When will crash hit ?


New Member
I was late on pct and am just starting now. .. I'm just about 5 days from being 2 months since last shot ... still have good pumps and no crash what so ever. All synthetic test has to be cleared by now. so wouldn't this be a better time to start ? Someone let me know what they think is going to happen.
I've read a lot saying you want your t lvls to be completely cleared of any synthetic test that waiting 4-6 weeks is usually better... I know that may be wrong but it makes sense why put meds in your body when you still have test in your system
I could do a pin of trt dose and then restart pct 2 weeks after last pin but I think this would be better I could be completely wrong ... I was planning on running pct for a good 8 weeks
Most things I've read a crash usually hits 6-8 weeks after last pin. My last cycle last year hit a few days after pct which was done two weeks on the dot after last test e pin. Which only lasted 3 days or so of feeling shitty. If I do a pct of 8 weeks do you think I still have a shot of recovering at a normall rate or should I go back on a low dose for a few weeks and restart
@Demondosage I'm sure that's why I'm trying to get opinions on what's going on. First cycle same connect I crashed 7 weeks later, this cycle I got horrible sides from tren high dose ...actually got kicked out of my house from the aggression was only sleeping 2-3 hours a night and the mental sides aniexty anger paranoia we're all so prevalent when I came off I was a different person .. so it was real I'm just confused why it's not hitting me yet.
i mean I'm young maybe i just bounce back quicker. My nuts never shrink much from cycles but idk it all doesn't make much sense to be honest you shut down, everyone does so idk what's going on.
@Demondosage I'm sure that's why I'm trying to get opinions on what's going on. First cycle same connect I crashed 7 weeks later, this cycle I got horrible sides from tren high dose ...actually got kicked out of my house from the aggression was only sleeping 2-3 hours a night and the mental sides aniexty anger paranoia we're all so prevalent when I came off I was a different person .. so it was real I'm just confused why it's not hitting me yet.
I mean, logically you would want to judge it off half life, so depends on how much you used. I know back when I ran test at a gram a week for 8-10 weeks I felt like death 5 wks off, went and got tested and was still 700. Went back about 2-3 weeks later and came in at 89!!!
I was on a gram a week ... most likely under dosed but for 5 months so I guess there still may be a little in my system and yeah that makes sense I was a idiot though I trashed that whole cycle for nothing wasn't prepared 89 is crazy so yeah it's coming I shouldn't fool myself I hope I can fully recover im going to run pct for a solid 8 weeks hopefully that can help