crept up into the danger zone and my good lipids had cratered.

Two months of bergamine and dosing omega 3 daily got be back into the good fats. And now I'm dilligent about not slacking on the omega 3 and 6 daily, and eating my oatmeal.
I’ve used it @ 40mg ED for 6-8 weeks several times & with relatively little impact on bloods. For me at least, it’s incredibly mild on bloods compared to 40-50mg var, which batters my cholesterol. That’s me though & everyone responds differently.

That said, I agree with @BigTomJ above
No. For example, EQ is notorious for causing anxiety, whereas Dbol is legendary as a “feel good” steroid for many.

Can vouch for dbol's feelz reports. Good even at low dose, like ~10 mg/d. If you're not sensitive to acne or gyno (which is manageable).
Ate 2 blue hearts pre workout for 4 weeks on the start of my bulk. Instantv10lbs with crazy back pumps, estrogen was elevated and zits everywhere lol. It caused the majority of my stretch marks.
Ate 2 blue hearts pre workout for 4 weeks on the start of my bulk. Instantv10lbs with crazy back pumps, estrogen was elevated and zits everywhere lol. It caused the majority of my stretch marks.

I took a year off all orals (and almost everything other than TRT) to run a course of Accutane. Never had acne again. Maybe some dry lips but nothing crazy. 20 mg/d. Plus UDCA, NAC, and thistle (which are usually in the rotation anyway).
I took a year off all orals (and almost everything other than TRT) to run a course of Accutane. Never had acne again. Maybe some dry lips but nothing crazy. 20 mg/d. Plus UDCA, NAC, and thistle (which are usually in the rotation anyway).
This was 2 decades ago, nowadays, I don’t even run orals anymore and I am familiar with my body’s reaction to compounds so estrogen control is easier. I still have random zits here and there but nothing to worry about.
I did wonder how recent this was as I’ve not seen legit blue hearts for years, which is a shame. Used to love Romanian Naposim & pink / yellow Anabolics too.

Jesus I haven't seen them in like 20 years. Glad to see some old heads still kicking around.

Not too interested anymore for similar reasons as @DECLAN. Kinda beyond the instant gratification phase if that makes sense.
I did wonder how recent this was as I’ve not seen legit blue hearts for years, which is a shame. Used to love Romanian Naposim & pink / yellow Anabolics too.
It was way back early 2000’s, I remember BD has those yellow winstrol tabs too.

It was everywhere in Asia for a while, you can probably buy it from every gym locker dealer in the major cities for a few while.
Why would you add an oral into your trt, rather than upping your test or adding in an injectable
100% this is a far better idea, but I can’t get hold of any pharma injectables at the moment without travelling abroad to pharmacy shop i only inject actual pharma never ugl stuff and im not sure where abroad has test cyp or enantate because I can’t take sustanon cos of the post injection pain. sustanon seems easy to get in Europe like Bulgaria and Turkey. otherwise I’d just take 200mg test a week and maybe add in dutastaride for hair losses
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According to anabolic doc, equipoise is extremely close to dianabol chemically. Does that hold up anecdotally?
Not at all. They're like brothers from a different mother.

Equipoise provides that nice cosmetic look, moderately increases strength and boosts stamina. I like to call it a cleaner version of Testosterone. It's comparable to Primobolan and I'd say it's basically a cheaper version of it. Very similar properties. I like it a lot in the summer.

I think anabolic doc himself said it's only on paper, but similarities in reality are very few if any between Equipoise and Dbol.

Dbol on the other hand is like nothing else, it's instant gains in size and strength are insane and second to none. People hate it for their own reasons, but I love it, nothing more fun than getting stronger almost every workout and feeling that euphoria. It's a feel good steroid and is one of the best orals to break through a plateau.
Not at all. They're like brothers from a different mother.

Equipoise provides that nice cosmetic look, moderately increases strength and boosts stamina. I like to call it a cleaner version of Testosterone. It's comparable to Primobolan and I'd say it's basically a cheaper version of it. Very similar properties. I like it a lot in the summer.

I think anabolic doc himself said it's only on paper, but similarities in reality are very few if any between Equipoise and Dbol.

Dbol on the other hand is like nothing else, it's instant gains in size and strength are insane and second to none. People hate it for their own reasons, but I love it, nothing more fun than getting stronger almost every workout and feeling that euphoria. It's a feel good steroid and is one of the best orals to break through a plateau.
Thanks for the explanation. I haven’t take either, just listening to a lot of anabolic doc YouTube videos lately.

I’m sure I’ll try dbol someday, but I’m trying to make myself wait and learn.
Not at all. They're like brothers from a different mother.

Equipoise provides that nice cosmetic look, moderately increases strength and boosts stamina. I like to call it a cleaner version of Testosterone. It's comparable to Primobolan and I'd say it's basically a cheaper version of it. Very similar properties. I like it a lot in the summer.

I think anabolic doc himself said it's only on paper, but similarities in reality are very few if any between Equipoise and Dbol.

Dbol on the other hand is like nothing else, it's instant gains in size and strength are insane and second to none. People hate it for their own reasons, but I love it, nothing more fun than getting stronger almost every workout and feeling that euphoria. It's a feel good steroid and is one of the best orals to break through a plateau.

Excellent point. Two molecules "being close to each other identically" really means dramatic differences in how they act.

Water and hydrogen peroxide are "almost identical" yet our bodies respond VERY DIFFERENTLY to them.
100% this is a far better idea, but I can’t get hold of any pharma injectables at the moment without travelling abroad to pharmacy shop i only inject actual pharma never ugl stuff and im not sure where abroad has test cyp or enantate because I can’t take sustanon cos of the post injection pain. sustanon seems easy to get in Europe like Bulgaria and Turkey. otherwise I’d just take 200mg test a week and maybe add in dutastaride for hair losses
Travel to Thailand or bali. Test, tren, primo anything you need
Travel to Thailand or bali. Test, tren, primo anything you need
I’d not heard that about Bali, so the pharmacies there sell pharma gear without a script? Or most of them will do that? I know from when I bought from pharmacies in Europe like Greece years ago, there d still be half the owners who would not from moral principals.