When Do / Did You Give Up On Hair?

I started loosing my hair at 23. Been shaving it off ever since. A lot of women think it's sexy, but not everybody can pull it off. If you don't have facial hair you should grow it. Bald heads look Better with facial hair. If your bald you have to have muscles. It goes with it well.
I started loosing my hair at 23. Been shaving it off ever since. A lot of women think it's sexy, but not everybody can pull it off. If you don't have facial hair you should grow it. Bald heads look Better with facial hair. If your bald you have to have muscles. It goes with it well.

If you're a man you have to have muscles.
Let it go and shave it off. Muscular and a bald head is sexy combination. I can't stand to see guys who are balding but still try to keep what little bit they have. It's not a good look, IMO.
makes me feel self conscious cus I usually walk around looking like a caveman with long hair
Purchase your own clippers and begin experimenting with the different guards. You will eventually find what looks best for your facial features. Not everyone looks good with a shaved head, while some would look better if they just shaved it all off.
I feel like if Lebron doesn't give up I shouldn't either. We basically have the same hair, ok, he might have a little more.
Had a receding hairline for years and now the peninsula is turning into an island. Still debating wtf I'm gonna do cause my ears don't go well with a shaved or buzzed head lol
Once I couldn't get a Cesar cut to look good. The next step was an overall buzz before ultimately graduating to the overall bic :)
Question, I have hair, I mean almost too much, one rough thinning circle on the top back, but everywhere else I have hair and it's thick. I have been on 300mg Test Cip. for going on six weeks and no sign of shedding. In fact, I think my hair is growing faster. Does this likely mean I have no balding issues on TRT, or is it still too soon to tell?