When to start PCT


New Member
i am on 500mg test cyp for 12 weeks, always thought start PCT 2 weeks after last shot but I have been reading 3 weeks now, any info would be appreciated thanks
I had always heard 2 weeks. The sticky at the top of the page says 35 days. I kind of skimmed over the sticky the other day and thought it made some good points, like getting blood work to determine when your test levels were right to start pct. Then, before replying here I gave it a more thorough read and think 35 days is excessive. I will admit I only read page 1 though.
If I am taking a long ester, I will go 3 weeks after last injection. If I am on prop, then I do 4 days after last injection.

Don't Really do long esters anymore. I feel that 3 weeks is too long to have test levels stagnant. I also feel that I keep more of my gains on a short ester because I start recovery immediately after my last injection.....I have no scientific evidence to back this up, could be all in my head.
Depending on the esters used: 2-3 weeks for a long ester (test cyp, tren, bold...) , and a week or so for a short one (test prop, stan, npp..).
After the last inj made.