where to find legit Arimidex or letrozole

any help would be greatly appreciated. got 1 order of garbage and other never came so now im stuck.
use the sponsor CEM-meso here, been using them for years and can vouch for their AI's etc. using stane now while on low dose test. I rec their Dex to you for sure.
Ya your right I'm waiting for a response from @pharmacist but just figured those were better than having nothing.
Other choice took the money gram and no answer for 3 months

There are probably at least three sources for pharma ancillaries within the first page or two of the new posts feed... no reason at all to fool with RC grade.
normally i would agree, but i have found CEM and another not here (rui) to never have let me down over years now and when i did my search i found threads as far back as like 10 years now for them so in their case i wouldent worry. now if your going with anyplace with less than a few yrs of running and/or alot of bad or questionable reviews i would deff rec pharma if you can get it. i used to, now i just go with them or RUI depending who has better sale going when i am in need. no issues yet and hopefully none ever
If you went with CEM you should be good. They are at the top when it comes to rc companies IMO. One of the few I use with confidence anyway.