When You Start Feeling the Trenbolone

I start feeling tren when I start to get crazy thoughts that I have never had before about my wife cheating on me, the police coming to arrest me and people stealing from me.
Then I stop taking it and have never looked back.
That stuff messed with my emotions and head in crazy ways.
Even at low doses I become extremely paranoid and think people are conspiring against me, and I'm not sure they weren't to be honest. This was from 70mg-105mg tren ace per week. but i also think my estrogen was pretty high at this time.

My first run with tren was 700mg ace so I dont know how i survived because I was way less level headed than I am today.

A.I says this 1742749345536.webp

I vowed to never run tren again but I've never tried E or Hex so maybe it will be more managable.

meanwhile i went to pick up some tren e from my gym because the guy said he had a ton, well he doesnt anymore because hes been running 1.2g a week but looks completely fine, not even red or tense. somepeople just handle it well
Even at low doses I become extremely paranoid and think people are conspiring against me, and I'm not sure they weren't to be honest. This was from 70mg-105mg tren ace per week. but i also think my estrogen was pretty high at this time.

My first run with tren was 700mg ace so I dont know how i survived because I was way less level headed than I am today.

A.I says this View attachment 322451

I vowed to never run tren again but I've never tried E or Hex so maybe it will be more managable.

meanwhile i went to pick up some tren e from my gym because the guy said he had a ton, well he doesnt anymore because hes been running 1.2g a week but looks completely fine, not even red or tense. somepeople just handle it well
Tren A is better than Tren E. On Tren E my sleep is much worse than it was on Tren A, i also prefer Tren to be in and out of the system rather quickly. Just sharing personal experience. Also never went above 100mg here.
Tren A is better than Tren E. On Tren E my sleep is much worse than it was on Tren A, i also prefer Tren to be in and out of the system rather quickly. Just sharing personal experience. Also never went above 100mg here.
yeah i could see if you want it in and out and pin it in the morning if sleep is a problem for you. for me it was mainly a bit of acne and being nuts.

i think the longer ester will prevent the acne and then I can be nuts without looking like a teenage boy
yeah i could see if you want it in and out and pin it in the morning if sleep is a problem for you. for me it was mainly a bit of acne and being nuts.

i think the longer ester will prevent the acne and then I can be nuts without looking like a teenage boy

Hex/Parabolan seems to be a good choice but i still have so much Tren E and A which is enough for a year running it at 250mg a week
I like tren e over a. 2x week pinning vs every day. I only notice a difference the first few days. With e at first it's hard to sleep but then it goes away after a few days and I can't tell the difference
I want to throw my hat into ring regarding the question "when do you start to 'feel' like you are on trenbolone?", especially since most of the discussion I found online consisted of answers in the 1-2 week range. I invite you to share your own experience, and I'm sure that we're all going to come out of this with a deeper appreciation of how just how much individual variability there is in the human body's response to AAS. Perhaps some of you will also want to experiment with lower doses of tren than are usually recommended in these parts of the web.

As far as I am concerned, the answer is "within about an hour".

After passing the citizenship test, I have finally taken up residence in Trenbolonia yesterday evening. The ceremony consisted of 10mg of tren ace. I'm thinking of keeping it at 70mg/week for a few weeks. This is on top of 150mg test-e, 75mg primo for E2 control, and 20-50mg daily anavar depending on how hard I'm pushing it in the gym that day.

On the way to the gym, I found myself undressing the women around me in the subway with my mind's eye. I had to consciously override the direction my mind was taking after realizing that I was about to get visibly erect in a crowded area. I'm 28 now, and the last time this kind of scenario unfolded must have been when I was 14 or 15. All the while I am experiencing a slight but noticeable increase in my general well-being. Oh, it's just placebo! I hear some of you thinking at this point, and indeed this was also a thought that crossed my mind.

The workout was great. I hit some PRs. The "don't get a boner, don't get a boner" mantra returned a few minutes after I started doing cardio on the recumbent bike from which I occasionally threw a glance at the women passing by. This time it wasn't as successful, but the gym was nearly empty at that point so I didn't care, and I regained my composure soon after anyway. If that doesn't change your mind regarding a possible placebo effect, then surely will the fact that my shirt was absolutely drenched in sweat, even though I maintained the same intensity that I usually do (1 hour at zone 2). Definitely double, possible triple the usual amount of sweat. Not only that, but it had a most unusual smell. "Wet dog" comes to mind. Quite unpleasant, though I hear that it supposedly drives women nuts. More research is needed.

I came home, took a shower, and when I emerged I discovered that my entire shoe box apartment assumed the smell of that shirt. I threw it in the washing machine and went to bed. When I woke up, it was in a puddle of sweat. This time the smell wasn't so overwhelming, though the tren from that first injection was already past its peak. Once I reach steady state concentrations, I'll probably have to change the bed sheets every day.

This is an extremely potent drug.
I've found that while having my test dosages low (and I mean extremely low, like 125 mgs a week), I can easily tolerate upto 150 mgs of tren ace a day, for 16 weeks or so. Those gains, vis-a-vis high test low tren, is exponentially more, in all aspects, be it lean body mass gains and fat loss. Whenever I used it, I used it in my bulking phases.

Would I prefer using tren today? No. Quality of life is far more important to me at this stage and I simply can't destroy the relationships (business and personal) that I have build over the almost 34 years of my existence.

Maybe for those whose life is bound by bodybuilding only, Tren could be the "breakfast of champions".

For me, I'd rather ramp up to 1.5 grams of test, 1250 mgs of mast, 6 IUs of GH, attain a better physique than what I'd from 500 mgs of tren and at a exponentially less level of anxiety.

Have you seen those old footages of Arnold and his buddies playing ball at the beach? Remember how happy and full of life they looked. Man, losing happiness for just a tad bit more muscles, is not worth it for me.

Btw, avoid taking carbs 2-3 hrs before bed when you are on tren. Makes the night sweats less and you could atleast keep your eyes closed.

Use valium, 20 mgs half an hour before bed, if you want to not be bothered waking up 10 times at night.
This is a surprisingly common sentiment, which as you will see is clearly misguided.

To those casting doubt on the fact that it is possible to "feel" trenbolone come on within an hour or less, consider the tren cough.

I have not experienced it yet, but from what I have gathered so far, this is something that can occur within seconds to minutes of the trenbolone entering the muscle you just pinned.

While it mostly considered a mystery, we can at least conclude with certainty that it is possible for trenbolone to reach sufficient systemic concentrations to immediately induce enzymatic activity in distal organ systems.

How can you simultaneously recognize that the lungs can be affected nearly instantly while thinking the brain is somehow exempted? Don't you realize that this is a question of sensitivity, which is so strongly affected by individual variability?

I'm now a few pins in and nearing steady-state concentrations, and a consistent experience that I have noted thus far is a slight ringing sensation in my ears which sets on, you guessed it, within seconds of me pushing down on the plunger.
I used tren ace several cycles,hundreds of shot,I get zero side effects from it,or any steroids for that matter,but the cough thing ... That's what is weird never experienced it ever... Till suddenly I started getting this issue not being able to push oil of any kind into my glutes,scar tissue.. something..but out of nowhere 3 out of 4 shots I get this mouth watering knot in my throat,it's not a cough feeling for me at all,more like a big hocker in your throat you need to clear,last about 2 minutes and its gone..really sucks happening continuously...everybody else calls it tren cough.. I don't understand the cough analogy,lol but yeah it blows!! Started doing shots in my leg and it's gone!! Just like always before, years and years never experienced it one time...it's just like doing trt, smooth as butter .. so I totally don't understand the mechanism that causes it... Why my glutes won't accept any kind of oil... Tren cough every damn time, start pinning a new body part.. gone like it never existed.. it's wild how everyone's body is different.. I never had side effects from any steroids..never needed an ai...never had acne,high blood pressure,hair loss,sweats,sleep issues,mood issues, another guy does 600mg of test and there whole body has a freak out medically,lol. The human body is a strange thing... As far as how long it takes to kick in.. I quit running it every day for longevity, I prefer using fast acting orals and short esters the day before I work out,and tren ace definitely kicks in for me in about 12 hours,less than that isn't quite enough time for me,after 12 hours I have a noticeable strength increase, and noticeable endurance increase, so I go with the 12 hour thing personally.. I work a very physical job, I throw lumber around all day, it's brutal on the body, so i can only sustain 3 days a week working out or it crushes me, I'm just way too sore to do my job, I do Saturday,Sunday,and Monday, I'm usually sore and don't heal completely until Wednesday, but I can manage. Friday ,sat,and Sunday I do tren ace and anadrol,and then I don't touch it again until Friday. Been doing this a long time with good results, I just have to dose Friday night,the day before. If you are not on trt this obviously would never work for you,or even be worth it for the shutdown you would experience,but I like it quite well.
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This is a surprisingly common sentiment, which as you will see is clearly misguided.

To those casting doubt on the fact that it is possible to "feel" trenbolone come on within an hour or less, consider the tren cough.

I have not experienced it yet, but from what I have gathered so far, this is something that can occur within seconds to minutes of the trenbolone entering the muscle you just pinned.

While it mostly considered a mystery, we can at least conclude with certainty that it is possible for trenbolone to reach sufficient systemic concentrations to immediately induce enzymatic activity in distal organ systems.

How can you simultaneously recognize that the lungs can be affected nearly instantly while thinking the brain is somehow exempted? Don't you realize that this is a question of sensitivity, which is so strongly affected by individual variability?

I'm now a few pins in and nearing steady-state concentrations, and a consistent experience that I have noted thus far is a slight ringing sensation in my ears which sets on, you guessed it, within seconds of me pushing down on the plunger.
It's not a mystery lol never read so many bullshit all together.
Tren cough is due to nicking a vein/capillaries and tren entering your bloodstream, it can happen even with test or any other oil, but only tren gives the bad super strong cough.

That's it.
It's not a mystery lol never read so many bullshit all together.
Tren cough is due to nicking a vein/capillaries and tren entering your bloodstream, it can happen even with test or any other oil, but only tren gives the bad super strong cough.

That's it.
That is bullshit!!! I have literally done thousands of shots there's not a f****** steroid on Earth that causes it. If you're getting it from testosterone you're not f****** using test,lol and it is a mystery when I can shoot hundreds of shots of it and never experience it once and then suddenly get it every f****** shot, and then I switch body parts and I never get it again, how the f*** is that not a mystery
It's not a mystery lol never read so many bullshit all together.
Tren cough is due to nicking a vein/capillaries and tren entering your bloodstream, it can happen even with test or any other oil, but only tren gives the bad super strong cough.

That's it.
I use ice cube to constrict the veins and that tends to advert that nicking however its not fool proof. Also I keep smelling salts on hand if I get it. Diverts the worst of it
It's not a mystery lol never read so many bullshit all together.
Tren cough is due to nicking a vein/capillaries and tren entering your bloodstream, it can happen even with test or any other oil, but only tren gives the bad super strong cough.

That's it.
Yeah tren cough is literally it getting back flooded into a vein or cap. Or maybe Limphatic system to some degree. If you nick it and it leaks back out from the muscle it will Increase Prostaglandin inflammation in the lungs for sure.
Yeah tren cough is literally it getting back flooded into a vein or cap. Or maybe Limphatic system to some degree. If you nick it and it leaks back out from the muscle it will Increase Prostaglandin inflammation in the lungs for sure.e
So.. what could be the issue I'm having in my glutes... Because I hammered the same body part with a needle a thousand times...can veins spider out...can they multiply..grow into more? I don't understand how I shot a gazillion times in my ass and never experienced it once and now it gets me every damn time... I'm just incredibly unlucky and slamming a vein every time? Lol I guess I don't need to understand it,it just is what it is I suppose.. I literally was dreading every shot till recently till I switched body parts and now its non existent again..
So.. what could be the issue I'm having in my glutes... Because I hammered the same body part with a needle a thousand times...can veins spider out...can they multiply..grow into more? I don't understand how I shot a gazillion times in my ass and never experienced it once and now it gets me every damn time... I'm just incredibly unlucky and slamming a vein every time? Lol I guess I don't need to understand it,it just is what it is I suppose.. I literally was dreading every shot till recently till I switched body parts and now its non existent again..
Scar tissue. I got it too. Solution? Red-light Therapy directed in it and hard core massages to break up the fibers then break from using it from injects. Get a hard smooth rock for GU shai. NEAD the fuck out it. It will hurt. Might even swell. Use Redlight lamp directly on it for 20 mins. Get blood flow in there. This is why I rotate by going sub Q for awhile. Still get lumps but its just another route of injection.
I use ice cube to constrict the veins and that tends to advert that nicking however its not fool proof. Also I keep smelling salts on hand if I get it. Diverts the worst of it

Scar tissue. I got it too. Solution? Red-light Therapy directed in it and hard core massages to break up the fibers then break from using it from injects. Get a hard smooth rock for GU shai. NEAD the fuck out it. It will hurt. Might even swell. Use Redlight lamp directly on it for 20 mins. Get blood flow in there. This is why I rotate by going sub Q for awhile. Still get lumps but its just another route of injection.
Thanks man,that's the first answer I have heard that makes sense... I appreciate it!
Scar tissue. I got it too. Solution? Red-light Therapy directed in it and hard core massages to break up the fibers then break from using it from injects. Get a hard smooth rock for GU shai. NEAD the fuck out it. It will hurt. Might even swell. Use Redlight lamp directly on it for 20 mins. Get blood flow in there. This is why I rotate by going sub Q for awhile. Still get lumps but its just another route of injection.
I like hitting my legs anyway, never thought I would but it was all in my head.I will just leave that body part alone for a long time!
Thanks man,that's the first answer I have heard that makes sense... I appreciate it!
I just knew it had to be something other than nicking a vein that was causing it, because if that was so it would mean somehow I stuck myself 500 times in a row and never nicked a vein once and then miraculously one day I somehow managed to hit a vein 25 times in a row,lol. Scar tissue causing it makes much more sense to me...