When Do / Did You Give Up On Hair?

So my hairs been thinning plus I have a decent spot with no hair in the back (didnt fall out but for medical reasons won't grow).

I always said I would hold out and keep my hair until there was no more, but now Im debating about getting rid of it.

Did any people who were losing keep it or did y'all shave it off?
Ive kept mine buzzed for years. Its low maintenance, cooler in the summer and easy for my wife to cut. Plus i like the look anyway
Barely hanging on. Got the thin spot in the back. Getting thinner on top. I actually have to get it cut weekly or it looks like shit. Shaving it has been crossing my mind recently. I just look like an even bigger dick with a shaved head. +1 for looking dangerous.
God only made a few perfect heads in the world, he put hair on the rest!!

Idk i like the bald look plus its awesome when you're running tren and all the veins on your skull are bulging out like a boner at a strip club.
Ive kept mine buzzed for years. Its low maintenance, cooler in the summer and easy for my wife to cut. Plus i like the look anyway

Ive had a buzz cut for the last 13 years. But now my nald spot doubled in size. Im trying to hold on. On the plus size I am growing a decent beard.
I used to spike my hair not losing it just to busy to bother anymore plus the ladies still love it so win win !
Dont hang on. It makes you look desperate
Unless your involved with politics or have an MD next to your name BALDING doesnt look good.
I started slowly losing my hair at 18. By 25 i made the full commitment to shave it off.
Get dollarshaveclub
Your welcome :)
Dont hang on. It makes you look desperate
Unless your involved with politics or have an MD next to your name BALDING doesnt look good.
I started slowly losing my hair at 18. By 25 i made the full commitment to shave it off.
Get dollarshaveclub
Your welcome :)

I was good until a few weeks ago, then everytime I showered hair came out, add that with the baldspot and I guess you're right...
I will miss the barber shop though.
Let it go and shave it off. Muscular and a bald head is sexy combination. I can't stand to see guys who are balding but still try to keep what little bit they have. It's not a good look, IMO.
God only made a few perfect heads in the world, he put hair on the rest!!

Idk i like the bald look plus its awesome when you're running tren and all the veins on your skull are bulging out like a boner at a strip club.

My head is lumpy and I have a recoding hairline. I can't shave it. Beanie time if it gets too bad
Buzz it my friend, I held onto a receding hairline in the front and bald spot in the back until my friends told me that I was beginning to look older than I was. When I buzzed it down to 1/8 of an inch, I no longer had to worry about people seeing receding hairlines and everyone told me I look younger. and remember, if you don't like the look it can be back to what you have and just a few months.
45, and sure its thinning. Spot in back getting bigger. What did it for me was seeing family and them getting a good laugh, " hey everyone, johnnys finaly going bald!" Im the oldest and hung on the longest. Now keep it high and tight like most of my twenties. I hate that chia pet look, when your trying to grow it back out.
Haven't lost any hair yet, no receding hairline either. I'm getting into mast prop and I've read that can take a toll on hair. We will see....
Rogain, nizoral shampoo and RU58841 seems to be keeping mine intact. I have a receding front line and the bald spot on the crown. At 34 it may be time to shave it soon.
I wouldn't take hair back, if you paid me. But I have a perfect head. The rest of you bobbleheads probably better stick with hair....
