What's your current old man cycle?

Ya lol! I take mt2 lol! And high dosage affect me too much mentally. And thank you
Somewhere in my 40s MT2 started leaving spots on my skin (permanent - they are still there).

I am sure it is age related, but since you are getting there, I thought you might want to know.
Damn, cold turkey. That's awesome! I was on 6 mg zyn for a couple of years as well. Tried to cold turkey it and failed, so i dropped to 3 mg to try and wean myself off but haven't been able to drop it completely yet.

The first week was brutal, second week was tough but easier than the first and now I don’t even think about it.

It’s worth quitting.
Somewhere in my 40s MT2 started leaving spots on my skin (permanent - they are still there).

I am sure it is age related, but since you are getting there, I thought you might want to know.
Ya I get the spots. That’s for sure. Bring out the freckles and moles
Figured out the cause of my high blood pressure…fucking Zyn.

Been jamming 6mg Zyn almost non-stop for the last 4 years. Had a come to Jesus moment and decided to quit cold turkey exactly one week ago.

BP has been perfect, 120/60 with 55 RHR, the past two days.

Now I just have to stop snacking or I’m gonna look like I’m permabulking all through Spring.
Nicotine is no joke. For some reason a lot of people think tobacco is bad but just nicotine is okay. Pure nicotine is INSANELY addictive. Quitting nicotine was one of the most difficult things I've done. The mental struggle, food/sugar cravings, agitation, insomnia, etc. sucks and for me it went on for quite a while. I'll never touch that stuff again. The thought of having to go through the withdrawals makes me shudder.

My heart rate and blood pressure is better off of it as well. My general well-being and stress level is better too. Too, I don't have data to prove it but I feel like my energy level/ blood sugar throughout the day is more stable as well. Overall I feel much much better not using nicotine.
These were bigger, like bigger than a pencil eraser size. A permanent brown coloration that has persisted for more than a decade.
I was wondering about that. This time after using MT1 for a couple of weeks I have a light brown spot about the size of a marble on my shoulder. It’s under the skin and cannot be felt with my fingertips.
I had to google this. Is it a common thing?
I think it’s a fairly common side effect of nicotine. It narrows blood vessels, increases heart rate, raises BP and can lead to atherosclerosis. I picked up a chewing tobacco habit once while deployed to Iraq. When I returned I didn’t stop. It got to where I was dipping before PT (5:30AM-6:30). I was always a good runner but I started struggling to breathe and keep up and I could not for the life of me figure out what the hell was happening. It was like I had already ran 6 miles but I had only ran 1 mile. Then a Major who also dipped asked me if I was chewing before running and explained to me what nicotine was doing to my body. I quit that day and never used tobacco again.
@kaizoku were you able to quit?
I was, and I’m really glad I did.

BP has averaged around 120/55 since I quit.
Would be better but work has been crazy lately and severely cutting into cardio time.

I had to go to the ER for priapism draining weekend before last and BP was 126/60 when I got released.

Still driving around with 5 unopened cans of Zyn in the glove box that I keep forgetting are there until I need to grab something and I’ll get a small craving when I see them but I just ignore it and move on.

Didn’t get rid of the cans at the beginning because I wanted to prove to myself that I could quit through sheer willpower in the face of temptation.

That method won’t work for everyone, so if anyone wants to quit, figure out what works for you and stick to it. The first week was brutal, second week was bad but easier than the first, and it just got easier for me from there.
Ok I’ve done Cialis up to 20mg and MT2 in Mexico but I didn’t know I needed the Trazodone for the terminator effect. Thank you.
I really think it was the MT2 boners combined with the Trazodone smooth muscle relaxation.

Had been taking Trazodone and cialis on the same day for several months with no issues.

Started pinning MT2 at 200mcg 2x a week and had morning wood that would last for 30-60 minutes the morning after I pinned but it went away. Didn’t think anything of it. Bumped the dose up and boom, straight to the ER.