Which is better for puffy nips Nolva or Letro?


New Member
Some steroid "gurus" say Nolva ain't effective in REVERSING gyno or puffy nips, only at stopping it from getting worse.
Medical literature say Nolva is the drug of choice for gyno/puffy nips and some studies prove it.

Any way it looks like gyno takes MONTHS to reverse (if it ever happens)
so a tolerable drug scheme with few or no side effects is needed to be able to tolerate it for months.
Some steroid "gurus" say Nolva ain't effective in REVERSING gyno or puffy nips, only at stopping it from getting worse.
Medical literature say Nolva is the drug of choice for gyno/puffy nips and some studies prove it.

Any way it looks like gyno takes MONTHS to reverse (if it ever happens)
so a tolerable drug scheme with few or no side effects is needed to be able to tolerate it for months.
I've read that you shouldn't take Nolva with tren or deca because it makes the sides worse. I've also read that's BS. Maybe @Dr JIM Knows. I'm sure he's probably answered it 100 times.
And I assume you "read" that on a forum right?

From a physiologic or pharmacodynamic perspective what was the basis for such a suggestion?

And what "sides" was such a combination supposed to "worsen".

Absent an explanation sure sounds like BS to me
And I assume you "read" that on a forum right?

From a physiologic or pharmacodynamic perspective what was the basis for such a suggestion?

And what "sides" was such a combination supposed to "worsen".

Absent an explanation sure sounds like BS to me
Yes sir Doc I read it on a forum. It was two conflicting answers as to whether you can use Nolva to combat Gyno symptoms when using 19nor like term and deca. I know on the forums it's 90% bro science. But that's why we appreciate your insight and knowledge to set us dumb dumbs straight.
I've used Nolva on tren, no issues.
I'm using Nolva on deca right now, no issues.
The reason for using Nolva for me was the medical studies I read regarding gyno control and reversal.
I've had success with the reduction of gyno size and tenderness from the drug. It'll be a staple for me going forward because it works for ME.
Forums/bro science say Letro is better than nolva

but medical studies/reviews say nolva is better than letro

A dose of 1 mg daily appeared to be mildly effective against the appearance of gynecomastia. Tamoxifen was much more effective, however, in the prevention of gynecomastia in these men [69,70]. Due to these disappointing results, aromatase inhibitors are not recommended as a first-line treatment for gynecomastia in men.
Aromatase inhibitors in men: effects and therapeutic options

Both tamoxifen and clomiphene citrate have been used for their anti-oestrogenic effects (they should theoretically improve gynaecomastia by blocking oestrogen receptors in target tissues).[1] Tamoxifen, in two randomised double-blind studies[24,25] involving a total of 16 patients with idiopathic gynaecomastia led to a statistically significant reduction in breast pain and size, without significant side effects at a dosage of 10 mg twice a day.

So it looks like 10 mg nolva is both
better at reducing gyno and has less side effects than 1 mg letro

Still it looks like pharmaceutical gyno/puffy nips reversal will take several months (usually 6+)
So all that 2 month letro pct talk is absolute BS
Maybe UG shills actively promote letro just because it is more expensive than tamoxifen?
I cant run tren without nolva its a must....however, I am wondering why @master.on has started 50 different threads........you should do more research. There are plenty of studies out there that answer all of your questions. Its nice to get first hand experience from other guys yes, but there comes a point where it starts to look like you are just being lazy and not reading, in the hopes that people here will give you the right answer. Steroids is not a game. You can really fuck yourself up if you dont read enough before. What I always did was find studies done on the questions I have AND THEN compare it to personal experiences from guys on here.

Anyway I am ranting now. Good luck