Who are the top 10 largest pro anabolic stacking cycles regiments?

I wouldn't have said anything on this thread if you didn't start acting like a douche towards people who were going out of their way to help you. Whether you want to believe it or not, steroids have serious health risks especially when they aren't respected. You clearly don't respect them, that's why don't do bloodwork, and it's why you seem to think 2,500mg is just a light little cruise. Do what you want to do. Just don't be acting like a stunned bitch because people on a harm reduction site are trying to reduce your harm.
Ignore button activated. That’s 10 post of zero substance, zero constructive and productive posts. And judging by the consistency of ad hominems, you’re just gonna be and endless array of the same bullshit.

So like the other brethren posted…

Boston and friends stacking

3-4 grams of test a week, and 2 grams of tren a week also.

These look like blast stacks. The commentator with Boston said Pete did take am entire bottle of Anavar, with 20mg per tablet, and 50 tabs per bottle that would be some crazy mg levels of 2000 per day, but obviously those were one offs. Still, Pete’s are one of the most impressive, regarding the golden era, their statements would be the best to build on, for the post 90s it already got so dogmatic and inclusive, no one was willing to give out their regiments in fear or legality or fear of their competitors one upping on them becoming bigger. But since there are 100 cases of anabolic users that the NIOH has tagged in on the greater levels of.:.
3200 mg per week

So 3,000 mg seems to be the bench mark route of a in between the 3 rhythms of…


3g of individual gear is what would be a staple blast of week to week regiments. I can roll with that.

At this point, I’ll take the nib bit crumbs we can find of the pros and just either trail them or double up on the quantities. Either way people are gonna talk shit, hate, be resentful and mock you no matter what dosages you take, so I my this well, just go ham and stay in the realm of cruise——Blast—-extreme.

Blast is where it’s at. Carver, Pete, Boston, Rich and others were extremes, can never say never, but trailing them for me is a good blast, never extreme, but blast can can.
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So like the other brethren posted…

Boston and friends stacking

3-4 grams of test a week, and 2 grams of tren a week also.

These look like blast stacks. The commentator with Boston said Pete did take am entire bottle of Anavar, with 20mg per tablet, and 50 tabs per bottle that would be some crazy mg levels of 2000 per day, but obviously those were one offs. Still, Pete’s are one of the most impressive, regarding the golden era, their statements would be the best to build on, for the post 90s it already got so dogmatic and inclusive, no one was willing to give out their regiments in fear or legality or fear of their competitors one upping on them becoming bigger.

In almost no other craft in the world, do people do that, the Philosophies of Taoist, Buddhist and others always make the keen distinction that their pupils become better than they are, stronger, faster, wiser than they were, yet only in the body building sport you see a bullshitsu of lying on their regiments so no one exceeds their title or status, all the while claiming wanting to help others achieve the unachievable.

At this point, I’ll take the nib bit crumbs we can find of the pros and just either trail them or double up on the quantities. Either way people are gonna talk shit, hate, be resentful and mock you no matter what dosages you take, so I my this well, just go ham and stay in the realm of cruise——Blast—-extreme.

Blast is where it’s at. Carver, Pete, Boston, Rich and others were extremes, can never say never, but trailing them for me is a good blast, never extreme, but blast can can.
What the fuck are you yapping about?
What the fuck are you yapping about?
Well thanks to the other member who posted Bostons collab with other IFBBs, and the NIOH, that a good blasting modem is 3 g of each compound is a good medium.

Thats all I needed to see, some regiments of the 3 stances. 3G is now my base modem week to week. Once I keep that consistent, I’ll one up to the more extreme cases as I get tolerant to it.
Well thanks to the other member who posted Bostons collab with other IFBBs, and the NIOH, that a good blasting modem is 3 g of each compound is a good medium.

Thats all I needed to see, some regiments of the 3 stances. 3G is now my base modem week to week. Once I keep that consistent, I’ll one up to the more extreme cases as I get tolerant to it.
I hope this is trolling, but if it's not - you're going down in history in my mind. I'll forever remember the bro who cruised on 3g test/week to work construction/demo. This is good shit. You're gonna be swinging the fuck out of that sledgehammer.
I hope this is trolling, but if it's not - you're going down in history in my mind. I'll forever remember the bro who cruised on 3g test/week to work construction/demo. This is good shit. You're gonna be swinging the fuck out of that sledgehammer.
3 g is a steady blast, not a cruise.

Try to understand the concepts of

I think I understand Cruise and Blast - but you bro, you're EXTREME as fuck.

Yeah sure you do. Based off alllll your comments on your profile, your entire existence relays on don’t do that bro, no get off that cycle, that’s dangerous, bro 3 g is too high, bro 2 g is too high, bro 1 g is too high, mho even 10mg dosages are too high, say no to steroids, bro never ever get on gear, anabolics will kill you.

That’s all we see with literally 99% of all your post. Why the fuck are you even on this forum if you’re an anti anabolics guy?

I got good leads on mediums and maximums from real gear guys, yet guys like you should be banned on the basis of bringing no merit to the forum. One upping on supplements that counter side effects is one thing, but being a screeching Karen on not even taking a single miligram of gear should warrant you a insta ban.

The mods here should have better rules, if you go off topic in 5 consecutive posts compared to the threads subject, you should be insta banned, if you post consistently on things not productive just 5 times in a row, you should be insta banned. Guys like you are the real trolls and losers. Just a waste of life.
Yeah sure you do. Based off alllll your comments on your profile, your entire existence relays on don’t do that bro, no get off that cycle, that’s dangerous, bro 3 g is too high, bro 2 g is too high, bro 1 g is too high, mho even 10mg dosages are too high, say no to steroids, bro never ever get on gear, anabolics will kill you.

That’s all we see with literally 99% of all your post. Why the fuck are you even on this forum if you’re an anti anabolics guy?

I got good leads on mediums and maximums from real gear guys, yet guys like you should be banned on the basis of bringing no merit to the forum. One upping on supplements that counter side effects is one thing, but being a screeching Karen on not even taking a single miligram of gear should warrant you a insta ban.

The mods here should have better rules, if you go off topic in 5 consecutive posts compared to the threads subject, you should be insta banned, if you post consistently on things not productive just 5 times in a row, you should be insta banned. Guys like you are the real trolls and losers. Just a waste of life.
Steroids killed my mom AND my cat.

Didn't anyone ever tell you "just say no?". Ever hear of Nancy Reagan?

Remember when they fried that egg and said this is your brain on trenbolone?
3 g is a steady blast, not a cruise.

Try to understand the concepts of

This coming from the guy who calls 2.5g a cruise.
"Try to understand the concepts..."
I'm blown away by some of the mental patients who visit this forum. No self-awareness whatsoever.
This coming from the guy who calls 2.5g a cruise.
"Try to understand the concepts..."
I'm blown away by some of the mental patients who visit this forum. No self-awareness whatsoever.
You’re blown away because you don’t play sports, you don’t weight train, you don’t take gear, you’re an anti anabolic retard. That’s why.

Yo mods, why doesn’t the ignore button have a block feature, unless this mutt wants to throw me his digits to meet up, getting tired of these troll hounds spewing their garbage.
You’re blown away because you don’t play sports, you don’t weight train, you don’t take gear, you’re an anti anabolic retard. That’s why.
School shooter, also. Don't forget that one. I'm anything but correct, according to you. Let's just pretend I'm anti-anabolic even though I inject them into my assmeat on a semi-regular basis. Anyways, I thought you activated your ignore button.
School shooter, also. Don't forget that one. I'm anything but correct, according to you. Let's just pretend I'm anti-anabolic even though I inject them into my assmeat on a semi-regular basis. Anyways, I thought you activated your ignore button.
Let’s use your troll content.

No you don’t, no you didn’t, no you can’t.

You’re a mental patient, a clown, with idiotic fantasy egg white regiments.

Why do you think the mods are being notified, because it doesn’t work, take to my pms then, throw me your contact info, that way we can hash this out. Because I asked you to step away, since you don’t wanna, step in my lane and let’s find out.
Let’s use your troll content.

No you don’t, no you didn’t, no you can’t.

You’re a mental patient, a clown, with idiotic fantasy egg white regiments.

Why do you think the mods are being notified, because it doesn’t work, take to my pms then, throw me your contact info, that way we can hash this out. Because I asked you to step away, since you don’t wanna, step in my lane and let’s find out.
That’s what I thought. Faggot.
Alright that's enough of this stuff. This is a family show, afterall.
You go rub one out and take a breath before you make a fool out of yourself.
I've had enough for one night.
By the way, the word you're looking for is "regimen" not "regiment." More free help from the nice guys. You're welcome.