Who are the top 10 largest pro anabolic stacking cycles regiments?

You know what? Cut the shit, bud. These people are going out of their way to try to help you. Don't post stupid ideas without expecting criticism from the people who know better, and don't expect people to go even further by spoonfeeding you scientific literature on the dangers of steroids as well. You're cruising on 2.5g of steroids and you don't even bloody-well train. You're just doing it so you can be better with a prybar and sledgehammer. It's fucking ridiculous.
Define your definition of help, insulting me is help?

What do you know of my life? I’ve played sports my whole life, football, paddled professionally for canoe regattas, boxed and wrestled, is there a standard to where you can only take steroids if you train for a body building competition? Where does the history of anabolics say that steroids were created for that purpose?

Cite your academia credentials and these shit poster’s critiques, show me their masters degree of phd in medical field of anabolics to have me believe they know more than me. Knowing and doing are two different things.

Simple questions need simple answers. Try to keep it simple instead all you’ll do is complicate things and waste not just mine but literally everyone’s time, goes to show how much of a real enthusiast on the matter compared to a straight up hater.
The problem most of the time is that the information is not even there, things are just being repeated over and over til it becomes a dogma. Just take this as example, everytime pro high doses is mentioned, dallas' autopsy result comes up but this is the first time I've seen the report here.

I think I saw it first in Promuscle if I recall correctly, and it was debated on too.
I don't know what to tell you. We figured it out on MESO pretty quickly when the autopsy/toxicology report came out in 2017 (see Dallas McCarver Autopsy Report.).

I don't understand why people so badly want to believe and continue asserting and repeating something that is obviously false.
We use Jano to test gear. There is an entire section devoted to this.
Those stupid DIY test kits are inaccurate unreliable and don’t even provide the information that is required. Only fools use those

Also there isn’t DIY bloodwork lol
I posted the section that discusses all of that also in your other thread
Try venturing out of this section and reading anything else. You might learn something. It’s painfully obvious you need to educate yourself.
Also learn the definition of “cruise” so you don’t keep mislabeling the name of one of your blast regiments.
Cool, seems a bit expensive just to do a blood work with those guys, 200-500$ just for a blood work test, that’s a good stack for the month cost. TF?

Isn’t there just test kits one can get off Amazon to do a DIY blood work scan that shows the levels. But I’ll see if I can click up with them to see if I can pull some
Blood samples on blasting weeks.

I'm serious, it's been mentioned quite a few times in a different thread. That's why I asked for someone to provide a concrete findings to stop the nonsense.

Why do you think people spread the misinformation? It's because nobody posts the actual data with proper information behind it.
It’s partially because people want to believe pros need grams and grams of gear to create superior physiques.
I don't know what to tell you. We figured it out on MESO pretty quickly when the autopsy/toxicology report came out in 2017 (see Dallas McCarver Autopsy Report.).

I don't understand why people so badly want to believe and continue asserting and repeating something that is obviously false.

Okay, since you’re a staff member and have more knowledge compared to the average member here on gear and gear history, could you give us a small list of those 3 categories not users…

- Cruiser stack regiments
- Pro athletes stack regiments
- Extreme cases stack regiments

Just 10 would be cool to see. Since the amount of knowledge you have, I think ten would be at least a good enough number to work with and gauge what we can float on.
Define your definition of help, insulting me is help?

What do you know of my life? I’ve played sports my whole life, football, paddled professionally for canoe regattas, boxed and wrestled, is there a standard to where you can only take steroids if you train for a body building competition? Where does the history of anabolics say that steroids were created for that purpose?

Cite your academia credentials and these shit poster’s critiques, show me their masters degree of phd in medical field of anabolics to have me believe they know more than me. Knowing and doing are two different things.

Simple questions need simple answers. Try to keep it simple instead all you’ll do is complicate things and waste not just mine but literally everyone’s time, goes to show how much of a real enthusiast on the matter compared to a straight up hater.
Your 2.5g cruise is idiotic. So much so that most of us are thinking you either don't know what a cruise is or you're lying altogether. It's really hard to believe you'd be cruising on that much shit when you don't even train. You said you're doing it so you can perform better at work. You didn't say anything about sports. Are you trying to say you take 2.5 grams of steroids so you can be better at canoeing now?
Using the most gear isn’t the flex you think it is OP. The flex is having people call you a liar because your physique is too good to be on that low of a dose.

Adjust your thinking.
Your 2.5g cruise is idiotic. So much so that most of us are thinking you either don't know what a cruise is or you're lying altogether. It's really hard to believe you'd be cruising on that much shit when you don't even train. You said you're doing it so you can perform better at work. You didn't say anything about sports. Are you trying to say you take 2.5 grams of steroids so you can be better at canoeing now?

What is it with the bodybuilding community where every post must be attacked with a skeptic like it’s an atheist vs a religious debate, met with scorn, belittling, berating, insulting, and pure disrespect.

I’m gonna say it again, so you know my back ground of sports, work and life style? No? For real? You don’t? Then why are you acting like you do? Most anabolic forums I’ve skimmed through where they train or not, have these amounts as subpar to almost nothing compared to their blasting cycles, own several books like O’Connors anabolic history of androgens, peptides, anabolics and thermos, and the stacks given by some examples are all small to mediocre of what I take, so again what are you basing it off of that mines are high or idiotic?

The golden era had men taking 5,000-10,000mg a day of various gear, I take 1, 10ml vial a week which isn’t even 1/10th of their line ups and now it’s idiotic. The fact that you have to doubt and berate their statements shows all you are is a hater, too afraid to try anything so your only result is to insult them because of your own insecure levels of fear. There would be zero reason to doubt their statements especially coming from a time of it was legal 100% around.

I don’t get guys like you, who can thrive by 100% negativity, scorn, hate, and resent. How do you even live? That’s an ugly way of living, I’ve seen people with this type of rhetoric become school shooters and suiciders. Why don’t you go do those things and make it easier instead of making other peoples lives harder being a miserable loser.
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Using the most gear isn’t the flex you think it is OP. The flex is having people call you a liar because your physique is too good to be on that low of a dose.

Adjust your thinking.
How can I flex with such small gear like that.

Ronnie hit 15,000$ in a week of gear, that’s a flex, even late YouTubers like liver king who blasted 20,000$ a month on gear, that’s a flex, mcarver has some gear guys estimate his stack regiment wasn 75 grand with of gear, that’s a flex. Also I find it comical that the only people who call others stack regiments liars, are those who never ran a single compound of gear and think raw eggs is their excuse to be a part of a anabolic contributor. Anyone who has to screech liar on an anabolic discussion shouldn’t even be apart of the forum.

My post is so tiny compared to even the most smallest user of the golden era based on books I’ve read, documentaries posted on YT, and even common stacks seen on Reddit, twitter, YT and forums. I’ll start flexing when I’m hitting 10,000mg of gear a day. Not this small amount what I call cruise. You can call it a blast if day it’s in between a blast and cruise, but by no means are these stacks extreme like we seen by pros in any sport.
I don’t get guys like you, who can thrive by 100% negativity, scorn, hate, and resent. How do you even live? That’s an ugly way of living, I’ve seen people with this type of rhetoric become school shooters and suiciders. Why don’t you go do those things and make it easier instead of making other peoples lives harder being a miserable loser.
You're taking it the wrong way. That's the problem. I never insulted you at all. I said your cruise is idiotic and I stand by that statement. If you have all of the literature and books about steroid use, and you've been on other forums that gave you all the information, why are you coming here asking for 10 examples of cycles from beginner to advanced? What kind of answers are you looking for and what's even the point?
You're taking it the wrong way. That's the problem. I never insulted you at all. I said your cruise is idiotic and I stand by that statement. If you have all of the literature and books about steroid use, and you've been on other forums that gave you all the information, why are you coming here asking for 10 examples of cycles from beginner to advanced? What kind of answers are you looking for and what's even the point?

Because they have average user dosages.

Just trying to pin in 3 brackets.

Average users stack regiments
Pro athletes user stack regiments
Extreme cases user stack regiments

What do you not get if you don’t have anything either constructive or productive that you should keep your posts to your self? what is the point of posting is a question you should ask yourself.

I’m straight forward, it’s either a yes or no answer type of constructive reply. Instead you have to dance around the subject with trivial bullshit.
I don't know what to tell you. We figured it out on MESO pretty quickly when the autopsy/toxicology report came out in 2017 (see Dallas McCarver Autopsy Report.).

I don't understand why people so badly want to believe and continue asserting and repeating something that is obviously false.
Dude, I'm not arguing with you lol. Did you even read my posts lol. I called out one guy about it and told him that it was debunked long time ago.

I don't know if you're reading people's post or misquoting someone else's.

I think you need glasses /jk
What is it with the bodybuilding community where every post must be attacked with a skeptic like it’s an atheist vs a religious debate, met with scorn, belittling, berating, insulting, and pure disrespect.
Oh so you're familiar with this sort of reaction to your posts "in the community"?

What's the saying... "If you run into an asshole in the morning, they're an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

Have you checked your E2 recently?
Because they have average user dosages.

Just trying to pin in 3 brackets.

Average users stack regiments
Pro athletes user stack regiments
Extreme cases user stack regiments

What do you not get if you don’t have anything either constructive or productive that you should keep your posts to your self? what is the point of posting is a question you should ask yourself.

I’m straight forward, it’s either a yes or no answer type of constructive reply. Instead you have to dance around the subject with trivial bullshit.
I wouldn't have said anything on this thread if you didn't start acting like a douche towards people who were going out of their way to help you. Whether you want to believe it or not, steroids have serious health risks especially when they aren't respected. You clearly don't respect them, that's why don't do bloodwork, and it's why you seem to think 2,500mg is just a light little cruise. Do what you want to do. Just don't be acting like a stunned bitch because people on a harm reduction site are trying to reduce your harm.