When injections go horribly wrong.


New Member
Trying to start a story thread here. We've all had injections that have gone horribly wrong before. Let's put them here.

My latest occurred last night. Injecting my left triceps. Nothing new, i'm comfortable with that site, but ever so rarely, i miss the mark and get too close to a nerve.

After inserting the needle, i began to push on the plunger. The process was moving at a snails pace, then the plunger started moving. Moving too fast for my liking, however.

That's when the pain began. An intense burning sensation ran down into my elbow and the bend of my arm between the forearm and biceps. This has happened before, but not this intense.

i stood there laughing to myself like a psychotic. i couldn't help but laugh, thinking to myself, this is my slice of humble pie for thinking i'm a master at this.

i woke up to a swolen triceps, that when bent, hurts pretty good. Made for some uncomfortable bicep curls tonight, to say the least.
Not sure if this qualifies but after I injected TP/Tren A I went to squeeze out the ~0.08-0.1ml leftover on my hand to lick it up, and all of the sudden I heard this noise like a blow dart. Next thing I know the 1” needle was 80-90% buried in the top of my hand right thru the little band that connects to my middle finger. That fucker came off with a lot of force. Wish I woulda taken a pic but I was worried about nerve damage. Thank goodness it didn’t go thru my dick.

Another time I was doing a quad shot, hit a motor nerve and my foot came off the ground and I nearly kneed myself in the face. Happened twice in the same week, took a month before I got the nerve to do quads. Wasn’t painful just a shock like feel.
Injecting 1ml of test and 1ml of dhb last sunday.

During the injection I was getting a weird taste in my mouth but wasn't thinking what it would be. I inject slow so I thought I would know if there was something wrong.

After the 2ml was injected, I released pressure of the plunger, blood came in the syringe. Took the needle out and started coughing hard.
Woke up early to my a.m. pin, I sat down on the toilet seat and went to pin my right quad. I was about halfway done with 1cc when I started feeling a little bit light-headed and clammy. Keep in mind I have zero issues with needles and do not get queasy at the site of blood. I have no idea what was going on but I felt shaky like I was having low blood sugar, at that point I realized I needed to finish my pin so I sat down on the floor. I used a fresh needle and recleaned the site, and went to finish my injection.

I'm not sure what happened but I woke up to my wife standing over me asking me if I was okay and a slight panic. The needle was still in my leg and I was somehow turned around face first against the lower portion of my bathtub. I had fainted. She said she was laying in bed and she heard a thud and came running, and then found me laying on the ground in the bathroom with a needle sticking out of my leg.....

To this day I have no idea what happened, I think perhaps it was getting straight out of bed and going to do the injection on empty stomach and perhaps I hadn't had enough to eat the day before. but it's never happened again and I've never felt anything like that before or since.
I was doing 2ml of test/npp and was doing a glute injection. I started to inject and then I instantly busted out in sweat and got really flush. I couldn’t breathe well but was coughing. I ran outside thinking I may not make it through and put snow on my face to cool down. My neighbor Tina was outside watching this while she shoveled her driveway. She was an RN. I was in my boxers and was really embarrassed. It never got brought up oddly enough. Glad I decided to not do it naked. No idea what happened.
I took the advice of someone on meso and attempted a quad tear drop injection. Pin went in fine but 1/2 way through the injection got light headed and felt an impending sense of doom and started sweating bad. After I pulled out the pin I had tremendous pain in my knee area.
Had trouble walking for 3 days, went to doc and she told me I somehow ruptured(small) my patellar tendon and had a knee infection. Had to run a course of antibiotics and do some at home knee re-hab. Moral of the story....TEAR DROP INJECTIONS SUCK!!
I took the advice of someone on meso and attempted a quad tear drop injection. Pin went in fine but 1/2 way through the injection got light headed and felt an impending sense of doom and started sweating bad. After I pulled out the pin I had tremendous pain in my knee area.
Had trouble walking for 3 days, went to doc and she told me I somehow ruptured(small) my patellar tendon and had a knee infection. Had to run a course of antibiotics and do some at home knee re-hab. Moral of the story....TEAR DROP INJECTIONS SUCK!!
That might have been me, since I talked about the subject here a few times.

Pinned them several times, and still pinning them and never had a problem.

I don’t want this to be interpreted as me taking shots at you, but the only way I see this happening is that you don’t have enough mass on your Legs, and if that’s the case yeah, you shouldn’t pin them.

I have huge quads, so for me it’s not a problem, but let’s use this as an example for people that don’t have a substantial leg development, to stay away from teardrop injections.
Woke up early to my a.m. pin, I sat down on the toilet seat and went to pin my right quad. I was about halfway done with 1cc when I started feeling a little bit light-headed and clammy. Keep in mind I have zero issues with needles and do not get queasy at the site of blood. I have no idea what was going on but I felt shaky like I was having low blood sugar, at that point I realized I needed to finish my pin so I sat down on the floor. I used a fresh needle and recleaned the site, and went to finish my injection.

I'm not sure what happened but I woke up to my wife standing over me asking me if I was okay and a slight panic. The needle was still in my leg and I was somehow turned around face first against the lower portion of my bathtub. I had fainted. She said she was laying in bed and she heard a thud and came running, and then found me laying on the ground in the bathroom with a needle sticking out of my leg.....

To this day I have no idea what happened, I think perhaps it was getting straight out of bed and going to do the injection on empty stomach and perhaps I hadn't had enough to eat the day before. but it's never happened again and I've never felt anything like that before or since.
Dude your not supposed to pin where you shit! Think about it.
That might have been me, since I talked about the subject here a few times.

Pinned them several times, and still pinning them and never had a problem.

I don’t want this to be interpreted as me taking shots at you, but the only way I see this happening is that you don’t have enough mass on your Legs, and if that’s the case yeah, you shouldn’t pin them.

I have huge quads, so for me it’s not a problem, but let’s use this as an example for people that don’t have a substantial leg development, to stay away from teardrop injections.

All good brother. You are right, my legs are not massive but I have no probs with vast lat and anterior quad inj. I chalk it up as a learning experience! Lol I did not want to call you out either because I know it is working well for you. Respect Jank!
I was pinning my glutes, shot went fine, pulled the pin out and blood started pouring out everywhere, I was grabbing towels trying to clean it up and stop the bleeding. Only time I've ever been really worried doing an injection. Although a few minutes later I was like damn, I probably lost whatever oil was in there. But I wasn't in the mood for another injection. Of course I looked up similar experiences on meso and decided it wasn't a big deal. It hurt like hell and the pain lasted at least a solid week after.
I guess I could say over the years I’ve never actually had a bad injection the likes of what many of you have written. I can only think of two that really aren’t that big of a deal.

the first being a quad injection in an area I had developed scar tissue and while I was injecting the needle it moved an inch which was ratber disturbing because it wants to pull the syringe which is at the original injection site with it. It’s a little painful as it’s trying to rip your skin.

The other would be one of my first few Gluth injections I was too far over towards the center and got close to my sciatic nerve and could feel the pressure on it after I injected.